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Landscape Views on Missouri, Views of Indian
Villages, &c. &c.

The Landscapes above mentioned, I have seen, and
although it has been thirty years since I travelled over that
country, yet a considerable number of them I recognized as
faithful representalious, and the remainder of them are so
much in the peculiar character of that country as to seem
entirely familiar to me.

General Wm. Clark,
Superintendent of Indian Affairs.

The Landscape views on the Missouri. taken by my
friend Mr. Catlin, are correct delineations of the scenery
they profess to represent, as I am perfectly well acquainted
with the country, having passed though it more than a dozen
times. And further, I know that they were taken on the
spot, from nature, as I was present when Mr. Catlin visited
hat country.

John F. A. Sandford,
U. S. S. Indian Agent.

It gives me great pleasure to be able to pronounce the
"Landscape views" taken in the Upper Missouri, by Mr.
Catlin, to be correct delineations of the scenery they profess
to represent, and although I was not present when they
were taken in the field, I was able to identify almost every
one between St. Louis and the Grand Bend of the Missouri.

John L. Bean,
S. Agent of Indian Affairs.

I have seen Mr. Catlin's collection of Indian Portraits,
many of which were familiar to me, and painted in my presence,
at their villages. I have spent the greater part of my
life amongst the tribes and individuals he has represented,
and I do not hesitate to pronounce them correct likenesses,
and easily recognized; also his sketches of then manners
and customs. I think, are excellent; and the landscape
on the Missouri and Mississippi, are correct representations.

K. McKenzie,
Of the Am. Fur Company, Mouth of Yellow Stone.