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The Killing of the Monsters, Mescalero Apache Text

excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes

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"I am plucking out some fur.

"I am plucking out some fur.

"Nghaaí naahishndíísh. Shizháańne shaadaasdlí."

"I am plucking out some fur. My children are cold."
he said to him.

(8.41) Linguistic Notes

shaadaasdlí 'they are cold'. shaa- ? plus the 3rd person distrib. of -d-dlí 'to be cold' [si- perf. neut.]. Does shaa- mean 'because of me' and the whole phrase 'they are cold because of me' or, more freely, 'I have let them become cold'?