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Coyote and the Creation, Mescalero Apache Text

excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes

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"I know about all sorts of places. Therefore, I will get all sorts of things from people of many kinds. I am learning as I travel about. Therefore, do not follow me over there. Let me go about by myself. Do not speak of this to me again.

"I know about all sorts of places. Therefore, I will get all sorts of things from people of many kinds. I am learning as I travel about. Therefore, do not follow me over there. Let me go about by myself. Do not speak of this to me again.

"Nádaagóń'áͅ 'iyáada bégonsiͅ. 'Áí bíká, ndé 'ił'áńyágo 'át'éne góch'áͅshíͅ díík'ehí ła'dooshłííł. Nsiͅgo naashá. 'Áíyaada. Doo'ákaashkéé'daahahkáda. Bíniidáseen 'ákaa nanóoshdááł. Dooghát'égoshich'iͅiͅhanáánáͅdziida.

"I know about all sorts of places. Therefore, I will get all sorts of things from people of many kinds. I am learning as I travel about. Therefore, do not follow me over there. Let me go about by myself. Do not speak of this to me again.

(5.5) Linguistic Notes

1. nádaagóń'áͅ 'places'. - ?; daa- distrib.; go- place subject; ń'áͅ 'it lies' [ni- perf. neut. intr.].

2. doo'ákaashkéé'daahahkáda 'do not follow me over there'. doo-...-da negative; 'ákaa 'there'; -shkéé'-, bound form of shiké 'after me'; daahahká, 2nd person distrib. imp. of - 'several move' [act. intr.].

3. bínii- 'let it go' plus dáseen 'by myself' [?].