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Coyote and the Creation, Mescalero Apache Text

excerpted from Chiricahua Apache Texts, with Ethnological Notes

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"All kinds of people, all people, will repeatedly make use of you in some good way."

"All kinds of people, all people, will repeatedly make use of you in some good way."

"Díídíí ndé'igáał'aashé, díík'eh nndé, dáha'yá nzhóͅyá 'ánángał'iͅiͅłdaał."
biłch'idóóndiiná'a, Shóͅóͅdé.

"All kinds of people, all people, will repeatedly make use of you in some good way."
[the voice] said to Coyote[8].

Ethnological Note 8
The voice is addressing the plants just created through the medium of Coyote as explained in ethnological note 5 to this text above.