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The Jeffersonian cyclopedia;

a comprehensive collection of the views of Thomas Jefferson classified and arranged in alphabetical order under nine thousand titles relating to government, politics, law, education, political economy, finance, science, art, literature, religious freedom, morals, etc.;

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No man was more sensible
than myself of the just value of the
friendship of Great Britain. There are between
us so many of those circumstances
which naturally produce and cement kind dispositions,
that if they could have forgiven
our resistance to their usurpations, our connections
might have been durable, and have
insured duration to both our governments.
I wished, therefore, a cordial friendship with
them, and I spared no occasion of manifesting
this in our correspondence and intercourse
with them; not disguising, however,
my desire of friendship with their enemy
also. During the administration of Mr. Addington,
I thought I discovered some friendly
symptoms on the part of that government;
at least, we received some marks of respect
from the administration, and some of regret
at the wrongs we were suffering from
their country. So, also, during the short interval
of Mr. Fox's power. But every other
administration since our Revolution has been
equally wanton in their injuries and insults,
and have manifested equal hatred and aversion.—
To Thomas Law. Washington ed. v, 555. Ford ed., ix, 292.
(M. 1811)