5220. MILITIA, Officers.—[further continued].
The good of the service requires that the field officers at least be experienced
in the service. For this reason,
these will be provided for at the rendezvous.
I beg that this may not be considered by the
militia field officers [as arising] from want of
respect to them. We know and confide in
their zeal; but it cannot be disreputable to
them to be less knowing in the art of war
than those who have greater experience in it;
and being less knowing, I am quite sure the
spirit of patriotism, with which they are animated,
will lead them to wish that measure
to be adopted which will most promote the
public safety, however it may tend to keep
them from the post in which they would wish
to appear in defence of their country. [323]
To County Lieutenants.
Ford ed., ii, 398.