5048. MANUFACTURES, Virginia.—[continued].
For fine goods there are
numerous establishments at work in the large
cities, and many more daily growing up; and
of merinos we have some thousands, and
these multiplying fast. We consider a sheep
for every person as sufficient for their woollen
clothing, and this State and all to the north
have fully that, and those to the south and
west will soon be up to it. In other articles,
we are equally advanced, so that nothing is
more certain than that, come peace when it
will, we shall never again go to England for a
shilling where we have gone for a dollar's
worth. Instead of applying to her manufacturers
there, they must starve or come here
to be employed.—
To General Kosciusko. Washington ed. vi, 69.
Ford ed., ix, 363.
June. 1812)