University of Virginia Library

15. The Progressive Paradigm

The progressive paradigm is formed by a prefix ho-. The subject pronouns are the same as those of the conjunct imperfective paradigm.

Person  Chiricahua  Mescalero 
Sg. 1  hosh-  hosh- 
Sg. 2  hó-   hóͅ
Sg. 3  ho-  ho- 
Sg. 3a  ja-  ch'a- 
Place  ga-  ga- 
Indef.  'a-  'a- 
Du. 1  hoo[d]-  h oͅoͅ [d]- 
Du. 2  hah-  hah- 

The progressive paradigm functions primarily in the progressive mode of active and passive. Here it signifies action carried on while going along. Examples: hosh'ááł 'I am carrying a round object' ['ááł, progressive stem 'to handle a round object], hoghoł 'I am running' [- ghoł,prog. stem 'to run'], hozha 'he is hunting' [-zha, prog. stem 'to hunt'].