University of Virginia Library

Work Still Slow

The incoming March winds of 1821 unfortunately were not strong enough to stir much of an
increase in the activity at the building site. Jasper Myers' inconsequential delivery of a few
casks, a bundle of copper, and a half dozen shovels on 4 March for John Van Lew & Co.
preceded two other small shipments of nails, lead, and iron that the firm sent later in the
month by wagoners Henry Wall and George Cline.[441] John Pollock spent three days in
March "Hawling Stocks" to James Oldham, a chore he repeated in June and July.[442] In the
third week of March, at the university's request, D. W. & C. Warwick shipped a wagon
containing 25 boxes of tin by William Estes, who once at the university hired himself to
haul 660 feet of 1-inch plank to John Gorman.[443] And finally, at the end of the month
Edward Lowber shipped 28 boxes of window glass to Charlottesville, complaining at the
very time of shipment about the $450 he had to invest in it, "as well as all articles of
colours," on short credit.[444]


441. See John Van Lew & Co. to Brockenbrough, 28 February and 5 March, and Loose
Receipts, 13 and 19 March 1821, in ViU:PP.


442. John Pollock, Account, 16 March 1821 to 20 February 1822, ViU:PP.


443. See Warwick to Brockenbrough, 22 and 23 March, and Loose Receipt, 24 March 1821,
all in ViU:PP.


444. See Lowber to Brockenbrough, 29 March 1821, in ViU:PP.