University of Virginia Library

An other of the same more at large in prose.

Tancred king of Naples and Prince of Salerne, gaue his only daughter Gismund (whom he most dearely loued) in mariage to a foraine Prince, after whose death she returned home to her Father, who hauing felt great griefe of hir absence whilst her husband liued, immesurably esteeming her, determined neuer to suffer any second mariage to bereaue him of hir. She on the other side waxing wearie of that her fathers purpose, bent hir mind to the secret loue of the County Palurin: to whom (he being likewise inflamed with loue of her) by a Letter subtilly inclosed in a clouen cane, she gaue to vnderstand a conuenient waie for their desired meetings, through an old ruinous vaut, whose mouth opened directly vnder her chamber floore. Into this vaut when she was one day descended (for the conuaiance of hir louer) hir father in the meane season (whose only ioy was in his daughter) came to hir chamber, and not finding her there, supposing her to haue bin walked abroad for hir disport, he threw him downe on hir bed, and couered his head with a curtain, minding to abide and rest there till hir returne. She nothing suspecting this hir fathers vnseasonable comming, brought vp hir louer out of the cane into hir chamber, where hir father espied their secret loue: and hee (not espied of them) was vpon this sight striken with meruailous griefe; but either for that the sodaine despight had amazed him, & taken from him all vse of speech, or for that heresolued himself to a more cōueniēt reuenge, he then spake nothing, but noted their returne into the vaut, and secretly

departed. Afterward bewailing his mishap, he commanded the Earle to be attached, imprisoned, strangled, vnbowelled, and his heart in a cup of golde to be presented to his daughter: she thankefully receiueth the present, filling the cuppe (wherein the heart was) with her teares, with a venimcus potion (by her distilled for that purpose) shee dranke to her Earle. Which her father hearing of, came too late to comfort his dying daughter, who for her last request besought him, that her louer and her selfe, might in one tombe be together buried, for a perpetuall memorie of their faithfull loues, which request he graunted, adding to the buriall, himselfe slaine with his owne hands, to his owne reproch, and the terror of all other hard hearted fathers.