University of Virginia Library

Another to the same.

Gismond , that whilome liu'de her fathers ioy
And died his death, now dead, doth as she may
By vs praie you to pittie her annoy.
And to requite the same, doth humbly pray,
Heauens to forefend your loues from like decay.
The faithfull Earle doth also make request,
Wishing those worthie knights whom ye imbrace,
The constant truth that lodged in his breast.
His hartie loue, not his vnhappie case,
Befall to such as triumph in your grace.

The King praies pardon of his cruell hest,
And for amends, desires it may suffice,
That by his bloud he warneth all the rest
Of fond fathers, that they in kinder wise,
Intreat the Iewels where their comfort lies.
We, as their messengers, beseech yeal
On their behalfes, to pittie all their smarts,
And for our selues, (although the worth be small)
We praie ye, to accept our humble hearts
Auoud to serue with praier and with praise,
Your Honors, all vnworthie other waies.