University of Virginia Library

The Tragedie of Tancred and Gismund.

Argumentum Tragediæ.

Tancred the Prince of Salerne, ouerloues
His onely daughter (wonder of that age)
Gismund, who loues the Countie Palurin,
Guishard, who quites her likings with his loue:
A Letter in a cane, describes the meanes
Of their two meetings, in a secret caue.
Vnconstant fortune leadeth forth the king
To this vnhappie sight, wherewith in rage,
The gentle Earle he doometh to his death,
And greets his daughter with her louers hart.
Gismunda fils the goblet with her teares,
And drinkes a poison which she had distild,
Whereof she dies, whose deadly countenance
So grieues her Father, that he slew himselfe.