University of Virginia Library

Introductio in Actum secundum.

Before the second Act there was heard a sweete noice of stil pipes, which sounding, Lucrece entred, attended by a mayden of honor with a couered goddard of gold, and drawing the curtens, shee offreth vnto Gismunda to tast thereof: which when shee had done, the maid returned, and Lucrece rayseth vp Gismund from her bed, and then it followeth vt in Act. 2. Scen. 1.

Introductio in Actum tertium.

Before this Acte the Hobaies sounded a lofty Almain, and Cupid Vshereth after him, Guizard and Gismund hand in hand. Iulio and Lucrece, Renuchio and another maiden of honor. The measures trod, Gismunda geues a cane into Guiszards hand, and they are all ledde forrth again by Cupid, Et sequitur.

Introductio in Actum 4.

Before this Act there was heard a consort of sweet musick, which playing, Tancred commeth forth, & draweth Gismunds curtens, and lies down vpon her bed, then from vnder the stage ascendeth Guisz. & he helpeth vp Gismund, they amarously embrace, & depart. The king ariseth enraged, then mas heard & seen a storm of thunder & lightning, in which the furies rise vp, Et sequitur.

Introductio in Actum quintum.

Before this Act was a dead march plaid, during which entred on the stage Renuchio capten of the Guard, attended vpon by the guard, they tooke vp Guisz. from vnder the stage, then after Guiszard had kindly taken leaue of them all, a strangling cord was fastened about his neck, & he haled foorth by them. Renuchio bewayleth it, & then entring in, bringeth foorth a standing cup of gold, with a bloudy hart reeking whot in it, and then saith vt sequitur.