University of Virginia Library

‘Sothly,’ quod he, ‘I se ryht wel
Yt may avaylle neueradel
(ffor ouht that I kan espye,)
With yow to holden chaumpartye,
Or Argue al the longë day:
Yt ys best that I go my way.
Do what yow lyst, ffer or ner,
Your myght ys grete, and your power;
What-so ye lyst, ye may well don̄.’


‘And thus thys mayster ys a-gon,
And dydë ek hys bysy cure,
ffor to tellen to Nature
Off hys exployts and off hys sped.
And a-noon, as she took heed,
She gan to gruchen in hyr thouht;
But whan she sawh yt wayllede nouht,
Mor to maken résistence,
She suffrede al in pacïence.’