University of Virginia Library

Sapience argueth:

Thanne her-vp-on quod Sapience,
‘Yt behoueth in sentence,
That the fulfyllyng in substaunce
To the fulle haue suffysaunce;
Or ellys yt mot nedys be
That the wlgar auctoryte,
Wych for thy party thow hast leyd,
Prevyd by argument & seyd,
In al the world, thow toldest me,
Ther may no placë voydë be;
And yiff that woyde wer any thyng,
Yt sholde folwe, off thy seyyng,
That yt muste fulfylled be;


‘Or ellys off necessyte
Yt muste algatys voyde a-byde:
Thy sentence me lyst nat hyde.’