University of Virginia Library

Sapyence speketh:

‘Certys,’ quod she to hym ryht tho,
‘Thys bred I haue ymadd ryht so,
So sotyl ek, yt ys no doute,
But I ha not shewyd with-oute


‘The grete Tresour wych verrayly
Ys shet with-Innë secrëly,
Porë folkys for to fede,
Ay, whan they ther-off ha nede;
And specyally to hem that be
ffrendys vn-to charyte,
Wych in ther passage, nyht & day
Holden ay the ryhtë way.
Allë swych (yt ys no dred)
Shal be sustenyd with thys bred,
And haue ther ful repast with-Inne,
Swych as be nat infect with synne.
And Over-mor, (yiff thow take hed,)
Yiff the valu off thys bred
Were yshewyd al with-oute,
Men sholdë nat (yt ys no doute,)
Haue no maner hardynesse
ffor taproche, in sothfastnesse;
But rather, for verray feere,
Go, seke her bred ellys where,
To ther sustentacïoun.
‘But her ys no decepcyoun,
But curteisye & gret bounte,
Honour & lyberalyte;
ffor, to speke in wordys fewe,
But yiff I dyde with-outë shewe
A gretë thyng by ápparence,
The wychë, as in existence,
Were nat with-Inne, (who lyst se,)
But verray smal off quantyte,
Thou myyghtest than[ë] me repreve,
And by argumentys preve
Ageyn me (in conclusyoun)
A maner off decepcyoun,
And blamë me in many wyse.
‘And yet to the I shal devyse
Another Answere, wych to the
Shal suffyse, yiff thow lyst se.
I Holde yt no deceyt at al,
Thogh to the Eye it shewë smal,


‘And with-Inne be gret & large.
Wher-vp-on, her I the charge
That thow be-leue yt stedefastly,
And put no doute, but fermëly
Truste ay so, off herte & thouht;
And lokë thow denye yt nought,
But her-on feythfully abyde.
ffor yiff that I (on any syde)
Hadde yt mad in other wyse,
Than thow a-forn hast herd devyse,
I haddë, thorgh my neclygence,
Ther-in don ful gret offence.
‘But tel me now A-noon, I preye,
And sparë nat, platly to seye
As thow semest in thys matere,
Wych hast repreuyd me so here,
Off myche thyng, nat yore agon,
Trowest thow answere A-noon,
That nat a-cordeth with resoun.
A vessel, hows, or mansïoun
May be lasse (& her I gynne)
Than the thyng that ys with-Inne.
‘But ffyrst I axe, to voyde al stryff,
Sawh thow euere, in al thy lyff,
Off manhys herte the quantyte?
Answere A-geyn; tel on, lat se!’