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The Poems of James VI. of Scotland

Edited by James Craigie

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[The azur'd vaulte, the crystall circles bright]

The azur'd vaulte, the crystall circles bright,
The gleaming fyrie torches powdred there,
The changing round, the shyning beamie light,
The sad and bearded fyres, the monsters faire:
The prodiges appearing in the aire,
The rearding thunders, and the blustering winds,
The foules, in hew, in shape, in nature raire,
The prettie notes that wing'd musiciens finds:
In earth the sau'rie floures, the mettal'd minds,
The wholesome hearbes, the hautie pleasant trees,
The syluer streames, the beasts of sundrie kinds,
The bounded roares and fishes of the seas:
All these, for teaching man, the LORD did frame,
To do his will, whose glorie shines in thame.
I. R. S.