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Bibliography of Edwards Catalogues
- 1749 Nov 10 ff ("every Evening till all are Sold")
- Auction by Nathaniel Binns & William Edwards at The Cock Inn, Halifax, of Books on Divinity, History, Law, Physick, Antiquities, Voyages, Travels, and Miscellanies (advertisement in the Leeds Mercury, 7 Nov 1749).
- 1754 December 14
- Catalogue of the Library of the Rev. Mr. Nathaniel Makant sold by [?William] Edwards (advertisements in the Leeds Intelligencer, 26 Nov 1754, and York Courant 26 Nov 1754).
- 1755 October 11
- [?William] Edwards auction (advertisements in the Leeds Intelligencer, 16 Sept 1755 ff., and York Courant, 7 Oct 1755).
- 1757 October 30
- [?William] Edwards auction (advertisements in the Leeds Intelligencer, 5 Oct 1756, and York Courant, 26 Oct 1756).
- 1757 October 22
- William Edwards auction (advertisement in the Leeds Intelligencer, 18 Oct 1757).
- 1759 October 27 ff
- William Edwards "Catalogue of Choice and valuable Books which will be sold by Auction at The Old Cock, in Halifax, on Saturday the 27th of October 1759 at Five o'clock in the Evening and to Continue every Evening (Sundays excepted) till all are sold" (advertisement in the Union Journal or Halifax Advertiser, 16 Oct 1759, p. 4).
- 1760 March 22
- Edwards auction Catalogue "of very scarce and valuable Old Books in Divinity, part of several libraries lately purchased" to be sold at The Old Cock (advertisement in the Union Journal or Halifax Advertiser, 11 March 1766, p. 3).
- James Edwards's Catalogue (Jan 1785)
- TITLE: James Edwards's Catalogue of Books, containing above Thirty-Thousand Volumes, amongst which are many curious MSS. and a Collection of the scarcest and most valuable Articles on various Subjects, which will begin to be sold (for ready money) January 1785. Catalogues to be had of Edwards and Sons, Halifax; Messrs. Paynes, Mews Gate; Mr. Johnson, St. Paul's Church-yard, and J. Edwards, no. 102 Pall Mall, London. Also of the Booksellers at York, Leeds, Wakefield, Manchester, and Rochdale.
COPY SEEN: None. Advertisements for it as above,
announced as "Just Published",
211appeared in the Leeds Mercury for 4 Jan 1785, and similar ones were placed in the Leeds Intelligencer and the Manchester Mercury of the same date.[53]
- A Catalogue of . . . Ancient and Modern Books (May 1787)
- TITLE-PAGE: A | CATALOGUE | OF A | SELECT AND VALUABLE | COLLECTION | OF | ANCIENT and MODERN BOOKS, | IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES. | CONTAINING | A considerable Number of very rare and curious Articles in | the finest Condition. | ALSO, | An extensive Assortment of the best Modern Books in the most | elegant Bindings. | Including the libraries of the late J. MAINWARING,[54] M.D. an eminent CIVILIAN, | and a celebrated COLLECTOR, deceased. | AMONG OTHERS EQUALLY CURIOUS ARE, |[55] Caxton's Game of Chesse, | Caxton's Chaucer. | Caxton's Cato. | Caxton's Alain Chartier. | Caxton's Catherine of Senes. | Caxton's Bull of Pope Innocent for the Marriage of Henry VII. and Eliza-|beth of York. | Several by Wynken de Worde, | Pynson, Maclinia, and other | early Printers. Books printed on Vellum. | Books printed at Strawberry-Hill | Sir William Dugdale's Works. | Most of the scarce English Topographical | Histories. | Early English Poetry. | Chronicles, by Froissart, Higden, Hollinshed, Hall, Grafton, Fabian, &c. | Romans de Chevalrie de la Table | ronde | Illuminated Missals and MSS. | MSS. on English History and Antiqui-|ties. | Buffon's Birds, coloured, 5 vol. Mo-|rocco.|[55] Hill's Vegetable System, coloured. 26 | vol. | Merian's Surinam Insects, coloured. | Knorr's Shells, coloured. | Martyn's Shells, painted. | Lister's Shells, orig: edit. large paper. | Hamilton's Sicilies, Coloured, | 3 vol. | --- Etruscan Vases, coloured, | 4 vol. | Antiquities of Herculaneum, 7 vol. | Voyages Pittoresques de la Grèce, de | Naples, de France, de Sicile, de | Suisse, &c. 18 vol. | Houbraken's Heads, large paper. | Perrauld Hommes Illustres, lar. pap. | Vandyke's Heads. | Claude's Drawings, Proofs. | Pilastres of the Vatican, COLOURED. Cielings of the Vatican, COLOURED. Oeuvres de Buffon, 33 vol. complete. | --- de Voltaire, 30 vol. | --- de Rousseau, 30 vol. | Tasso, 3 vol: 4to. par Didot. | Which will begin to be sold, for Ready Money, at the Prices | fixed in the Catalogue, and marked in the first Leaf of each | Book, in May 1787, at | EDWARDS's, N°. 102, Pall-Mall. | *** The full Value given for any Library or Parcel of Books. | CATALOGUES to be had of Mr. Johnson, No. 172, St. | Paul's Church-Yard, and at the Place of Sale; also at Ed-|wards's, Halifax.
- COLLATION: Octavo: [a]1 A-R4 S2
- CONTENTS: Title-page (p. [i]); index (p. [ii]); A CATALOGUE, &c. (pp. [1]-141 [i.e., 140]).
- PLATE: None.
- COPY SEEN: Cambridge University Library.
- NOTES: The lots are numbered 1-3,255, with some extra entries with duplicate numbers and asterisks; the list is not alphabetical. In the catalogue itself, there is no indication of which books belonged to J. Mainwaring and which to "A Celebrated Collector", etc.
- Bibliotheca Pinelliana (1789)
| LIBRARY | OF | MAFFEI PINELLI, | Late of Venice:
Comprehending an unparalleled Collecton of the Greek, | Roman and
With many of the Earliest Editions printed upon Vellum, | and finely
illuminated; | A curious Greek and considerable Number of
Latin Manuscripts, | of the XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV and
212XVI. Centuries; | And the completest Specimen hitherto known to exist, of an Instrument | written upon the Ancient Egyptian Papyrus, A.D. 572. | The whole LIBRARY is in singularly fine Preservation, | And will be SOLD by AUCTION, | On Monday March 2, 1789, and the Twenty-two following Days [2-7, 9-14, 16-21, 23-28 March], | (Sundays excepted); The Sale afterwards to re-commence on | Monday, April 20, and continue the following Thirty-six [i.e., 37] Days [20-25, 27-30 April, 1-2, 4-9, 11-16, 18-23, 25-30 May, 1-2 June], | (Sundays excepted), | At the Great Room, opposite the CHAPEL, | In CONDUIT STREET, HANOVER SQUARE, | LONDON: | To begin each Day at Twelve o'Clock. | [Pointing finger:] To be viewed Ten Days preceding the Sale. | [rule] | Catalogues to be had of Mess. ROBSON and CLARKE, Booksellers | New Bond Street; Mr. EDWARDS, Bookseller, Pall Mall; and | of the principal Booksellers throughout europe.
- COLLATION: Octavo: [a]4 b-c4 d2 B-YY4 ZZ1
- CONTENTS: Half-title (p. [i]); title-page (p. [iii]); Conditions of Sale (p. [v]); To the Public (pp. [vii]-viii); Morelli Praefatio (pp. ix-xviii); Tabula Sectionis (pp. xix-xxii); Ordo Venditionis 2 March to 2 June (pp. xxiii-xxviii); Catalogue (pp. 1-538).
- PLATE: None.
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley (2, one Large Paper with prices), Huntington "Priced June 1800 from Mr Evans's Copy of Pall Mall per me W C[oombes] Jun.r"
- NOTES: An advertisement for the sale in ?January 1789 from the Morning Herald is in the Victoria & Albert scrapbook of Presscuttings, Vol. I, p. 345. There were Large Paper copies at 10s.6d., and the appendix was free, according to the advertisements in the Victoria & Albert volume of Press-cuttings (Vol. I, pp. 512, 590; see also pp. 343, 347, 513). The Catalogue was reviewed in the Analytical Review, II (Oct 1788), 243, and in the Gentleman's Magazine, LIX (Jan 1789), 69-71. According to T. H. Horne, An Introduction to the Study of Bibliography (1814), II, 722, "The produce of the auction was £9,356, which little more than reimbursed those public-spirited gentlemen [Robson & Edwards] the expenses they had incurred"; prices are given in Dr [Edward] Harwood, View of Various Editions of the Greek and Roman Classics, 4th Edition, to which is Added a View of the Price of the Early Editions of the Classics at the Late Sale of the Pinellian Library (1790), and in the Gentleman's Magazine, LIX, ii (1789), 934. The Catalogue continued to be of interest to collectors even after the sale, and a priced Large Paper copy was offered in Edwards's 1794 Catalogue, No. 3,976, for £1.11.6.
- Edwards's Catalogue (1789)
- TITLE-PAGE: A | CATALOGUE | OF | A Select Collection of Ancient and Modern Books, | IN EVERY BRANCH OF PLEASING AND USEFUL SCIENCE; | AND IN VARIOUS LANGUAGES; | Capital books of drawings; Magnificent books of prints; and | PRINTS from the ANTIQUE, beautifully coloured. | The whole are in fine Condition, and many of them in the most elegant and splendid | Bindings. | AMONGST OTHERS EQUALLY VALUABLE ARE | . . . [95 different titles, authors, and categories listed] | They will be sold during the Year 1789, | At Edwards's, NO. 102, Pall-Mall, London: | ⁂ The full Value for Libraries or Parcels of Books | --- Books exchanged, | and Libraries valued. | [double rule] | Catalogues may be had at the Place of Sale; at Mr. Johnson's No. 72, | St. Paul's Church Yard; and at Messrs. Edwards's, Halifax.
- COLLATION: Octavo: [A]2 B-Cc4 Dd1
- CONTENTS: Title-page (p. [i]); Index (p. [iii]); Edwards's Catalogue, &c. (pp. [1]-189); Supplement (pp. [190]-202).
- PLATE: None.
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley, British Library.
- Catalogue of Imperial Gold Coins (1790)
EACH, | On MONDAY the 8th of March, 1790, | AT | Mr. Edwards's,
No. 102 Pall Mall. | [double rule] | To be Viewed on
213Thursday the Fourth of March, and the two following Days, | at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon. | [rule] | 1790.
- COLLATION: Folio: [a]1 A2 C-F2 [G]1
- CONTENTS: Title-page (p. [i]); note (p. [ii]); Catalogue (pp. [1]-22).
- PLATE: None.
- COPY SEEN: British Library.
- Bibliotheca Pinelliana Appendix (1790)
- TITLE-PAGE: BIBLIOTHECA PINELLIANA. | [rule] | APPENDIX. | [rule] | [Pointing finger:] The Public are respectfully acquainted that the Sale of | the pinelli Library, comprehending the Italian, French, and | English, will recommence on Monday, February 2 [corrected by hand to 1], 1790, and, | with this Appendix, will continue the Thirty-one following | Days (Sundays excepted) without Interruption [1-6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-27 Feb, 1-6, 8-9 March].
- PLATE: None.
- COPY SEEN: Huntington.
- Bibliotheca Paitoniana (1790-91)
- TITLE-PAGE: BIBLIOTHECA PAITONIANA: | [rule] | A | CATALOGUE | Of the truly-valuable and justly-celebrated | LIBRARY | OF THE LATE EMINENT | Sig. JO. BAPT. PAITONI, M.D. | Late of the City of Venice, | [black letter] Deceased: | Comprehending a copious and extraordinary fine Collection of BOOKS, | in almost every Branch of Science and Polite Literature; | MORE PARTICULARLY IN | HISTORY and ANTIQUITIES; | GEOGRAPHY, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS; | PHILOSOPHY, MEDICINE and NATURAL HISTORY; | GREEK and ROMAN CLASSICS and PHILOLOGY; | ITALIAN POETRY and BELLES LETTRES; | The whole in the highest preservation: | Which is divided into Two Parts; | And will be sold by Auction, | At the Great Room, opposite the Chapel, in Conduit | Street, Hanover Square, | [PART I.] | On Monday, November 22, 1790, and TWENTY following Days; | [PART II.] | On monday, January 24, 1791, and the Twenty-one following | Days; | To begin precisely at Twelve o'Clock. | To be viewed on Monday, November 15, and to the Time of Sale. | Catalogues, Price Two Shillings and Sixpence, may be had of Mr. Robson, Bookseller, | New Bond-Street; Mr. Edwards, Bookseller, Pall-Mall, and at the Place of Sale.
- COLLATION: Octavo: A4 b4 B-Oo4 Pp2; last leaf blank
- CONTENTS: Title-page (p. [i]); Conditions of Sale, signed by James Robson (p. [ii]); Preface (pp. [iii]-viii); The Order and Contents of Each Day's Sale (pp. [ix]-xvi); Bibliotheca Paitoniana (pp. [1]-289).
- PLATE: None.
- COPY SEEN: Bodley; there are also copies in the British Library, Gottingen (with a leaf pasted in announcing the sale in Italian), Harvard, Newberry, U.S. National Library of Medicine, and Yale.
- NOTE: There is no significant division between the two Parts in the Catalogue, Part II beginning on the same page (142) on which Part I ends. There are 9,754 lots in all.
- Edwards's Catalogue (1790)
CATALOGUE | OF | A Select Collection of Ancient
ANTIQUE; | Including the choicest Part of the Libraries of
Monsignor Salichetti of Rome, late | Physician to the Pope; of Cav. Zanetti
of Venice; and an Assortment of the | rarest and most esteemed Articles
collected in various Parts of Europe. | . . . [Lists 84 different titles,
authors, and categories] | The Whole are in fine Condition, and many of
them in elegant Bindings. | They are now on Sale, 1790, |
the Prices printed in the Catalogue [sic], and marked in the
Leaf of every Book) | At EDWARDS's, No. 102, Pallmall, London. | ***
The full Value for Libraries.-Books exchanged . . . and Libraries
214valued. | [double rule] | Catalogues at the Place of Sale; Mr. Johnson's, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-yard, | and at Messrs. EDWARDS'S, Halifax.
- COLLATION: Octavo: [a]1 A-Gg4 Hh4 (— one leaf)
- CONTENTS: Title-page (p. [i]); Index (p. [ii]); Edwards's Catalogue, &c. (pp. [1]-245); [list of eight] Books published by Edwards, No. 102, Pall-Mall (p. [246]).
- PLATE: None.
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley (2); there is also a copy in the British Library.
- NOTE: The 6,844 lots are organized by size and, within size, by subject but only roughly alphabetically within subjects. According to Adam Clarke, "Mr. Edwards Catalogues of 1790 and 1794, contain (especially the former) an account of many valuable and curious works executed in the infancy of printing; such indeed as are seldom offered to the public on a sale catalogue" (The Bibliographical Miscellany [1806], II, 87, echoed by T.H. Horne, An Introduction to the Study of Bibliography [1814], II, 737).
- Bibliotheca Elegantissima, Parisina (1790)
- TITLE-PAGE: BIBLIOTHECA | ELEGANTISSIMA, PARISINA. | CATALOGUE | De livres choisis, provenants du cabinet d'un | amateur très distingué par son bon goût. et l'ar-|deur qu'il a eu de rassembler ce qu'il a trouvé | de plus beau, de plus rare et de plus curieux; | auxquels on a aussi joint un choix de la col-|lection d'un autre amateur. | IL CONTIENT | Beaucoup de premières éditions des auteurs classi-|ques; livres magnifiquement imprimés sur velin | avec des peintures; livres manuscrits avec de super-|bes miniatures; livres d'histoire naturelle colo-|riés et avec dessins originaux; et livres de la plus | grande rareté dans différentes | classes de littératu-|res: le tout d'une conservation parfaite et relié | avec un luxe extraordinaire. | La vente se sera à Londres, au plus offrant, le lundi 28 mars 1791, | et les 5 jours suivants | [rule] | A LONDRES, | chez Edwards, libraire n°. 102, Pall Mall. | A PARIS, | chez Laurent, libraire, rue de la Harpe, n°. 18 | [double rule] | 1790.
- COLLATION: Octavo: [a]2 A-M8 N1
- CONTENTS: Title-page (p. [i]); anon., Avis au Public (pp. [iii-iv]); Catalogue des Livres de la Bibliotheque de M. P*** [Paris] (pp. [1]-171, including a Supplement on pp. 170-171); Table des Auteurs (pp. 172-192); Errata (pp. [193-194]).
- PLATE: None.
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley (2, one with prices and buyers), Huntington (with most buyers); there is a copy also in Leeds.
- Bibliotheca Parisiana (1790)
- TITLE-PAGE: BIBLIOTHECA PARISIANA. | A | CATALOGUE | OF | A COLLECTION OF BOOKS, | FORMED BY | A GENTLEMAN IN FRANCE, | Not less conspicuous for his Taste in distinguishing, than for | his | Zeal in acquiring, whatever, of this Kind, was most | perfect, curious, or scarce. | IT INCLUDES | MANY FIRST EDITIONS OF THE CLASSICKS; | BOOKS MAGNIFICENTLY PRINTED ON VELLUM, WITH | ILLUMINATED PAINTINGS; | MANUSCRIPTS ON VELLUM, EMBELLISHED WITH RICH | MINIATURES; | BOOKS OF NATURAL HISTORY, WITH THE SUBJECTS | COLOURED IN THE BEST MANNER, OR WITH | THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS; | AND | BOOKS OF THE GREATEST SPLENDOUR AND RARENESS IN | THE DIFFERENT CLASSES OF LITERATURE. | To these are added, from another Grand Collection, | selected Articles of high Value. | The Whole are in the finest Condition, and in Bindings | superlatively rich. | THEY WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, | IN LONDON, | On MONDAY the 26th of March, 1791, | And the FIVE DAYS following [i.e., 26-31 March], | To be viewed the Week preceding. | Catalogues to be had of Mr. Edwards, No. 102, Pall Mall, | London; of Mr. LAURENT, Rue de la Harp, Paris; and of the | principal Booksellers throughout Europe [1790].
CANCEL TITLE-PAGE: This Day is published,
215BY | A GENTLEMAN IN FRANCE, | Not less conspicuous for his Taste in distinguishing, than for | his Zeal in acquiring, whatever, of this Kind, was most | perfect, curious, or scarce. | IT INCLUDES | MANY FIRST EDITIONS OF THE CLASSICKS; | BOOKS MAGNIFICENTLY PRINTED ON VELLUM, WITH | ILLUMINATED PAINTINGS; | MANUSCRIPTS ON VELLUM, EMBELLISHED WITH RICH | MINIATURES; | BOOKS OF NATURAL HISTORY, WITH THE SUBJECTS | COLOURED IN THE BEST MANNER, OR WITH | THE ORIGINAL DRAWINGS; | AND | BOOKS OF THE GREATEST SPLENDOUR AND RARENESS IN | THE DIFFERENT CLASSES OF LITERATURE. | To these are added, from another Grand Collection, | selected Articles of high Value. | The Whole are in the finest Condition, and in Bindings | superlatively rich. | THEY WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, | At the Great Room, opposite the Chapel, in Conduit | Street, Hanover Square, | On Monday the 28th of March, 1791, | And the FIVE following DAYS. | The Sale will begin each Day precisely at Twelve o'clock. | To be viewed the Week preceding, from Ten to Four. | CATALOGUES to be had of Messrs Edwards, No. 102, Pall Mall; | of Mr. Robson, New Bond Street; and at the Place of Sale [?1791].[56]
- COLLATION: Octavo: [A]4 B-L8 M2; measurement untrimmed 12.8 x 19.6 cm.
- CONTENTS: Half-title (p. [i]); title-page (p. [iii]); J. Edwards, Preface (pp. [v]-viii); Catalogue of the Library of Mr. P**** [Paris] (pp. [1]-146, including a Supplement on pp. 145-146); Index (pp. 147-164); Colophon: From the Press of H. Cooper, N°. 31, Bow Street, Covent Garden (p. 164).
- PLATE: None.
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley, GEB, Huntington; there are also copies in the British Library, Bibliothèque Nationale (Paris), California (Los Angeles), Cambridge, Grolier Club, Harvard, Leeds, New York Public Library (with prices and buyers and a printed amount of sale bound in), Victoria & Albert Museum, and Yale (with prices and buyers).
- NOTES: The French catalogue has lots numbered 1-630, plus 2 bis-lots, and 1-5 of Supplement; the English catalogue, with a different preface, has lots numbered 1-630 (mostly identical in substance), plus 25 bis-lots, and 631-636 of Supplement. The Bibliotheca Parisiana was reviewed with praise for Edwards in the Analytical Review, VIII (Nov 1790), 341-343. According to T.H. Horne (Introduction [1814], II, 716): "The English catalogue was executed by Mr. Edwards, of Pall-Mall . . . it is beautifully printed on fine vellum paper, and is, perhaps, more valuable as a book of reference than the French catalogue, as many of the articles are described more in detail, and some exceedingly rare and curious works are noticed for the first time. A few copies of the French catalogue were struck off on vellum paper, and one copy on quarto; some copies have double prices, of valuation and sale; these are both rare and dear". The average price was £14 per "article".
- Library of Signor Santorio (1791)
- TITLE: The Library of Signor Santorio intended to be sold at Paris on 12-14 May 1791 by [James] Edwards and [James] Robson.
- COPY SEEN: None; the information above derives from notes by W. A. Jackson in his copy (now in Harvard) of the British Museum List of Catalogues of English Book Sales (1915), p. 94, and summarized in Munby and Coral, British Book Sale Catalogues (1977), p. 90.
- NOTE: Some of the books in this sale had been described in the Edwards and Robson Bibliotheca Parisiana of 28 March-2 April 1791 (q.v.), but they did not arrive in London in time to be sold then.
- J. Edwards Catalogue (1794)
- TITLE-PAGE: A | CATALOGUE | OF A VERY | SELECT COLLECTION OF BOOKS | IN ALL LANGUAGES, AND EVERY BRANCH OF LITERATURE: | CONTAINING | A great number of Articles altogether unique, purchased from a | very celebrated Cabinet on the Continent, and collected from | various parts of Europe; in the highest Condition, and most | elegant Bindings; | AMONGST THEM ARE | . . . [80 different titles, authors, and categories] | now on sale | (the Prices printed in the Catalogue, and marked in the first leaf of every Book) | At J. EDWARDS's, No. 78, Pall-mall, London. | M,DCC,XCIV [1794].
- COLLATION: Octavo: [A]1 B-Rr4 Ss1 Tt4; title-page and gathering Ss apparently printed together, on wove paper (the rest is on laid paper).
- CONTENTS: Title-page (p. [i]); Index (p. [ii]); Edwards's Catalogue (pp. 1-314); [list of 12] BOOKS lately published by J. EDWARDS, No. 78, Pall Mall (pp. [315-318]); [list of 8] BOOKS lately imported by J. EDWARDS (pp. [318-320]); [a book which] Speedily will be Published by J. EDWARDS (p. [321]).
- PLATE: None.
- COPY SEEN: Bodley; there are also copies in the British Library, Chicago, the Grolier Club, Huntington, and Yale (Wilmarth Lewis-Walpole Library).
- NOTE: There are 6,964 lots organized by size, then by subject, and then roughly by alphabet.
- Bibliotheca Woottoniana (1795)
- TITLE: BIBLIOTHECA WOOTTONIANA. | The very valuable, curious, and elegant Library of William Wootton, Esq. of Brooke-street, Grosvenor-square; and also that of a Nobleman, of Conduit-street, both lately deceased: comprehending all the best English County Histories, Chronicles, Antiquities, Hearne's Pieces, large paper; together with the best editions of the Greek and Roman Classicks, Books of Prints, Natural History, &c. &c. all in the best and finest condition, and many upon large paper, in Russia and Morocco Bindings. [Which will be Sold by Auction] At the Great Room, in Conduit-street, Hanover-square, opposite the Chapel, (now the Turf Gallery) This Day, Feb. 24th, and the four following days, (Sunday and the Fast-day excepted) [24 Feb-2 March 1795] beginning each day at 12 o'clock. To be viewed till the Sale. Catalogues, price 6d. may be had, and also at Mr. Robson's, New Bond-street; Mr. Payne, Mews Gate; Mr. White, Fleet-street; and Mr. Edwards, Pall Mall. N.B. This Collection is supposed equal in value (for the quantity) to any ever offered to public Sale.
- COPY SEEN: None; the title above is transcribed from an advertisement (pasted in the Victoria & Albert volume of Press-cuttings 1686-1835, Vol. III, f. 746, dated in MS "22 Feby 1795"), with the place and date of sale ("At the Great Room . . . 12 o'clock") transposed from beneath the title in the advertisement.
- J. Edwards Catalogue (1796)
- TITLE-PAGE: A | CATALOGUE of BOOKS, | IN ALL LANGUAGES, AND IN EVERY BRANCH OF LITERATURE, | COLLECTED FROM VARIOUS PARTS OF EUROPE. | CONTAINING, | . . . [73 authors, titles, and categories] | NOW ON SALE | At J. EDWARDS's, No. 77, Pall Mall, London. | The Prices are printed in the Catalogues, and marked in the first | Leaf of each Book. | MDCCXCVI [1796].
- COLLATION: Octavo: [A]1 B-Ss4
CONTENTS: Title-page (p. [i]); Index (p. [ii]);
Edwards's Catalogue (pp. [1]-300); Appendix (pp. 301-316); Books lately
or Speedily to be published by J. Edwards (pp. [317-320]).
The Huntington and British Library copies have at the end two leaves,
perhaps once integral, listing nine Books lately published by J.
Edwards, No. 78, Pall-Mall (pp. [317-320]) and two
books which Speedingly will be published by J. Edwards (p.
[320]); Bodley and another British Library copy have the same two integral
leaves on laid paper plus six more (pp. [321-332] on wove paper =
[Tt]4 [Uu]2) listing
217twenty-four Books lately published (pp. [321-328]), eleven Books lately imported by J. Edwards (pp. [328-330]), and a book which Speedily will be published (p. [331]). These six leaves apparently constitute a supplement to the 1796 Catalogue.
- PLATE: None—but No. 1, the Gutenberg Bible, cites "No. I in the plate of specimens", of which I have no further information.
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley, Huntington; there are also copies in the British Library, Cambridge, Folger, and Michigan State.
- NOTE: The lots numbered 1-7,743 (plus some intercalated) are organized by size, subject, and, roughly, by alphabet.
- Leigh & Sotheby Catalogue [of James Edwards] (1799)
- TITLE: Leigh & Sotheby Catalogue of a Valuable Collection of [128] Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, Consigned [by James Edwards] from abroad; Containing Rare Specimens of the Early German Printers; In the finest Preservation, and in the original Monastic Bindings, 15 June 1799.
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley (some prices and buyers) and British Library (prices and buyers).
- NOTE: Francis Douce annotated his copy (now in Bodley), after "FROM ABROAD", with "From a monastery at Bamberg". The sale realized £156.5.0.
- Christie Catalogue [of James Edwards] (1804)
- TITLE-PAGE: A | CATALOGUE | OF | A MOST SPLENDID AND VALUABLE | COLLECTION OF BOOKS, | SUPERB MISSALS, | ORIGINAL DRAWINGS, &c., | THE GENUINE PROPERTY OF | A GENTLEMAN OF DISTINGUISHED TASTE [James Edwards] | RETIRING INTO THE COUNTRY; | WITH | SOME FINE ARTICLES OF VERTU; | A BEAUTIFUL BUST OF SHAKESPEARE | BY ROUBILLAC, | from the Chandos Painting; | AND A SUPERB GENUINE STATUE OF | JOHN CHURCHILL, DUKE OF MARLBOROUGH, | Late the Property of the Beaulieu Family. | Which | WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, | BY MR. CHRISTIE, | At the Great Room, (late the Royal Academy,) 118, PALL MALL, | ON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25, AND THREE FOLLOWING | DAYS, AT TWELVE O'CLOCK. | [rule] | May be viewed Two Days preceding the Sale, when | Catalogues may be had at the Rainbow Coffee House, and in Pall Mall. | [Price One Shilling.]
- COPIES SEEN: Christie's (with prices and buyers) and Huntington (prices).
- R. H. Evans Catalogue of James Edwards (1815)
- TITLE-PAGE: A | CATALOGUE | OF | THE VALUABLE LIBRARY | OF | JAMES EDWARDS, ESQ. | CONTAINING | A SPLENDID ASSEMBLAGE OF EARLY PRINTED BOOKS, | CHIEFLY UPON VELLUM. | HIGHLY CURIOUS AND IMPORTANT MANUSCRIPTS, | MANY OF THEM EXECUTED FOR SOVEREIGN PRINCES. | MAGNIFICENT BOOKS OF PRINTS, | And various important Articles in every Department of Literature | and Science; | INCLUDING | . . . [12 MSS and books] | ALSO HIS COLLECTION OF FINE GREEK VASES. | WHICH WILL BE | SOLD BY AUCTION, | On WEDNESDAY April 5, 1815, and Five following Days | (Sunday excepted [i.e., 5-8, 10-11 April]). | BY R. H. EVANS, | AT HIS HOUSE, No. 26, PALL-MALL, | [rule] | Printed by W. Bulmer and Co. Cleveland-row, St. James's. | 1815.
- COPIES: Bodley (6, at least two with prices and buyers, one on Large Paper), British Library (2 copies), Glasgow (with prices and buyers), Halifax Public Library, Harvard, Huntington (with prices and buyers), Library of Congress, Michigan (prices and buyers), Pierpont Morgan Library, New South Wales, New York Public Library (2, one with prices and buyers), Princeton, Victoria & Albert Museum, and Yale.
- NOTE: A printed duodecimo leaf with "MSS. in Edwards's Sale 1815 / with the Purchasers Names" is in Bodley (Arch AA c 21 (19)) and the Yale Center for British Art (+ Z232 M5 Case 1 No. 18).
- Christie Catalogue of J[ames] Edwards (1820)
- TITLE: Christie catalogue of Original Miniatures of the Stuart Family, the Property of J[ames] Edwards Esq. Dec. . . . [and of two others], 15 July 1820.
- COPIES: British Museum (Department of Prints and Drawings) and Christie's.
- NOTE: No. 69-94 were miniatures which had belonged to James Edwards.
- Christie sale of Captain J.H. Edwards-Heathcote (1928)
- TITLE: On 13 June 1928 Christie's sold miscellaneous furniture and objets d'art of the late Captain J. H. Edwards-Heathcote.
- NOTE: No. 45-47 were miniatures which passed by inheritance to Captain J. H. Edwards-Heathcote, the great grandson of James Edwards.


- Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Books (1812)
- TITLES: Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Books (Halifax: Thomas Edwards, April 1812).
- COPY SEEN: None.
- NOTE: With the Hanson Papers in Bodley is a letter of 6 April 1812 from Thomas Edwards in Halifax to John B. Nichols in London enclosing "a Catalogue of Books I offer for Sale, the Catalogue of Prints Drawings & Pictures will be out the next Week. . . . Sale does not begin till May 1.st—if you can with propriety insert it with literary information in body of Mag.e next Month I shall be obliged . . . it will be advertiz'd in Literary Gazette & various London News Papers &c &c". However, I have found neither these catalogues nor references to them in the April, May, and June issues of the Gentleman's Magazine which John Bowyer Nichols edited.
- Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Prints (1812)
- TITLE: Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Prints, Drawings, and Pictures (Halifax: Thomas Edwards, May 1812)
- COPY SEEN: None.
- NOTE: See above.
- Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Law, Jurisprudence, and Medicine (1815)
- COPY SEEN: Bodley.
- NOTE: Law works are No. 1-516 (pp. 1-14); medicine, without separate titlepage, are No. 1-918 (pp. 1-20).
- Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Books Part I (1815)
- TITLE-PAGE: PART I. | [rule] | A | CATALOGUE | OF A VERY VALUABLE AND SELECT | Collection of Books, | IN MOST LANGUAGES, | AND EVERY BRANCH OF LITERATURE; | Containing many Unique and Splendid Articles, collected from various | Parts of Europe, generally in good Condition, | and many in elegant Bindings. | . . . | [black letter] Now on Sale (for Ready Money only) | The Prices printed in the Catalogue and marked in the first Leaf of every Book | At THO.s EDWARDS's, Bookseller, | HALIFAX. | PRICE 3s. | M.DCCC.XV [1815]. | [rule] | ⁂ The Second Part of this Catalogue will very shortly be published, containing all | the rarest Articles from the Cabinet of an eminent Collector in early French Poetry, Mys-|teres, Books of Emblems, early printed Books, MSS. in Vellum, &c.
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley (2) and Halifax Public Library; there is also a copy in Cambridge.
- Thomas Edwards Catalogue of Books Part II (1816)
- TITLE-PAGE: PART II. | [rule] BEING THE | Appendix and Supplement | TO | THOMAS EDWARDS's | [black letter] Catalogue, | HALIFAX; | Containing all the rarest Articles from the Cabinet of an | eminent Collector; | CONSISTING OF | EARLY FRENCH POETRY, | MYSTERES, BOOKS OF EMBLEMS, EARLY PRINTED BOOKS, | MISSALS ON VELLUM WITH MINIATURES, | AND OTHER FINE ARTICLES; | TOGETHER WITH | The Mathematics, Arts and Sciences | LAW AND MEDICAL BOOKS: | [black letter] Now on Sale (for Ready Money only) | The Prices printed in the Catalogue and marked in the first Leaf of every Book | M.DCCC.XVI [1816]. | [rule] | PRINTED BY P. K. HOLDEN, HALL-END, HALIFAX. | [rule] | Price Two Shillings.
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley (2); there is also a copy in Cambridge.
- NOTE: The works are continuously numbered and paginated from Part I. At the end is a leaf listing works "lately published by Thomas Edwards of Halifax" and "January, 1816, in the Press, and speedily will be published" by him.
- Saunders Catalogue [of Thomas Edwards] (1818)
- TITLE-PAGE: A | CATALOGUE | OF A VERY EXTENSIVE AND VALUABLE | MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTION | OF | BOOKS | FROM THE NORTH OF ENGLAND; | COMPREHENDING | . . . | Forming as a whole, one of the most rich and splendid Collections | ever submitted to the Public, being in the finest Condition, and | nearly all bound, with unusual Taste and Splendour, in Etruscan | and variegated Calf, Vellum, Russia, Morocco, &c. &c. | WHICH | WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, | BY | MR. SAUNDERS, | At his Great Room, (Poets' Gallery) No. 39, Fleet Street, | On Monday March 30, 1818, | AND FIFTEEN FOLLOWING DAYS, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) | At Half-past Twelve o'clock precisely. | To be viewed four Days preceding and Mornings of Sale; and | Catalogues had (Price Three Shillings each.) | [double rule] | Bensley and Sons, Bolt Court, Fleet Street, London.
- COPY SEEN: Harvard.
- NOTE: The origin of the collection from "THE NORTH OF ENGLAND" and the bindings of "unusual Taste and Splendour", many in Etruscan calf, point to Thomas Edwards, who is identified in manuscript ("Edwards of Halifax") on the title-page of the copy sent to the booksellers "Messrs Arch" (now in Harvard). The 2,232 lots include numerous Edwards publications.
- Thomas Edwards's Catalogue (1821)
- TITLE: EDWARDS'S CATALOGUE. | [rule] | Superb Books of Prints, Atlasses, Books printed on Vellum | with Miniatures, and other Superlatively fine Articles. | R. Sagden, Printer, Hall-End, Halifax [for Thomas Edwards] | at No. 2. Old Market, Halifax, 1821. N.B. In the only copy traced, the titlepage is missing; the title above is constructed from the heading on p. 1 (which may apply only to the first section), the printer's colophon on p. 120, and the inscription by the owner Professor Walter M. Edwards, on the flyleaf.
- COLLATION: Octavo: [?a]2 [A]4 B-P4 A-D4
- CONTENTS: [?half-title]; [title-page]; catalogue, divided into Folio Books of Prints &c., Folio, Quarto, Octavo, Duodecimo Et Infra, Magazines and Odd Volumes (pp. [1]-119]); advertisements for Whitaker's Craven (1811) and Whalley [1818] "Lately published by Thomas Edwards of Halifax", plus colophon (p. [120]; Drawings (pp. [1]-4) and Prints (pp. 6-31).
- PLATE: None.
- COPY SEEN: Bodley. N.B. The work is quite uncommon, and a thirty-year search discovered only this defective copy.
NOTES: There are 2,013 lots of books, 117 of
drawings, and 784 of prints. The books are mostly fairly recent, forty-seven
of them published by the Edwardses, though No. 75 is the Second
Shakespeare Folio at £12.12.0. One hundred and thirty-five
220lots are "sumptuously", "splendidly", "superbly", "richly", or merely "elegantly" bound. Thirty-four are in the Edwards's Etruscan calf (most of them "elegant"), and twenty-four have Edwards fore-edge paintings mostly with Etruscan calf bindings, five on James Edwards publications, and fourteen of the fore-edges have the subjects identified, but there is no reference to Edwards painted vellum bindings, though seven lots are bound in vellum. The most notable lot (No. 3) is William Blake's "unequalled" and "masterly designs" in illustration of Young's Night Thoughts, which "occupied nearly two years" of his time; they are "sumptuously bound in red morocco" and were offered at £300 but found no buyer either at that price or at the £50 for which they were offered in 1826 and 1828.
- Thomas Winstanley Catalogue of Books of Thomas Edwards (1826)
- TITLE-PAGE: | CATALOGUE | OF THE VERY | VALUABLE, EXTENSIVE AND GENUINE | Collection of Books, | (SELECTED FROM THE STOCK IN TRADE) | OF | Mr. THOMAS EDWARDS, Bookseller, of Halifax, | (WHO IS RETIRING FROM BUSINESS) | COMPRISING | THE BEST WORKS IN DIVINITY, POETRY, AND THE | BELLES LETTRES; | THE BEST EDITIONS OF THE MOST ESTEEMED WORKS IN | HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY, TOPOGRAPHY, ANTIQUITIES, VOYAGES | AND TRAVELS, | Enriched with very choice and early Impressions of the Plates; many costly and | highly beautiful Works (English and Foreign) in | NATURAL HISTORY AND BOTANY, | Accurately and Beautifully Coloured from Nature: | ENCYCLOPAEDIAS; | Superb Copies of the Galleries, and other Works Illustrative of Art, | recently published in this Country, many of them early Subscription | Copies, and selected with great attention to the Embellishments; also, | several splendid works richly illustrated with Plates; some fine | BOOKS OF PRINTS | AND A FEW ILLUMINATED MISSALS, | (Both printed and Manuscript) of great interest and Beauty, | WHICH WILL BE | SOLD BY AUCTION, | By Messrs. THOMAS WINSTANLEY & Co. | AT THE EXCHANGE ROOMS, MANCHESTER, | On Monday the 1st of May next, AND [9] FOLLOWING DAYS (SATURDAY AND SUNDAY EXCEPTED.) | . . . | [rule] | HALIFAX: | PRINTED BY N. WHITLEY, | FOR THOMAS EDWARDS, BOOKSELLER. | [rule] | MDCCCXXVI [1826].
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley, Glasgow, Harvard, Michigan.
- NOTE: According to a note in the Glasgow University Library copy, the catalogue was made by W. Ford of Manchester; the auction was a failure; and the remainder of the books was placed on private sale. The 1,465 lots include many publications of James, Richard, and Thomas Edwards.
- Winstanley & Co. Catalogue of Prints of Thomas Edwards (1826)
PROPERTY OF | Mr. THOMAS EDWARDS, Bookseller, Halifax, |
Death of Lord Chatham, after Copley, by Bartollozzi,
fine proof; | THE DEATH OF WOLFE, BY
"Right Honourable," were prefixed to the Name of
Grosvenor; and | THE CARTOONS OF
BY HOLLOWAY; | Both the Etchings and finished
Impressions. | [rule] | THE DRAWINGS | Are principally
modern, but many of them extremely fine,
by Riddall, Smith, (Italian) West,
| and
others; but more especially, a Set of Six large Italian Drawings after the
ANTIQUE, most | exquisitely coloured, "equal to Miniature Paintings," by
Cam. Buti of Rome, who expressly | executed them for
Mr. Beckford, of Fonthill,
221and was paid Two Hundred Guineas for them: they contain, also, several in Natural History and Botany, by the celebrated Miss Stone, | Harris, Bolton, of Halifax, Lewin, &c. very finely executed. | THE PAINTINGS ARE FEW, BUT GOOD AND MISCELLANEOUS: | WHICH WILL BE SOLD | By Messrs. Thomas WINSTANLEY & Co. | AT THE EXCHANGE ROOMS, MANCHESTER, | On Monday, the 15th, and Tuesday, the 16th of May, 1826, | At 11 o'clock each Day precisely. | [rule] | The whole may be viewed on Friday the 12th, and Saturday, the 13th of | May 1826. | [rule] | Catalogues may now be had, price one shilling each, of Messrs. WINSTANLEY AND | SONS, Auctioneers, Pater-noster-Row, London; Messrs. THO. WINSTANLEY & SON, | Liverpool; Messrs. THO. WINSTANLEY & Co. St. Anne's Street, Manchester; | Messrs. A. CONSTABLE & Co. Edinburgh; Mr. THO. EDWARDS, Halifax; and of | the principal Booksellers in the Neighbouring Towns. | [rule] | HALIFAX; PRINTED BY N. WHITLEY. | [rule] | MDCCCXXVI [1826].
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley (3), Glasgow University Library, Manchester Public Library.
- Stewart, Wheatley, & Adlard Catalogue of Books of Thomas Edwards (1828)
- TITLE-PAGE: A | CATALOGUE | OF THE | SPLENDID AND VALUABLE COLLECTION | OF | BOOKS, MANUSCRIPTS, and MISSALS, | THE PROPERTY OF | THOMAS EDWARDS, Esq. | (Late of Halifax, Yorkshire.) | COMPRISING | One of the most magnificent Assemblages of Missals, Illuminated Manuscripts, | and Illustrated Books, ever offered for public Sale; among them may be noticed, | . . . | . . . Together with | the best Works in English and Classical Literature of all Classes, many on Large | Paper. The greater Part are bound in Morocco, Russia and Etruscan | bindings by Lewis, Hering, and other eminent Binders in their style | WHICH WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, | BY MESSRS. | [double rule] | [black letter] Stewart, Wheatley, & Adlard, | [double rule] | AT THEIR GREAT ROOM, 191, PICCADILLY, | On THURSDAY, MAY 15th, 1828, and eight following days, (Sunday excepted,) | At Twelve o'Clock.
- COPIES SEEN: Bodley (3, one on lavender paper with prices and buyers, evidently Thomas Edwards's own copy), British Library (with prices and buyers), and Victoria & Albert Museum.
- NOTE: The total realized was £4,640.6.6. On the last page is a notice of Stewart, Wheatley & Adlard's "IMMEDIATE SALE . . . [of] THE FINE COLLECTION OF PICTURES, DRAWINGS, AND CHOICE ENGRAVINGS, THE PROPERTY OF THOMAS EDWARDS, Esq.", but I have no further information about the sale.
- Southgate & Son Catalogue of John Bowden and Thomas Edwards (1835)
- TITLE: Southgate & Son sold the libraries of the late John Bowden and of Thomas Edwards on 9-16 March 1835.
- NOTE: The lots are not distinguished as to owner.

- Mr Edwards of Great St Helens, Bishopsgate, London, conducted occasional one-day auctions at Tom's Coffee-House, Cornhill, at least from 1798 through 1800. The catalogues are trifling affairs, four to seven pages long with about a hundred lots of paintings, jewelry, books, wine, olives, &c., described with wonderful vagueness. No Christian name of the auctioneer is ever vouchsafed in the catalogues and advertisements I have seen. There is no reason to suppose that this Mr Edwards is related to the Edwards family of Halifax; his sales are listed here merely to distinguish them from those of the relevant Edwardses.
- 1798 July 12
- Pictures from the Seat in Surrey of a Person of Distinction.
- 1799 July 18
- Pictures of John Farrow, of Upper Brooke-Street, Deceased.
- 1799 October 11
- Paintings, Bronzes, &c., of a Gentleman Going to India, removed from his Dwelling-House at Richmond Green.
- 1799 October 17
- Books and Mathematical and Musical Instruments of the same Gentleman.
- 1800 January 17
- Paintings, Wine [and Olives] of William Finch, sold by Mess. Edwards & Wilson, On the Premises, Little Saint Helens, Bishopsgate.
- 1800 April 18
- Paintings from a Dwelling-House, near Grosvenor-Square.
- 1800 April 25
- Books and Musical and Mathematical Instruments from the same House.
- 1800 June 27
- Library, Pictures, Musical Instruments, Plate, Jewels, &c., of a Merchant, Removed from Gower Street.
- 1800 October 4
- Paintings from the Dwelling-House, near Grosvenor Square.
- 1800 October 10
- Library, Musical Instruments, Air Pump, Jewels, &c., from the same House.

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