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p. 337 secretary-treasurer, ] Secretary-Treasurer,
p. 340 Maugham by ] Maugham, by
p. 340 States by ] States, by
p. 340 Virginia by ] Virginia, by
p. 340 Checklist by ] Checklist, by
p. 340 Ben Jonson's Tragedies by ] Ben Jonson's Tragedies, by
p. 340 John Webster's Tragedies by ] John Webster's Tragedies, by
p. 340 Thomas Heywood's Tragedies by ] Thomas Heywood's Tragedies, by
p. 340 Library by ] Library, by
p. 340 Roethke by ] Roethke, by
p. 341 Printing and the Book in Fifteenth-Century England; A Bibliographical Survey ] Printing and the Book in Fifteenth-Century England: A Bibliographical Survey
Notes on Contributors
D. F. McKenzie's investigations of printers' records include Stationers' Company Apprentices; Cambridge University Press, 1696-1712; and A Ledger of Charles Ackers. He teaches at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, where he founded and manages the Wai-te-ata Press.
G. Thomas Tanselle, Professor of English in the University of Wisconsin, is currently working on a bibliography of Herman Melville. His interests in the history of modern bibliography have led him to suggest several new methods of description.
Philip Gaskell, Librarian of Trinity College, Cambridge, is writing a bibliographical manual.
Trevor Howard-Hill has been working since 1958 on Ralph Crane, the early seventeenth-century scribe, and the First Folio. The Oxford Old-Spelling Concordances, which he has edited for the Clarendon Press are the first by-products of this work.
Standish Henning teaches methods of editing Elizabethan dramatic texts at the University of Wisconsin.
Patricia Hernlund is collaborating on a catalogue of Strahan's ledgers, making information available in an author-title form. She is Associate Professor of English at Wayne State University.
Richard D. Altick is currently working on some aspects of nineteenth-century English literature and social history. The University of Chicago Press recently issued Browning's Roman Murder Story: A Reading of "Ring and the Book", a collaboration of Professor Altick and James F. Loucks.
George Walton Williams, Professor of English at Duke University, is editor of Crashaw's poems for the Doubleday-Anchor Seventeenth Century Series.
Curt Bühler is now a Research Fellow of the Morgan Library and will be a Visiting Fellow at All Souls College, Oxford, in 1969.
J. A. Lavin of the University of British Columbia has edited a number of Elizabethan plays, and he is continuing a study of ornament stocks.

David M. Bergeron, Associate Professor of English at Louisiana State University in New Orleans, is an ACLS fellow this year studying English Renaissance civic pageantry.
Robert Adams Day of Queens College, New York, following his study of epistolary fiction, is preparing the section on "Minor Fiction and Translations, 1660-1800" for the forthcoming revised edition of the CBEL.
Lee H. Potter is an associate professor of English at Wake Forest University where he teaches the modern novel and is chairman of the departmental honors program. He has long been interested in the editing of Swift.
Jack Stillinger, Professor of English at the University of Illinois, has recently completed articles on Keats's Poems of 1817, "Isabella," and "The Eve of Saint Mark," and a collection of critical essays on the odes.
Robert A. Greenberg is completing a critical study of Swinburne's poetry. He teaches at Queens College, New York, and edits the Victorian Newsletter.
John C. Guilds, Professor and Head of the English Department at the University of South Carolina, is general editor of the Centennial Edition of Simms's works to be published by the University of South Carolina Press.
Fredson Bowers is Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at the University of Virginia. He continues his work on the editions of Hawthorne, Crane, Marlowe, and Beaumont and Fletcher.
Matthew J. Bruccoli of Ohio State University continues his original investigations into modern printing and publishing.
Joseph Katz, Associate Professor of English at Kent State University, is preparing a descriptive bibliography of Crane for the Pittsburgh Series in Bibliography.
Philip Herring, Assistant Professor of English at the University of Virginia, is a Mellon Fellow at the University of Pittsburgh this year. He is currently editing the notesheets of Ulysses.
Paul Baender of the University of Iowa has recently completed an edition of Mark Twain's religious and philosophical writings.
Derek A. Clarke is Librarian of the British Library of Political and Economic Science at the London School of Economics.
Howell J. Heaney is Bibliographer in the Rare Book Department of the Free Library of Philadelphia.

President, Linton R. Massey, "Kinloch," Keswick, Virginia
Vice President, Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., 530 Cabell Hall, University of Virginia
Editor, Fredson Bowers, 530 Cabell Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
Associate Editor, L. A. Beaurline, 530 Cabell Hall, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia
Secretary-Treasurer, Ray W. Frantz, Jr., University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia
Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Kendon Stubbs, University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for the British Isles, Mrs. Douglas Wyllie, Lylestone House, Cardross, Dunbartonshire, Scotland
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Chile, Dr. Ricardo Donoso, President, Sociedad de Bibliófilos Chilenos, Archivo Nacional, Santiago, Chile
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Finland, Dr. Jorma Vallinkoski, University Library, Helsinki, Finland
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for France, Mr. Henri A. Talon, Faculté des Lettres, 36 rue Chabot-Charny, Dijon (Côte d'Or), France
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Germany, Dr. Richard Mummendey, Meckenheimer Allee 117, Bonn, Germany
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for the Netherlands, Dr. Johan Gerritsen, Troelstralaan 97, Groningen, Netherlands
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Venezuela, Dr. Pedro Grases, Avenida Mohedano No. 9, La Castellana, Caracas, Venezuela
Hon. Secretary-Treasurer for Sweden, Mr. Rolf du Rietz, Roslagsgatan 4, Uppsala 3, Sweden
I. B. Cauthen, Jr. (1969)
Joseph M. Carrière (1972)
Fredson Bowers (1970)
Anne Henry Ehrenpreis (1973)
Linton R. Massey (1971)
Arthur F. Stocker (1974)
Eleanor Shea (1975)
Chalmers L. Gemmill
Atcheson L. Hench
The Papers, under the title of Studies in Bibliography, are issued annually by the Society, in addition to various bibliographical pamphlets and monographs, and a news sheet.
Membership in the Society is solicited according to the following categories:
Subscribing Members at $10.00 a year receive Studies in Bibliography and other bibliographical material issued without charge by the Society. Institutions as well as private persons are accepted in this class of membership. Life memberships in this category are accepted, for individuals only, at $150.
Contributing Members at $25 a year receive all publications, and by their contributions assist in furthering the work of the Society. Institutions are accepted.
Articles and notes are invited by the editor. Preferably these should conform to the recommendations of the Modern Language Association of America Style Sheet. The Society will consider the publication of bibliographical monographs for separate issue.
All matters pertaining to business affairs, including applications for membership, should be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer, Ray W. Frantz, Jr., University of Virginia Library, Charlottesville, Virginia, 22903. Enquiries concerning foreign memberships may be sent to the foreign secretaries.

B. C. Bloomfield, London, England
Lester J. Cappon, Williamsburg, Virginia
Linton R. Massey, Keswick, Virginia
Francis O. Mattson, Boston, Massachusetts
Victor G. F. Reynolds, Charlottesville, Virginia
William P. Barlow, Jr., Oakland, California
Ingle Barr, Pacific Palisades, California
C. Waller Barrett, New York City
Robert J. Barry, Jr., New Haven, Connecticut
Robert Beare, New York City
Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah
Curt F. Bühler, New York City
Herbert Cahoon, New York City
University of California Library, Santa Barbara, California
University Library, Cambridge, England
Irby B. Cauthen, Jr., Charlottesville, Virginia
Mrs. Louis Henry Cohn, New York City
Logan O. Cowgill, Washington, D.C.
Jack Dalton, New York City
Reginald Dunaway, University City, Missouri
Emory University, Emory University, Georgia
C. W. Fairweather, Jr., Metuchen, New Jersey
Eleanor Fletcher, Charlottesville, Virginia
Pierce W. Gaines, Fairfield, Connecticut
Robert Horace Garbee, Lynchburg, Virginia
Kenneth S. Giniger, New York, New York
Adrian Homer Goldstone, Mill Valley, California
Grolier Club, New York City
George L. Harding, Berkeley, California
Richard B. Harwell, Brunswick, Maine
University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii
Walter L. Heilbronner, Courtland, New York
Edward G. Howard, Baltimore, Maryland
Alfred H. Howell, Bronx, New York
Hunter Hughes, Washington, D.C.
Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana
University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
Loyola University of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California
John E. Manahan, Scottsville, Virginia
Marquette University Library, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Melvin M. McCosh, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Marion Michael, Auburn, Alabama
Davis W. Moore, Denver, Colorado
Howard S. Mott, Sheffield, Massachusetts
J. V. Nelson, Ballwin, Missouri
University of North Carolina, Greensboro, North Carolina
William B. O'Neal, Charlottesville, Virginia

The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York City
Rice University, Houston, Texas
Saint Louis University, Saint Louis, Missouri
Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, Pennsylvania
Charles R. Sanders, Halifax, Virginia
Otto Schaefer, Schweinfurt, Germany
Seven Gables Bookshop, New York City
S. R. Shapiro, New York City
Eleanor Shea, Charlottesville, Virginia
Douglas H. Shepard, Fredonia, New York
Richard Shoemaker, New Brunswick, New Jersey
Rollo G. Silver, Boston, Massachusetts
Arthur B. Spingarn, New York City
Arthur F. Stocker, Charlottesville, Virginia
Robert A. Tibbetts, West Lafayette, Indiana
Willis Van Devanter, Upperville, Virginia
Christian F. Verbeke, North Salem, New Hampshire
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan
William W. Weaver, West Chester, Pennsylvania
Miss Julia Wightman, New York City
Williams College, Williamstown, Massachusetts
Richard S. Wormser, Bethel, Connecticut
William Paul Wreden, Atherton, California
William Henry Flayhart, III
William Benjamin Jones
honorable mention
Cynthia McMillan
A business meeting of the Society was held on April 12, 1968, at the University of Virginia Library.

Studies in Bibliography, Volume XXI, edited by Fredson Bowers. Sent to Contributing, Subscribing, and Student members. Additional copies available to members at $10.00. Available to non-members at $15.00.
Jose Eusebio Caro, Bibliografia, by Simon Aljur-Chalela. Available to members at $1.60. Available to non-members at $2.00.
Notebook, by Stephen Crane. Edited by Donald and Ellen Greiner. Available to members at $6.00. Available to nonmembers at $7.50.
Edgar Allan Poe: A Checklist of Criticism 1942-1960, by J. Lasley Dameron. Available to members at $1.60. Available to nonmembers at $2.00.
Matthew Arnold's Letters: A Descriptive Checklist, by Arthur Kyle Davis, Jr. Available to members at $12.00. Available to nonmembers at $15.00.
Valentine Simmes: Printer to Drayton, Shakespeare, Chapman, Greene, Dekker, Middleton, Daniel, Jonson, Marlowe, Marston, Heywood, and other Elizabethans, by W. Craig Ferguson. Prices to be announced.
An Index to Henry James's Prefaces to the New York Edition, by Rosemary F. Franklin. Available to members at 80 cents. Available to nonmembers at $1.00.
Poems, by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Edited by Richard Peck. Available to members at $6.00. Available to nonmembers at $7.50.
A French Bibliography of W. Somerset Maugham, by William H. Henry, Jr. Available to members at $1.60. Available to nonmembers at $2.00.
The Library of James Monroe (1758-1831), 5th President (1816-1824) or the United States, by Gordon W. Jones. Available to members at $1.20. Available to nonmembers at $1.50.
William Faulkner, "Man Working," 1919-1962: A Catalogue of the William Faulkner Collections at the University of Virginia, compiled by Linton R. Massey. Available to members at $20.00. Available to nonmembers at $25.00.
English Prose Fiction, 1600-1700: A Chronological Checklist, by Charles C. Mish. Hard cover, new combined listing. Available to members at $4.00. Available to nonmembers at$5.00.
Ernst Toller and His Critics: A Bibliography, by John M. Spalek. Prices to be announced.
Index to the Figurative Language of Ben Jonson's Tragedies, by Louis Charles Stagg. Available to members at $1.20. Available to nonmembers at $1.50.
An Index to the Figurative Language of John Webster's Tragedies, by Louis Charles Stagg. Available to members at $1.20. Available to nonmembers at $1.50.
An Index to the Figurative Language of Thomas Heywood's Tragedies, by Louis Charles Stagg. Available to members at $1.20. Available to nonmembers at $1.50.
Ellen Glasgow's Library, by Carrington Tutwiler. Available to members at 80 cents. Available to nonmembers at $1.00.
Notes on Theodore Roethke, by Ursula Genung Walker. Available to members at $1.20. Available to nonmembers at $1.50.
Secretary's News Sheet No. 53. Available to all members.

(All publications now in print are available from the University Press of Virginia, and a twenty per cent discount will be given to orders from members who identify themselves. Former publications of the Society not listed here are out of print. Those wishing a complete list of them should see the annual lists in successive volumes of Studies.)
Studies in Bibliography, edited by Fredson Bowers. Volumes 1-21. $15.00.
The Muses Mourn, a Checklist of Verse Occasioned by the Death of Charles II, by John Alden. $4.00.
W. S. Gilbert Anniversary Survey and Exhibition Checklist, by Reginald Allen. $5.00.
A Checklist of Virginia Almanacs, 1732-1850, by James A. Bear, Jr., and Mary Caperton Bear. $7.50.
William Faulkner's Library: A Catalogue, by Joseph Blotner. $5.00.
Index of Printers, Publishers, and Booksellers Indicated by Charles Evans in his American Bibliography, by Roger P. Bristol. $7.50.
George Abbot, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1562-1633: A Bibliography, by Richard A. Christophers. $6.00.
Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the Seventeenth Century, edited by G. Blakemore Evans. Vol. III: Parts i and ii (The Comedy of Errors; A Midsummer Night's Dream). $15.00. Vol. IV: The Smock Alley Hamlet. $17.50.
Heads Across the Sea: An Album of Eighteenth Century English Literary Portraits in America, by Frances Sharf Fink, $10.00.
Emerson's Library, by Walter Harding. $10.00.
Selective Check Lists of Bibliographical Scholarship, 1949-1955, edited by Howell Heaney and Rudolf Hirsch. $10.00.
Selective Check Lists of Bibliographical Scholarship Series B, 1956-1962, edited by Howell Heaney and Rudolf Hirsch. $10.00.
Printing and the Book in Fifteenth-Century England: A Bibliographical Survey, by Walter L. Heilbronner. $7.00.
A Bibliography of the Works of Fiske Kimball, by Mary Kane. $3.50.
Borrowings from the Bristol Library, 1773-1784: A Unique Record of Reading Vogues, by Paul Kaufman. $5.00.
Ellen Glasgow: A Bibliography, by William W. Kelly. $8.50.
A Checklist of Verse by David Garrick, by Mary E. Knapp. $5.00.
Stationers' Company Apprentices, 1605-1640, by D. F. McKenzie. $8.00.
Index of Printers, Publishers and Booksellers in Donald Wing's Short-Title Catalogue, 1641-1700, by Paul G. Morrison. $20.00.
The American Printer, 1787-1825, by Rollo G. Silver. $7.50.
Typefounding in America, 1787-1825, by Rollo G. Silver. $7.50
A Carto-Bibliographical Study of "The English Pilot the Fourth Book," With Special Reference to the Charts of Virginia, by Coolie Verner, $5.00.

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