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The more substantial matters discussed in the preceding section — workmen's output, edition sizes, and the relationship between composition and presswork under conditions of concurrent production — must now serve as a prelude to notes on a number of bibliographical procedures that imply quite different productive conditions. If the evidence of part II withstands challenge, it must I think be held to falsify several current hypotheses. It is not easy to summarize these but the ones I have in mind relate particularly to compositors' measures, cast-off copy, skeleton formes, proof-correction and press figures.
If one assumes that a compositor usually worked on only one book at a time he would have had no need to alter the measure to which he had set his composing stick. Changes in line measurement within any one book might therefore be taken to indicate an abnormal interruption, after which the stick was reset to a slightly different measure, or

One of the more delicate exercises in advanced analytical bibliography is tracing the pattern of skeleton formes as evidenced by running titles in order to determine the order of presswork and, it might be claimed, the number of presses used. This pattern may be related by a time scale to another showing compositorial stints, or it may of itself be taken to imply a certain number of compositors at work on the book. The relationship indicated between composition and presswork may then be employed as an analytical tool in determining such things

The pioneer study in the use of headlines, as in much else, was written by Professor Bowers over thirty years ago.[34] The association of sets of headlines with skeleton formes is now so well evidenced that it may be taken for granted, and, as Professor Bowers has also remarked, "the basic principles of the printer's use of headlines did not differ markedly in any period when books were printed by hand."[35] Where a single skeleton was used for both formes of a sheet,
The phrase 'the press was idle' is perhaps misleading since under conditions of concurrent printing the press would not be 'idle' at all but employed on another book. It has however had considerable repercussions and a great many bibliographical arguments have been constructed on the assumption that this inferred idleness could not have been the norm and must have been avoided in order to secure a balanced relationship of composition and presswork. So Professor Turner: "In order to effect the minimum press delay, the formes . . . would have had to go through the press in the following order . . .".[36] ". . . in one-skeleton work the press was forced to stand idle . . .".[37]

Professor Hinman, however, extended the argument by pointing out that if a book were printed in a very small edition, printing would be so well ahead of setting that a second skeleton would be of little use.

Yet another application was indicated by Professor Hinman when he noted that skeleton formes "have an intimate connection with various possible methods of stop-press correction" ("New Uses for Headlines," p. 222). Applying this principle in a re-examination of the proofing of Lear, Professor Bowers wrote:
The temporal relationship between composition and presswork here assumed is however capable of many permutations. One might start with evidence of presswork and seek signs of, or infer, compensating adjustments in composition; alternatively, one might begin with some knowledge of the speed of composition and then try to trace evidence of presswork to match. In the first case the evidence of presswork

Do they, for example, indicate one press or two? Professor Bowers long ago remarked that "the evidence of running-titles to determine the number of presses is often dubious in the extreme and its application hazardous."[46] And Greg expressed some doubt about the equation of skeleton formes with presses.[47] Yet such equations have been made. Professor Price, writing of Your Five Gallants, claimed that "in 1607 [Eld] had at least two presses, as the running-titles . . . show." And again, writing of Michaelmas Term, "the series of running-titles seem to imply that at least four presses worked on the book."[48] Professor Bowers: "Since regularly alternating two-skeleton formes produce maximum efficiency for one-press work, the staggered appearance of three skeletons . . . suggests the use of two presses." On this assumption, it becomes possible to observe a "mathematical regularity of transfer between the presses according to a fixed and efficient system"; hence "the three-skeleton pattern . . . is proof of two-press printing" (my italics).[49] And again: "The analysis of running titles reveals that two presses printed Q2 [Hamlet]," each press being served by a different compositor.[50] It is not surprising then to find others writing of "a normal pattern for two-compositor work in which each man serves a different press."[51] And writing of The Revenger's Tragedy, Professor Price noted that the four skeletons present suggest two presses, adding that elsewhere "Eld's pressmen clearly revealed their use of two presses by printing on different stocks of paper."[52]

The attractive simplicity of Professor Bowers' initial proposition about skeleton formes is no longer easy to discern. Nevertheless it has been repeatedly put to use in order to determine also the number of compositors engaged on a book. In an article on the printing of Romeo and Juliet Q2, for example, we are told that "variant compositorial characteristics suggest the presence of two compositors" and are assured that "the mechanical evidence of presswork corroborates that suggestion" (my italics). The quarto was printed from two skeletons recurring in regular sequence. The writers continue: "This evidence from running titles can be explained only with great difficulty as accompanying the work of one compositor; but a reasonable explanation may be offered by resorting to the hypothesis of a second press, and thus of a second compositor" (my italics).[53] Earlier, Professor Bowers had remarked that "printing by two presses must necessarily require the services of two compositors" ("Bibliographical Evidence," p. 166 n. 13). Again that a "general alternation involving the use of four skeleton formes is inexplicable for printing with one press; yet if we hypothesize two presses it follows that there must have been more than one compositor."[54] In another case, where only one skeleton-forme was used, "the running-title pattern indicates no second workman."[55] Professor Turner has written: "One skeleton ordinarily means one compositor; two may mean two setting simultaneously . . .".[56] But the clearest example of skeleton formes in relation to composition is offered by Hamlet Q2, in which "compositor X served one press and

There would appear to be enough flexibility in the principle to allow its reverse application, for, as in the case of Romeo and Juliet, two skeletons may become two presses if there is some slight evidence of two compositors (and hence "corroborate" the suggestion that there are two compositors). But since compositors have left no skeletons they are less easy to detect than headlines, and there are therefore fewer cases of presswork conditions being inferred from the prior evidence of composition.
By now I hope I have, at the very least, made clear by selection and juxtaposition the multiple and often confusingly diverse general statements inferred from the number and order of skeleton formes,[57] and laid bare the fundamental assumptions about desirable ratios between compositors and press-crews. It simply remains to ask how reliable such analyses would turn out to be if tested by analogy (a fair enough procedure, since their authors imply extended application by analogy).
Two Cambridge books may serve: Beaumont's Psyche (1702), a folio in fours, and Newton's Principia (1713), a quarto (Cambridge University Press, I, 126-7, 219-21). To take Psyche first, and in particular the quires 2E-2Z which can be related to full work-flow charts,[58] we may observe that the edition was 750; that only one compositor worked on it at a time (Bertram set 2E-2F, 2K-2Q½, 2T½-2Z; Crownfield 2G-2I, 2Q½-2T½); that four skeleton formes were in regular use; and that setting and printing of these 19 quires, or 38 sheets, took about 20 weeks in all (from mid September 1701 to 31 Jan. 1702). All I wish to establish now is the futility of attempting to infer any direct

Newton's Principia is a little easier to deal with since it is a quarto, and although there are four skeletons in all, only two of these were in use at any one time. The first printed most outer formes in sheets C-2P, the second most inner formes; in 2Q-2V their roles were reversed. New skeletons were constructed for 2X, one printing all inner formes to 3P, the other all outer formes. Under these very straightforward conditions, we might normally infer one of the following:
(a) There was a single compositor, but the press was evidently lagging behind composition; therefore two skeletons were used to save imposition time. We might also infer a fairly large edition.
(b) The edition was probably small and presswork regularly ahead of composition — especially since the text was in Latin and cuts had to be accommodated within it; but nothing would be gained by the use of two skeletons under such conditions unless, say, two compositors were at work.
(c) The reversal of skeletons at 2Q is probably insignificant, but a serious interruption undoubtedly occurred after the printing of 2V when the first two skeletons were broken up.
I trust that this example is thought to be no worse for its approximations than most such arguments, but it seems to me to point up once more the nature of our guiding assumptions about skeleton formes and the relationship of composition to presswork. In doing so it also indicates the likely error in our general statements on these matters since their claim to represent the truth can be falsified by contradictory case-studies. If, as for many books, there were no external evidence to control speculation, any of the explanations given above, suitably

I have not examined the skeleton formes in Bowyer books, but the fact that the sheets in them were often printed at one press and perfected at another must render very complex indeed any analysis seeking to relate compositors, formes and presses — even with the help of press figures. It cannot be assumed that other and earlier presses did not do likewise (without the figures); it is just that we happen to know for certain in some cases what the Bowyers did.
I wish now to broaden the argument a little by adverting to the Shakespeare First Folio and by offering yet another case-study. When Professor Hinman writes:

Now if roughly comparable books show quite different conditions of production, the above hypothesis about timing and the deduction from it about edition size will be weakened. More, its proven inability to predict the other possibilities will severely limit its standing as a statement of general application.
Volume I of the 1705 Cambridge-printed edition of the Greek lexicon Suidas is perhaps a book that is "roughly comparable" (The Cambridge University Press, I, 224-33). It is a folio in fours, with some 954 pages, about 8,500 ens per forme set double column in English Greek and English Latin with Long Primer footnotes; being started by 1 Nov. 1701 and finished by 4 Sep. 1703, it took some 22 months to print: the edition size was 1500 (150 large-paper copies, 1350 smallpaper); it was set throughout by two compositors working simultaneously on each forme; 166½ sheets were printed at full press and 72 at half press. The Shakespeare volume is a folio in sixes, contains just under 900 pages, has about 10,600 ens per forme set double column in Pica English; according to Professor Hinman's table it took about 18½ months to print but if we add the 2½ months given as the possible length of an interruption, the total would be 21 months; and Professor Hinman suggests an edition of about 1200 on the assumption that two compositors and one press were working on it more or less continuously. It would be foolish to think of these two books as being any

When we discover, however, that throughout exactly the same period as the one in which the first volume of Suidas was being printed the identical one-and-a-half presses that printed it also served three to four other compositors, two of them often working simultaneously, to print another 1500 copies of the second volume of Suidas — yet another Shakespeare Folio as it were — as well as 20 other books whole or in part and at least 23 smaller jobs, then we might be forgiven for thinking that Professor Hinman's estimate is badly at fault. Nevertheless my point is not that his equation (two compositors and one press yield 1200 edition-sheets a day) is wrong — indeed, under some conditions it might well be exact — but that it seriously misrepresents the general conditions of book production.[61]

If I am right, and there is miscalculation somewhere, the reason for it probably lies in an inference drawn from skeleton formes, and its consequences return us to the subject of concurrent printing. For the purity of Professor Hinman's argument virtually commits him to the view that the Folio was printed on one press, "the Folio press." Apart from 18 quires near the beginning, the Folio is a one-skeleton and therefore, it is claimed, a one-press book: ". . . throughout most of the book, indeed, two-press work was manifestly impossible, the same skeleton having been used in successive formes . . .".[62] Professor Hinman here means that two presses cannot have been in simultaneous use, but as he says at another point:

Professor Hinman's main stress here, and his concession, are the crux of the matter. At times of course most analytical bibliographers working in this field have to confess an imbalance of composition and presswork on a book, either implicitly by failing to pursue the point or explicitly by marking breaks in an otherwise apparently consistent pattern. When this happens, some odd jobbing at case or press is a likely and convenient suggestion to restore the ratio and avoid idleness. This opportunistic resort to a theory of concurrent printing need not be documented at length but it is important to note its circumstantial origins. For much of the Shakespeare Folio, set by one man, there is persistent evidence that the economic considerations behind the plan (at least in the form suggested) did not apply; and to explain the apparent imbalance Professor Hinman allows that 'the Folio press' must have engaged in some concurrent printing:

If I now seem to labour a point it is simply because Professor Hinman's account of the printing process reflects and therefore lends massive authority to the erroneous assumption that a book was normally put into production as an independent unit. The single skeleton forme, its association with 'the Folio press', the suggested edition size, the 'economic' balance between compositors and press-crew, all combine to reinforce this view. What is offered as exceptional — occasional concurrent printing — other evidence would suggest to be normal; what is offered as normal — a self-contained operation — is elsewhere exceedingly rare. Neither the Cambridge nor Bowyer papers would permit such inferences to be drawn from skeleton formes; neither would permit such assumptions to be made about the operations of a single press; neither would be consistent with the general economic argument put forward. Nor is it, I think, a matter of proven historical difference, as though the early 17th century were doing something that the 18th century no longer found necessary. For no differences have been constated that cannot be seriously questioned by exposing the primary assumptions. Noting at one point that most of the Folio was printed by a single press, Professor Hinman revealingly adds:

The implications of assumptions which seem to be so much at odds with usual printing conditions do not end here:
For this again is my immediate concern: the encouragement given to the view that even where there is no conclusive evidence of type-shortages, revealed by the presence of identical sorts in both formes of a sheet or in the first half of a quire, we may have setting by formes. In such cases reliance is usually placed on a 'pattern of distribution' — evidence which is used with most admirable insight and control by Professor Hinman but which, in lesser hands, and in quarto printing,

In the Shakespeare Folio, Professor Hinman noted, "As a rule . . . no forme has types in common with either the forme immediately preceding or that immediately following it" (Printing and Proof-Reading, I, p. 81); and the sequential relation of setting, printing, and distribution here implied has been adapted for the quartos. Professor Turner had earlier given it shape when, writing of Philaster, he observed

The comment called for here can only be a very general and cautionary one. Neither the Cambridge nor Bowyer records offer much positive evidence of setting by formes; although their combined testimony does demonstrate the rarity of such a practice for books other than page-for-page reprints and must therefore give us pause. We must recall too that neither Moxon, Stower, nor any other early grammar mentions casting off as a means of enabling work to be set by formes. In every case it is, as Stower puts it in his index, a "manner of calculating in order to ascertain the number of sheets a manuscript will make, the size of the letter being fixed on"[72] — that is, a device for costing, and for determining the paper required, not for organizing work. Nowadays we call it estimating. As Professor Hinman observes, actual casting off for setting would not have been undertaken without good reason, although it is true that the difficulties may have been overestimated for verse plays as distinct from full prose works (Printing and Proof-Reading, I, 73). But if, as is claimed, "the practice was by no means uncommon" and "is to be seen in first quartos that issued from many different printing houses, over a wide stretch of years" ("Shakespeare's Texts," p. 31), it is to be hoped that firmer controls will be applied in its demonstration than have hitherto been evident. In particular, arguments heavily reliant on time-schemes will rarely command that ready assent which was given to Professor Hinman's initial proof that the Folio must have been set by formes.[73] On the face of it, the most important reason for setting by formes in quarto is unlikely to have been urgency, nor even an unusually small fount, but a fount depleted because of concurrent printing — for if work overlapped on two or more books using the same fount of type, setting by formes would offer a method of making some progress with all. Professor Hinman has again led the way in showing how, in Jaggard's shop, concurrent setting of other books, reduced the supply of type for the Folio.

If copy is cast off for a quarto text, there is no compelling reason why any sheet should not be printed in any order — say, H, F, A, C, D, B, E, G. One might expect and assume a straightforward progression through the book, but there is no compelling reason for it. But order of formes through the press is an important ingredient in much bibliographical work. Where there is detectable damage in the course of printing (whether to types, headlines, rules or ornaments) it may be quite possible to prove order, and in some cases a precedent forme, at least within the same sheet, may be determined by using the Martin-Povey lamp. I am not sure whether it is evidence of this kind that led Professor Turner to write that "information about presswork, specifically the order of the formes through the press, is relatively easy to obtain and is based on evidence that is the least controvertible" ("Beaumont and Fletcher Folio", p. 36), but, so far as I can tell, order has usually been determined, not according to such evidence, but according to a pattern of headline recurrences. "Evidence from running titles indicates that outer B preceded inner through the press" (Williams, "Setting by Formes", p. 43) is a familiar form of wording; or "on the evidence of running titles, it is clear that B(o) was machined before B(i)". I confess that I have never understood what was meant when I have read such a phrase, and again I suspect that priority is based on assumptions about timing, and inferences drawn from variants, from a pattern of alternating skeletons, or from reappearing types which permit a hypothesis about distribution. In any case, whatever the internal patterns which some physical features may take within a book, there is little reason to elucidate them by constructing a time-scheme or by supposing the successive printing of all formes of the same book. I know of no evidence that obliges us to think of one sheet (or forme) being followed immediately on the press by another of the same book. There is some case for it when perfecting, none between sheets. There is too much evidence in the Cambridge books of perfectly regular patterns sustained under the most diverse conditions of concurrent printing. It is not always easy to tell when an apparently general statement is really only a singular one made of a particular book, but if it is generally true, as Professor Turner says, that "to prove the order of printing is usually to prove the order of composition of the formes" ("Beaumont and Fletcher Folio", p. 37), important textual consequences may follow from the initial assumptions.[74]

It is perhaps worth looking briefly at one Cambridge book, Bennet's Answer to the Dissenters Pleas (2nd ed., 1700). Its testimony is not all that important, since it is a page-for-page reprint, yet it does show quite vividly that, once copy is cast off, any sequence of setting and printing might be followed. The sheets were composed as follows: Bertram set E, K by 13 Jan. 1700; B, H, S by 20 Jan.; Knell set C by 26 Jan.; Bertram D, L, U and X/* by 10 Feb.; Knell completed F, G½ between 20 Jan. and 17 Feb.; G½, I by 24 Feb.; Bertram P, Q, R by 24 Feb.; N, O, T by 2 Mar.; Knell A, M by 9 Mar. The order of printing appears to have been: E, H, K, B, L, S, U, C, D, F, X/*, G, I, R, Q, N, O, P, A, M, T (Cambridge University Press, I, 192-3).
The Cambridge papers, if not those of the Bowyers, provide very clear evidence of regular proof-correction of all books printed. Such a practice may have been slightly unusual as many of the books were classical texts and the press prided itself on its accuracy, yet I think not, for London houses in the 18th century, like Cambridge, regularly set as their price for proofing one-sixth of the rate of composition.[75] There is considerable doubt, however, about the validity of applying 18th-century evidence to Elizabethan books; even Moxon's testimony from the later 17th century has been rejected as irrelevant to the earlier period. If this is so, then the 'norms' used to introduce some measure of probability into analytical accounts of the proofing and printing of earlier books will themselves be only inferential. Moxon, we may recall, notes that:
The Press-man is to make a Proof so oft as occasion requires . . . The Compositer having brought the Form to the Press, lays it down on the Press-stone, and the Press-man . . . Pulls the Proof-sheet . . . carries the Form again to the Correcting-stone and lays it down: And the Proof he carries to the Compositers Case [pp. 302-3].
And the Compositer gives the Correcter the Proof and his Copy to Correct it by: which being Corrected, the Correcter gives it again to the Compositer to Correct the Form by [p. 233].
Having corrected it, the compositor

And before continuing printing, the pressman will check
Professor Bowers has remarked, however, that
To make this point is to stress again the primary importance of continuous printing at press. Professor Hinman would doubtless agree, for he says that
But Professor Hinman's basic reason for rejecting Moxon's account as in any way relevant to the 1620's has little to do with timing. It is rather the many self-evident errors that survive in the printed text. Discussing — and dismissing — in a footnote the idea that regular proofing may have preceded that established by a collation of the variants he has observed, Professor Hinman notes:
It is a view that in general Professor Bowers would probably — and reciprocally — endorse, since he has observed that

It may seem singularly fool-hardy not to follow such authority, but I am constrained to persist in a certain incredulity. Professor Hinman's failure to list the 'many obvious errors of all kinds' at least makes one's task of qualification a little easier since he has not, in this case, sufficiently illustrated, let alone proved, his point. If Moxon, and proofing practices so well evidenced elsewhere in the century and beyond it, are to be displaced as the 'norm', the question would seem to demand rather fuller discussion than I have yet seen devoted to it.
The view that Professor Hinman is concerned to question is, essentially, Greg's — that in the Folio "the printer was not indifferent to the accuracy of his text."[76] And it may well be that if we were "once possessed of a full record of the press variants in the First Folio" (Printing and Proof-Reading, I, 227), such a view might have to be altered. Professor Hinman's labours of collation leave him in no doubt that now "there is in fact considerably more evidence that the printer was largely indifferent to the accuracy of his text" (I, 227). Yet such a conclusion is scarcely judicious; there is a great difference between the truth and the whole truth, between "a full record of the press variants" and a full record of the surviving press variants.[77]
This is not just a quibble. Traditionally the stages of proof-correction have been at least three: galley (whether page- or slip-), revises, and, as a last resort, stop-press. And let us not forget that the manuscript copy precedes all three. Now it is incontestable that these several stages can be found in increasing frequency as one moves from manuscript (how much of that survives?), to page-proofs (very few of these), to revises (slightly more of these — if some of our surviving 'proof' sheets can be so considered), to stop-press (hundreds of these). Each successive stage supersedes the previous one; once the unique copy has been set and checked, it can be disposed of, once the single galley proof has been read and checked, it can be disposed of, once the revise has been read and checked, it can be disposed of, but once printing has started, the multiple copies are preserved and of course they are available for consultation in those portions of the edition still extant. It

But one may consider the point in another way: it is easy after repeated and intense scrutiny to discover 'obvious' misprints, and it is also very easy to miss them. Each year I put some four or five senior and intelligent students through the rudiments of type-setting and when they come to correct their work they almost invariably have to do it in two or three stages because these latter-day John Leasons have failed to correct all the 'obvious' errors the first time through. Yet there was a first time (see Printing and Proof-Reading, I, 233). It is true that the more experienced students make fewer mistakes, but it is again remarkable how many of these mistakes my latter-day John Shakespeares overlook in their first attempt at correction. Much the same point is made of course by Professor Hinman when speaking of sections of plays set by Compositor E, sections "which were subjected to much more proof-reading than others — yet only to very careless proof-reading, since a great many errors nonetheless escaped uncorrected in these plays" (I, 233). Errors, that is, persist through one or more stages of proof-reading; the much-proofed page from Antony and Cleopatra leaves errors uncorrected.[79] The existence of some formes in three or more states indicates that at one or more stages of correction errors were missed which were later thought serious enough

There is of course another way of looking at the problem — and I must repeat that I am really only concerned with questions of method and that like Troubleall I merely wish to ask 'by what warrant' certain inferences are given the standing of general statements. So, a priori, one might ask whether it is likely that the essentially trivial corrections noted by Professor Hinman would have been made at all if the printer were indifferent to the accuracy of his text? Or, to put it yet another way, is it likely that a printer who put up with so many bibliographically serious delays at press in order to correct minor blemishes would fail to observe routine correction procedures in order to avoid major infidelities and the prospect of really serious delays in the last stages of production? Which brings us back to Moxon.
It is not I hope gratuitously irresponsible to suggest that none of the evidence presented from the Folio demonstrates conclusively that the procedures which Moxon describes were 'essentially different' from those of the 1620's. At the very least, the "Proofe, and Reuiewes" pulled by Jaggard for Brooke's Catalogue testify to the currency of Moxon's terms at this time, and in Jaggard's shop (McKerrow, Introduction, p. 207). We must grant that the copy for the Folio has disappeared; we must grant that the foul proofs have disappeared; but what does remain in evidence corresponds exactly to that which we should expect to find at the later stages of correction as outlined by Moxon. And it is precisely at these stages of correction that copy is not consulted. That phase is well behind, and even if some errors have persisted it is not to be expected that substantive matters will now command 'painstaking' attention. But it is to be expected that typographical infelicities — the things that catch (and for long curiously avoid) a pressman's eye through the repeated pullings — will be picked up from time to time. Turned letters, lifting spaces, uneven inking, badly

Let us now recall too what Moxon says of revises and of correction at press: the forme, being now on the bed of the press, is left there, "and if any Faults are found in any Quarter of it [the Compositor] calls to the Press-man to Unlock that Quarter . . . that he may Correct those Faults" (pp. 238-9). There are several points here: the kind of corrections documented for the Folio are unlikely to have required removal of the forme from the press. At this stage, even after as many as three proofs, a revise is pulled — but now the forme is virtually ready for printing and the likelihood is great that printing will begin while the revise is being looked at. The single copy of the revise is likely to be a pull of the full forme; in the case of the white-paper forme its chances of being preserved are negligible, but in the case of the perfecting forme this single marked sheet has a greater chance of being placed on the heap and eventually bound. Although the revise will be of the full forme, Moxon suggests that it might be attended to in sections, or quarters, so that the pressman might unlock only so much of the forme as is necessary, perhaps only a page in the case of the Folio. In many cases in the Folio both pages must have been unlocked and corrected together, yet Moxon's wording does hint that the revise itself might be read in sections. I find it most interesting therefore that Professor Hinman should write: "Four actual proof-sheets for the Folio have survived — although . . . they ought perhaps rather to be called proof pages"; and "the essential proof-reading unit, so to speak, was rather the single page than the complete forme" (Printing and Proof-Reading, I, 233, 234). I wonder, however, whether

In any case, however cursory we may think the Folio by our own standards and in the absence of author-correction, it would seem premature to conclude that what so closely corresponds to revises and stoppress correction as described by Moxon was not preceded by the routine proofing procedures which he also outlines. These may have been deficient in execution, but I cannot think that Professor Hinman's inferences justify the view that "the method of printing and proofing adopted", whether in the Folio or beyond it in the earlier 17th century, "was essentially different . . . from the method described by Moxon some sixty years later" (I, 228).
Professor Hinman, in another context, also discounts the testimony of Ashley's translation of Le Roy (1594), "since Le Roy was not a professional printer" (I, 41). Ashley writes of the pressman who is pulling:

But much the same may be said of many studies of 18th-century printing which have been conducted on the assumption that conditions then were essentially different from those of the preceding century. My own major argument in this paper is of course that productive conditions were constantly changing, not just from century to century in different houses, but from day to day in the same house, simply because concurrent printing has been the universal practice for the last 400 years. If I am right, this fundamental fact poses more problems for analytical bibliography than any minor period differences. These there certainly were, and they must be carefully charted, but we must beware of that ostensibly sophisticated historical relativism which insists on making fine distinctions between periods when virtually nothing certain is known about either element of the comparison. When, for example, Professor Todd writes that

I cannot here attempt to describe the thick web of theory spun around press figures.[81] In their incredible and perplexing variety they are eloquent witnesses to the customary conditions of presswork in any printing house, and perhaps only an imagination as fertile as Professor Todd's, and a mind as subtle, could have penetrated their mysteries. On their usefulness, let him speak:
As I have indicated elsewhere, Cambridge pressmen in the early 18th century did not normally use press figures, and the first two volumes of Suidas are the only two books of the period in which they appear (Cambridge University Press, I, 128-32). This exception is wholly due to the employment of John Terrill who came up from

Clearly the consistent use of one figure in one part of a book and of another figure in another part has in this case nothing whatever to do with simultaneous — or even successive — printing of each portion at different presses. Nor has the incidence of variously figured and unfigured sheets anything whatever to do with printing at full or at half press. If, even occasionally, a pressman was personally responsible for his choice of figure, as here, this would go far to account for the many idiosyncratic numbers or marks adopted in some books and their apparently haphazard arrangement. And if, even occasionally, a figure represents a man rather than a press, it is formally possible to argue that a sheet which shows varying figures in copy to copy simply reflects changes in the press-crew part-way through a single impression and not distinct impressions.

Indeed, whether a figure indicates a pressman or a press, such variation is in any case to be expected in books printed in very large editions. The London Magazine, for example, was printed for a time in 8000 copies. Since it comprised three and a half sheets, its printing would have kept three full presses wholly engaged for more than a week. Over such a time span — longer if the presses were required to do other work too, as Ackers' were — it is highly probable that changes would occur in the conditions under which the single impression would be completed. Changes of men, as well as changes of press, part-way through printing might well be reflected by new figures yet none of them be bibliographically significant — or at least no more bibliographically significant than the daily discontinuities incident to all printing in large editions. Naturally such evidence would rarely be left to stand alone; at the very least it would set one searching for new skeletons, partial re-settings, advertisements and so on; my point is the quite simple one that the relationship between variant states and distinct impressions must be very carefully assessed if the general conditions of work are not to be misrepresented.
But, as Dr Fleeman has already shown, there is quite conclusive evidence in the Bowyer ledger to associate press figures with a press not a man, evidence which can be corroborated by reference to the printed books themselves.[84] Bowyer numbered his presses and his accounts usually show, by their numbers and crews, the presses at which work was done. If a press-crew had a press of its own at which it regularly worked — and there is some evidence that this was so in Cambridge in 1740 — then the distinction between men and machines would virtually disappear;[85] but the Bowyer papers offer us no such simple resolution. In the examples of Bowyer books listed in appendix II (g), the figures and/or presses and/or crews can be lined up with a certitude unparalleled in any purely inferential construction. Yet it is most important to note, first, how many discrepancies there are between the records and the printed figures (especially in No. 5); second, the difficulty of assuming continuity of press-crews for any one figure; third, the irrelevance of the highest figure printed, although it designates a press, to the actual number of presses in use; fourth, that the occasional failures to figure a forme are in fact oversights and do not represent work done at a notionally blank press. It is another example of the by now familiar paradox: primary evidence definitely restricts

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