Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.
It's the
only way I can explain the central paradox of this paper: that all printing
houses were alike in being different. Despite my misgivings about 'norms'
I have tried to suggest that all printing houses were more alike over the
years than many bibliographers are prepared to allow: in size of plant,
variability of work force, edition quantities printed, use of standing formes,
proofing procedures, and most important of all in printing several jobs
concurrently. I have stressed the supreme importance of primary evidence
and I have tried to use it to expose and curb what I take to be erroneous
inferences. In doing so, I have also tried to demonstrate more generally
some weaknesses inherent in the inductive method. When the standing of
general statements is damaged by contrary examples, the inductivist usually
seeks a safe retreat in some form of historical relativism; I have tried to
show how naive this can be. I am sure
that Professor Hinman is right, though my sense pursues not his, when he
stresses the importance of the new knowledge which will come "in the light
of information about printing-house personnel and printing-house methods
that is only now becoming known" ("Shakespeare's Texts", p. 26).
Bright lights will cast deep shadows, and I must confess to a feeling
of mild despondency about the prospects for analytical bibliography: limited
demonstrations there may certainly be, although they may require a
life-time's devotion to make them; wherever full primary evidence has
become available it has revealed a geometry of such complexity that even
an expert in cybernetics, primed with all the facts, would have little chance
of discerning it. But, as Nestor says, "In the reproof of Chance lies the true
proof of men". Bibliography will simply have to prove itself adequate to
conditions of far greater complexity than it has hitherto entertained. To do
so, it will inevitably
be obliged to use multiple and ingenious hypotheses, to move from
induction to deduction, simply because a narrow range of theories is less
likely to embrace the complex possibilities of organization within even a
quite small printing house. A cynic might observe that the subject is already
characterized by multiple and ingenious hypotheses, but too many of these
have been allowed to harden into 'truth'. A franker acceptance of deductive
procedures would bring a healthy critical spirit into the subject by insisting
on the rigorous testing of hypotheses, and the prime method of falsification
— adducing contrary particulars — would impose a sound
curb on
premature generalizations. It may be little pleasure "to observe how much
paper is wasted in confutation", but bibliography might grow the more
securely if we retained a stronger assurance of its hypothetical
There is, however, a final paradox. Bibliography has nothing to do
with bibliographies, and I only hope that new knowledge about productive
conditions will prove disturbing enough to widen the gap between the two.
The essential task of the bibliographer is to establish the facts of
transmission for a particular text, and he will use all relevant
evidence to determine the bibliographical truth. Author and subject
bibliographies have a completely different function and it would be
preposterous now to demand of them any great bibliographical
sophistication. This would appear to be an argument in favour of degressive
bibliography. Not at all; the phrase is meaningless. Booklisting may be as
degressive as it wishes, bibliography never. Greg made the point so clearly
that it's surprising to find that there is still any fuss about it; if any notice
had been taken, we should have less half-baked bibliography and cheaper
But finally, if our basic premise is that bibliography should serve
literature or the criticism of literature, it may be thought to do this best, not
by disappearing into its own minutiae, but by pursuing the study of printing
history to the point where analysis can usefully begin, or by returning
and this is the paradox — to the more directly useful, if less
sophisticated, activity of enumerative 'bibliography'. This it is which gave
us the Pollard and Redgrave and Wing S.T.C.s, both of
have been of inestimable service to the study of history, life, thought
and bibliography — in the 16th and 17th centuries. It will be a pity
history, life, thought — and bibliography — in the 18th
century are
long deprived of a comparable service.

Note to the appendices: The information offered in the
following appendices is intended merely to provide supporting evidence for
the argument of this paper. It is not offered as a contribution to the detailed
bibliographical study of either the books or the printing houses mentioned
in it. The original documents referring to the Cambridge University Press
are printed in my Cambridge University Press,
A Bibliographical Study (1966): the two charts printed here continue
those given as Table 15 in that book. The details of the Bowyer printing
house are taken from the Bowyers' record of composition and presswork
over the years 1730 to 1739; the volume in which this work is recorded is
in the possession of The Grolier Club and is being edited for publication by
Mr Keith Maslen. An edition of the ledger of Charles Ackers, printer of
The London Magazine, was recently published by the Oxford
Bibliographical Society. The appendices are long, but I
have deliberately multiplied the examples to illustrate fully the variety of
conditions under which the books mentioned came to be made, by different
men, at different periods, and in different places.

William Bowyer's Printing House: Composition and Presswork
31 January — 12 February 1732
1. Composition
Work Done
I. Lance |
Evidence of Christian Religion O, P, Q, R and making up three
formes |
13. 8. |
R. Dennett |
Bill for Sugar Colonies 2 sheets |
£3. 0. 7. |
Remarks on Lives of the Saints B, C, D, E, F, G, H4 |
Life of Cleveland, vol. I Title |
B. Baddam |
Cocks's Catalogue M1, N8 |
£1. 6.11. |
Charitable Corporations D |
Hymns for St Dunstan's |
Sacrament A, B, C, E, F4 |
B. Tarrott |
Charles XII F4 |
14. 8. |
Letter to Member of Parliament 2 sheets |
Sacrament D half sheet |
D. Gaylord |
Calmet's Dictionary 3Z, 4A, 4B, 4C |
£2. 6.11. |
Articles of Limerick A, B and over-running several times |
Charles XII M, N, O4 |
G. Grantham |
Gyles's Catalogue |
8. 2. |
Voyages 6O2, Q2, R2, U4, Y2, A4 |
G. Hills |
Charitable Corporations A, B4, [C6] |
£1.11. 8. |
Charles XII F4 |
Tully's Offices L12, M12 |
C. Micklewright |
Votes 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 |
£2.12. 6. |
Tully's Offices L12, M12, N12 |
J. Morgan |
Charles XII C5, D8, E5, F8, G8, H4 |
£1. 7. 8. |
Hutchinson B |
Gentleman Farrier |
R. Holmes |
Scripture Vindicated D6, E, F, G, H, I, K, L |
£1.10. 4. |
Proposals for Hippocrates |
T. Hart |
Votes 14, 15, 16, 17 |
£2.10. 8. |
Memoria Technica M, N, O |
Wesley's Job Y, Z and correcting Y |
T. Allestree |
Gyles's Catalogue A4 |
£1. 7. 2. |
Voyages 6O2, 6P4, 6S2, 6X2, 6Z2, 7B4, 7C2 |
J. Nutt |
Moss's Sermons B, C, D, E, F |
[£3.15. 0.] |
Charles XII B, C11, D8, E11, F8, G8, H12, I |
Scheme to Pay National Debt 2 pages ditto imposing 3 half
sheets |
Hymns for St George ye Martyr |
Greek quarto page of Mr Dwight |
An English folio page |
William Bowyer's Printing House: Composition and Presswork
14 — 26 February 1732
1. Composition
Work Done
D. Redmaine |
Bankrupts' Bill A, B |
£3. 5. 4. |
Votes 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 |
Spenser H, I, K |
Injured Innocence G8, H4 |
R. Dennett |
Remarks on Lives of the Saints H4, I, K |
£1.11. 8. |
Injured Innocence I2, K8 |
Voyages 7O, 7P2 |
} |
Sacrament F4, G8, H8, I8, K8 |
£2. 7. 2. |
B. Baddam} |
Letter to Archbishop 7 half-sheets |
B. Tarrott} |
Gentleman Farrier C, D, E, F |
} |
Tully's Offices N12, O |
£3. 9. 0. |
G. Hills} |
Ditto Brevier Index P12 |
C. Micklewright} |
Bankrupts' Bill C, D, E, F |
Life of Cecil A, B |
R. Holmes |
Scripture Vindicated, Part II M, N, O, P, Q, R, S |
£1.11. 1. |
Evidence of Christian Religion S, T, U1/4, Title ¼ |
G. Grantham |
Voyages 7E1, 7G3, 7H2, 7K2, 7L4, 7M3, 7Q2, 7R3, 7T2,
7U2 |
£1.18. 2. |
Injured Innocence H4, I6 |
D. Gaylord |
Calmet's Dictionary 4D, 4E, 4F, 4G, 4H |
£1.15. 2. |
Charles XII F8, Correcting N |
C. Knell |
Voyages 6S2, 6T2, 6Z2, 7C2, 7D4, 7E1, 7H2, 7I1, 7M1, 7N4,
7R1, 7S4, 7T1 |
£1.17. 1. |
G. Karver |
Cocks's Catalogue M7 |
£1.13. 9. |
Chiselden's Syllabus |
Cock and Bull 3 half-sheets |
Hutchinson C8 |
W. Diggle |
Voyages 6B2, 6T2, 6X2, 6Y2, 7E2, 7F1, 7G1, 7I3, 7K2, 7P2,
7Q2 |
£1.12. 2. |
Nelson quarter-sheet |
T. Hart |
Votes 23, 24, 25 |
£3. 0. 8. |
Wesley's Job 2A, 2B, 2C2 Correcting Z, 2A |
Mr Chishull's half-sheet |
Memoria Technica P |
Bill for Parton Pier |
J. Nutt |
Moss's Sermons A, a, G, H, I ditto 2F half-sheet, vol. I |
£1.12. 6. |
Chiselden one page |
Two Great Primer receipts |
William Bowyer's Printing House: Composition and Presswork
8 — 14 October 1732
1. Composition
Work Done
P. Grantham |
Bacon's Letters X, Y |
9. 1 |
M. Newsted |
Clifton's State of Physick A, a, b |
18. 1. |
O. Nelson |
Rosalinda D, E, F |
18. 1. |
R. Holmes |
Fryar Bacon 3G, 3H, 3I, 3K, 3L, 3M 1 page |
£1. 1. 5. |
T. Clark |
Essay on Colonies B, C, D, E |
£1. 0. 1. |
D. Gaylord |
Thuanus Part VI 6A, 6B, C 2 pages |
£1. 0. 1. |
2. Presswork
[Press 1] |
[Press 2] |
6000 |
Latin Testament |
L |
300 |
Chiselden's Tables |
1500 |
Swift's Miscellany |
B1 |
B1 |
100 |
Middleton's Sermon |
Titles |
750 } |
150 } |
Thuanus |
6A2 |
3R2, 3S2 |
5 } |
1000 |
Rosalinda |
B2 |
220 } |
3D2, 3F2, 3G2 |
} |
Fryar Bacon |
30 } |
500 |
} |
Clifton's State of Physick |
M2, N2 |
25 } |
200 } |
} |
Bacon's Letters |
S2 |
25 } |
Receipts for Duke of Somerset |
π |
------ |
------ |
Earnings: |
£1.15. 8. |
£1.12. 6. |
Note: Neither the names of the crews nor the numbers of the
presses used are given, but payments of copy-money show that two full
crews were employed. Each man at press 1 therefore received 17s.10d. and
each man at press 2 received 16s.3d.
- Books Printed by William Bowyer: Some Case-Histories
- 1. Voltaire, Histoire de Charles XII. [London,
- 12°: A — P6 (all printed by Bowyer)
Copy: BM.
- Production: 7½ sheets; edition 750; composition 5s.3d. per
half sheet; presswork 1s.9d. per half sheet; price per sheet 24s.; finished
by 13 Jan. 1732; volume I only printed by Bowyer. On this and the next
three items, see the article by K.I.D. Maslen, The Library,
ser. XIV (1959), 287-93. (The date of completion, 13 Jan., is derived from
the Bowyer Paper Stock Ledger. Bowyer's account of work done covers the
entire period from 26 Dec. 1731-29 Jan. 1732, hence the later date given
- Composition: A — P, T. Hart 29 Jan.
- Presswork: A, 1 (Diggle/Peacock) 29 Jan.; B, C,
3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 29 Jan.; D, I (Diggle/
Peacock) 29 Jan.; E, F, 3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 29 Jan.; G-M,
1 (Diggle/Peacock) 29 Jan.; N, O, 2 (unnamed)
Jan.; P, 3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 29
- Figures: 1 — A4, D3v, G6v, H6v, I3v, K6, L3v,
- 2 — N6v, O3v
- 3 — B6v, F6v, P4v
- Note: Franklin's and Reynolds' failure to figure C and
- 2. Voltaire, History of Charles XII. London,
- 8°: A1 B — N8 O1 (all printed by
Bowyer) Copy: BM.
153. p. 23.
- Production: 12¼ sheets; edition 1000; composition 6s.;
presswork 4s.; price per sheet 18s.; begun by 29 Jan. 1732; finished by 26
Feb. 1732; first 12¼ sheets only printed by Bowyer.

- Composition: K, L, Lane 29 Jan.; B, C11, Nutt 12 Feb.; C5, D8,
Morgan 12 Feb.; D8, E11, Nutt 12 Feb; E5, F8, Morgan 12 Feb.; F8, G8,
Nutt 12 Feb.; G8, H4, Morgan 12 Feb.; H12, I, Nutt 12 Feb.; M, N, O4,
Gaylord 12 Feb.; correcting in N, Gaylord 26 Feb.
- Note: F may have been set twice. In addition to the claims listed
above, the following are recorded: F4, Hills 12 Feb.; F4, Tarrott 12 Feb.;
F8, Gaylord 26 Feb.
- Presswork: Bi, Bo, 2 (unnamed) 29 Jan.; Ci, Co,
1 (Diggle/Peacock) 29 Jan.; Di, 2 (unnamed)
Jan.; Do, Eo, 3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 29 Jan.; Ei,
(Diggle/Peacock) 29 Jan.; Fi, 2 (unnamed) 29 Jan.; Fo, 7
(Franklin/Reynolds) 29 Jan.; Gi, 1 (Diggle/ Peacock) 29 Jan.;
Go, Ho, 2 (unnamed) 29 Jan.; Ko, 2
(unnamed) 29
Jan.; Ki, Li, 7 (Jones/Perry) 29 Jan.; Lo, Mi, 1
(Peacock/Perry) 12 Feb.; Mo, Ni, 2 (unnamed) 12 Feb.; No,
3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 12 Feb.; A/O, 1
(Peacock/Perry) 12 Feb.
- Figures: 1 — C1v, C8v, E7v, G1v, L6v, M7v
- 2 — B7, B8, D1v, F8, H2v, K7, M7, N8
- 3 — D7, E7, G7, I8, I8v, N8v
- 7 — F8v, H5v, K5v, L5v
- Note: Go claimed by 2 but figured 3; the changes of crew for
presses 1 and 7; the same crew worked both presses 3 and 7 within the
same period, so that both cannot have been in use at once.
- 3. Voltaire, Histoire de Charles XII ('Seconde
révùe corrigée / par l'Auteur'). [London,
- 8°: A — K8 L4 (all
printed by Bowyer) Copy: BM.
611.c.12 (1).
- Production: 10½ sheets; edition 1000; composition 8s.;
presswork 4s.; price per sheet 21s.; begun begun by 18 Mar. 1732; finished
by 8 April 1702; first 10½ sheets only printed by Bowyer.
- Composition: A-H, Dennett 18 Mar.; I, K, Dennett/Tarrott 25
Mar.; L½, T. Hart 25 Mar.
- Presswork: (None of the crews is named) Ai, Ao, 7
— 18 Mar.; Bi, 5 — 18 Mar.; Bo, Ci,
3 —
18 Mar.; Co, 1 — 18 Mar.; Do, 3
— 18 Mar.;
Di, 7 — 18 Mar.; Ei, 4 — 18
Mar.; Eo,
1 — 18 Mar.; Fi, 3 — 18 Mar.;
7 — 8 Apr.; Gi, 3 — 8 Apr.; Go,
7 — 8 Apr.; Hi, 2 — 8 Apr.; Ii,
— 8 Apr.; Io, 7 — 8 Apr.; Ko, 4
— 8 Apr.;
Ki, L, 2 — 8 Apr.
- Figures: 1 — C7, E7
- 2 — H8, K1v, L3v
- 3 — B7, C8, F8, G8, I7v
- 4 — E6, K2v
- 5 — B8
- 7 — A2v, A3v, D1v, F2v, G2v, H7, I5
- Note: Fo was also claimed by press 2 on 18 Mar.; Do (press 3)
- 4. Voltaire, History of Charles XII ('The Second
Edition, Corrected.'). London, 1732.
- 8°: A6 B — N8 (all
printed by Bowyer) Copy: BM.
- Production: 12 sheets; edition 2000; composition 6s.; presswork
8s.; price per sheet 28s.; finished by 18 Mar. 1732 (as all claims are dated
18 Mar., dates are omitted from the tables of composition and presswork
given below); sheets B — N only printed by Bowyer.
- Composition: B16, C4, Grantham; C6, Knell; C6, D2, Allestree;
D11, Grantham; D3, E6, Knell; E6, Allestree; E4, F7, Grantham; F5,
Knell; F4, G4, Allestree; G8, Grantham; G4, H4, Allestree; H4, Knell;
H8, I10, Grantham; I2, Allestree; I4, K4, Knell; K8, Grantham; K4, L3,
Allestree; L7, Knell; L6, M6, Grantham; M8, Allestree; M1, Nutt; M1,
N4, Knell; N8, Grantham; N4, T. Hart.
- Presswork: (None of the crews is named) Bo, 4; Bi,
2; Co, 3; Ci, Do, 7; Di, Eo,
1; Ei Fi, 2; Fo, Go, 3; Gi,
4; Hi, 3; Ho, 2; Ii,
1; Io,
Ki, 7; Ko, Lo, 3; Li, 1; Mi,
7; Mo, Ni, 2; No, 1.
- Figures: 1 — D7v, E7, L8, N8v
- 2 — B8, E1v, F5v, H2v, M2v, N1v
- 3 — C8v, F7, G8v, H7v, L7
- 4 — B2v, G1v
- 7 — C1v, D7, I2v, K1v, M1v
- Note: Ii (press 1) and Ko (press 3) are unfigured.
- 5. Baxter, Glossarium Antiquitatum Britannicarum.
London, 1733.
- 8°: A
4 a8 B
— T8 U4 Copy:
BM. 7708.b.5.
- Production: 20 sheets; edition 500; composition 10s.; presswork
2s.4d.; price per sheet 22s.; begun by 10 Oct. 1732; finished by 2 June

- Composition: (Thomas Hart set the text unaided except as noted
for the 8 pages of C) B, 7 Oct.; C8, Hart/Micklewright 11 Nov.; C8, D,
25 Nov.; E, F8, 2 Dec.; F8, G, 9 Dec.; H8, 20 Jan.; H8, I8, 27 Jan.; I8,
K, L8, 24 Feb.; L8, 3 Mar.; M8, 10 Mar.; M8, N8, 17 Mar.; N8, O, 24
Mar.; P, Q, R, 14 Apr.; S, T8, 28 Apr.; T8, 5 May; U8, 12 May; A, a,
26 May.
- Presswork: Bo, 2 (Mazemore/Peacock) 11 Nov.; Bi,
1 (Classon/Diggle) 11 Nov.; Co, 3
2 Dec.; Ci, Di, Do, 1 (Classon/Diggle) 2 Dec.; Eo, 2
(Mazemore/ Peacock) 9 Dec.; Ei, 1 (Classon/Diggle) 9 Dec.;
Fi, Fo, 2 (Mazemore/Peacock) 23 Dec.; Gi, 3
(Dennis/Duff); Go, Hi, Ho, 2 (Mazemore/Peacock) 27 Jan.;
Io, 2 (unnamed) 24 Feb.; Ki, Ko, 1
(Diggle/Reynolds) 3 Mar.; Li, 3 (Dennis/Duff) 24 Mar.; Ni,
2 (Clarke/Mazemore) 24 Mar.; No, 7 (Jones/Needham) 24
Mar.; Oi, 7 (Jones/Needham) 14 Apr.; Oo, 3
14 Apr.; Pi, 2 (Clarke/Dennis) 14 Apr.; Po, Qi,
(Milburne/Reynolds) 14 Apr.; Qo, 3 (Duff/Mazemore) 14 Apr.; Ri, Ro,
2 (Clarke/Jones) 28 Apr.; Si, 1 (Classon alone)
Apr.; So, 3 (Duff/ Mazemore) 28 Apr.; T (unrecorded);
1 (unnamed) 26 May; A/Uo, 2 (unnamed) 26
ai, ao, 7 (Brooker/Clarke) 2 June.
- Figures: 1 — A3v, C1v, D3v, E7v, K8, K8v
- 2 — a5, a6, B8v, F7, F8, G4v, H1v, H7, I7, I8, L2v, P7v,
R7v, U3v
- 3 — C8v, L7v, M7v, M8v, O8v, Q7, S6v, T7v,
- 5 — G5v
- 7 — N7, O7v
- Note: Press 1 failed to figure Bi, Po, Qi, Si; Press 2 failed to
figure Eo, Ni, Ro; Press 3 printed Gi but the forme is figured 5; both ai
and ao were printed by Press 2 but both are figured 7; the changing
composition of the crews at each press:
Press 1: (a) Classon/Diggle (b) Diggle/Reynolds (c)
Milburne/Reynolds (d) Classon alone (e) unnamed
Press 2: (a) Mazemore/Peacock (b) unnamed (c)
Clarke/Mazemore (d) Clarke/ Dennis (e) Clarke/Jones (f)
Press 3: (a) Bradley/Vicaris (b) Dennis/Duff (c)
Press 7: (a) Jones/Needham (b)
- 6. Spenser, The Shepherd's Calendar, ed. J. Ball.
London, 1732.
- 8°: A8 al B — Q8
R6 (—R6) Copy: BM.
- Production: 17½ sheets; edition 700 Demy, 60 Royal, 4
Writing Royal; composition 5s.6d.; presswork 2s.6d.; price per sheet 20s.;
begun by 27 Nov. 1731; finished by 10 June 1732.
- Composition: (Daniel Redmaine set the whole text except probably
for P, A, a) B8, 27 Nov.; B8, C, D, 24 Dec.; E — G, 29 Jan.; H
K, 26 Feb.; L — O, 18 Mar.; P (unrecorded unless it be George
Karver's claim below); Q, 25 Mar.; R, 8 Apr.; 1 sheet [=P?], 6 pages,
Karver 27 May; 4 pages, Grantham, 10 June.
- Presswork: Bi, 2 (Davies/Mazemore) 24 Dec.; Bo,
1 (Diggle/Peacock) 24 Dec.; Co, 3
(Diggle/Peacock) 24 Dec.; Do, 2 (unnamed) 29 Jan.; Di, Eo,
1 (Diggle/Peacock) 29 Jan.; Ei, Fo, 2
(unnamed) 29
Jan.; Fi, 3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 29 Jan.; Gi, 1
(Peacock/Perry) 12 Feb.; Go (unrecorded, but figured 7); Ho (unrecorded,
but figured 5); Hi, 1 (Peacock/Perry) 26 Feb.; Io, Ii,
2 (unnamed) 18 Mar.; Ki, 3 (unnamed) 18
Ko, Li, Lo, 1 (unnamed) 18 Mar.; Mo, 2
(unnamed) 18 Mar.; Mi, No, 4 (unnamed) 18 Mar.; Ni,
1 (unnamed) 18 Mar.; Oo, 7 (unnamed) 25 Mar.; Oi, Po,
4 (unnamed) 25 Mar.; Pi, Qi, Qo, 1 (unnamed)
Mar.; Ri, 2 (unnamed) 25 Mar.; Ro, 7 (unnamed) 25 Mar.;
7 (Jones/Perry) 10 June; Ao, a, 2 (Hardicke/Mazemore) 10
- Figures: 1 — B2v, C7v, D6, E2v, G7v, H1v, K2v, L4v,
P2v, Q7
- 2 — A7, D2v, E1v, F2v, I2v, I8, Q3v, R4
- 3 — C7, K8
- 4 — M8, O3v, P6
- 5 — H2v
- 7 — A7v, B6, G8v, O2v
- Note: Bi claimed by 2 (Davies/Mazemore) but figured 7;
Franklin's and Reynolds' failure to figure Fi; the failure of press 2 to figure
Mo; the failure of presses 1 and 4 to figure Ni and No; Qi claimed by 1 but
figured 2; the failure of press 7 to figure Ro; Diggle and Peacock worked
both presses 1 and 3 within the same period.
- 7. T. Lobb, A Treatise of the Small Pox. London,
- 8°: A4 a — c8 B
— 2H8 2I6 (— 2I6)
Copy: BM. 1174.h.4
- Production: 34 sheets; edition 750; composition 8s.; presswork
3s.6d.; price per sheet 18s.; begun by 30 Jan. 1731; finished by 14 Aug.

- Composition: B, Redmaine 30 Jan.; C, D, E8, H8, correcting C,
Redmaine 20 Feb.; E8, F, G, Hart/Holmes 20 Feb.; H8, I, K8, Hart 6
Mar.; L-O, Hart/Holmes 20 Mar.; P-S, Hart/Holmes 3 Apr.; T-Y, Z4,
Hart/Holmes 17 Apr.; X12 [sic = Z12?], Morgan 17 Apr.; 2A, 2B, 2C8,
Hart/Holmes 1 May; 2C8, Hart/Holmes 15 May; 2D8, Hart 29 May; 2D8,
Holmes 29 May; 2E12, Holmes 5 June; 2E4, 2F-2H, 2I4, Holmes 26 June;
a, b, Imperfection B, 2I4, Holmes 17 July; 2I4, A, c, Holmes 31
- Presswork: Bi, 7 (unnamed) 6 Feb.; Bo, 2
6 Feb.; Ci (no record); Co, 7 (unnamed) 20 Feb.; Di, 2
(unnamed) 20 Feb.; Do, 3 (unnamed) 6 Mar.; Ei, 7
20 Feb.; Eo, 1 (unnamed) 20 Feb.; Fi, Fo, 7 (unnamed) 20 Feb.; Gi,
1 (unnamed) 6 Mar.; Go, 3 (unnamed) 6 Mar.;
3 (unnamed) 6 Mar.; Ho, 7 (unnamed) 6 Mar.; Ii,
(unnamed) 6 Mar.; Io, Ki, 2 (Clarke/Ward) 20 Mar.; Ko,
3 (Collyer/ Franklin) 20 Mar.; Lo, 2
20 Mar.; Li, Mi, Mo, 1 (Diggle/Mazemore) 20 Mar.; Ni, 7
(Farmer/Peacock) 20 Mar.; No. 3 (Collyer/Franklin) 20 Mar.; Oi, 7
(unnamed) 3 Apr.; Oo, 3 (unnamed) 3 Apr.; Pi,
(unnamed) 3 Apr.; Po, Qi, 3 (unnamed) 3 Apr.; Qo, Ro,
2 (unnamed) 3 Apr.; Ri, 1 (unnamed) 3 Apr.;
1 (Diggle/Mazemore) 17 Apr.; So, Ti, 3
(Franklin/Reynolds) 17 Apr.; To, 7 (Farmer/Peacock) 17 Apr.; Ui,
1 (Diggle/Mazemore) 17 Apr.; Uo, Xo, 2 (Clarke/
Ward) 17 Apr.; Xi, 3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 17 Apr.; Yi,
1 (Diggle/Mazemore) 1 May; Yo, 3
(Franklin/Reynolds) 1 May; Zo, 2 (Clarke/Ward) 1 May; Zi,
2Ai, 2Ao, 7 (Farmer/Peacock) 1 May; 2B (no record); 2Co,
(Franklin/Reynolds) 5 June; 2Ci, 2Do, 7 (Farmer/Peacock) 5 June; 2Di,
2 (Clarke) 5 June; 2Ei, 2Eo, 2Fo, 7 (Farmer/Peacock) 26
2Fi, 2Gi, 3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 26 June; 2Go, 7
(Farmer/Peacock) 26 June; 2Hi, 2Ho, 1 (Clarke/Diggle) 17
July; 2I (not recorded); ai, 7 (Farmer/Peacock) 31 July; A, ao, bi, bo, 1
(Clarke/Diggle) 31 July; co, 3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 31 July;
1000 loose titles, 2 (Clarke/Davies) 14 Aug.
- Figures: 1 — a8v, b2v, c8, E7, G8, I2v, L8, M4v, M5v,
S1v, U8, 2H7v
- 2 — B7, K8, L7, P7v, Q8v, U5, X8v, Z7, 2D7v
- 3 — c7, D7, G7, H7v, K7, O2v, P7, Q7v, S7, T8, Y7,
- 7 — a5v, B8, C7, E8, F6v, F7v, H8v, N3v, O8, T5, 2A8,
2B1v, 2B7, 2C7v, 2E2v, 2F4v, 2H6v, 2I4
- 8. A Defence of the Present Administration.
- [8°: A — D4] Copy: not
- Production: 2 sheets; edition 3000; composition 5s.6d. per sheet;
presswork 1s.2d. per 500, 3s. per 1500; price per sheet 16s. for the first
1000 and 5s. per ream for the rest; finished by 16 Jan. 1731.
- Composition: A, B, J. Hart 16 Jan.; C, D, Micklewright 16
- Presswork: 'first edition':
- Press 1 (Diggle/Mazemore) A, B, D, 500; A, C,
A, B, C 500
- Press 3 (Collyer/Franklin) C, 500; B, D 1500; D
- 'second edition':
- Press 3 (Collyer/Franklin) A, C 500
- Press 7 (Clarke/Peacock) B, D 500
- 9. E. Peyton, Catastrophe of the Stuarts. London,
- 8°: A2 B — I4
K2 Copy: BM.
- Production: 4½ sheets; edition 750; composition 8s. per sheet;
presswork 3s. per sheet; price per sheet 18s.; begun by 24 Dec. 1730;
finished by 16 Jan. 1731.
- Composition: B — F, Grainger 24 Dec.; G — K,
Bell 16
- Presswork: B, C, 1 (Diggle/Mazemore) 24 Dec.; D,
3 (Collyer/Franklin) 24 Dec.; E, F, 3
(Collyer/Franklin) 16 Jan.; G, 1 (Diggle/Mazemore) 16 Jan.;
H — K/A, 7 (Clarke/Peacock) 16 Jan.
- Figures: 1 — B4, C2v, G1v
- 2 — F4
- 7 — H4v, I3v, K1v
- Note: The evidence that Bowyer printed this pamphlet is of more
than passing interest, for on Wednesday 27 Jan. 1731 its printer and
publisher were taken into custody for publishing a libel. The bookseller,
Charles Davis, was bound in a recognizance to appear at the King's Bench,
which recognizance was continued for a period of 12 months, when he was
discharged without penalty (Whitehall Evening Post, No.
28 — 30 Jan. 1731). Bowyer debits Davis with the printing costs,
but the
imprint reads 'Printed for T. Warner'.

- 10. Regnault, Philosophical Conversations. 3 vols.
London, 1731
- vol. 1 — 8°: A8 (—A8) B
— 2C8 (—
- vol. 2 — 8°: A2 . . . Q —
2D8 (all printed by
- Copy: BM. 536.h.6-7
- Production: vol. 1 — 26 sheets; vol. 2 — 12 sheets;
38 sheets
in all; edition 1000; composition 6s.; presswork 4s.; price per sheet 22s.;
begun by 16 Jan. 1731; finished by 26 June 1731; in vol. 2 sheets A and
Q — 2D only printed by Bowyer.
- Composition: vol. 1: B — D, Gaylord 16 Jan.; E9,
Micklewright 16 Jan.; E7, F — H, Gaylord 16 Jan.; I, K8, Grainger
Jan.; K8, L — O, P8, Gaylord 30 Jan.; P8, Q, Gaylord 6 Feb.; R
X, Y8, Gaylord 20 Feb.; Y8, Gaylord 6 Mar.; Z, 2A, 2B, Gaylord 20
Mar.; 2C, 2D8, Bell/Gaylord 1 May; A8, Gaylord 29 May.
- vol. 2: Q, Bell 3 Apr.; R — X, Bell/Gaylord 1 May; Y
2D, Bell/Gaylord 15 May; 16 pages Long Primer, Bell 29 May; two titles,
Bell 26 June.
- Presswork: vol. 1: Bi, 3 (Collyer/Franklin) 16 Jan.;
Bo, Co, 1 (Diggle/Mazemore) 16 Jan.; Ci, Do,
(Collyer/Franklin) 16 Jan.; Di, 1 (Diggle/Mazemore) 16 Jan.;
Ei, Eo, 3 (Collyer/Franklin) 16 Jan.; Fo, 3
(Collyer/Franklin) 30 Jan.; Fi, Gi, 7 (Clarke/ Peacock) 30
Hi, Ho, Ii, 3 (Collyer/Franklin) 30 Jan.; Io, Ki,
(Farmer/Wardman) 30 Jan.; Ko, 1 (Diggle/Mazemore) 30
Li, 3 (Collyer/Franklin) 30 Jan.; Lo, 7
(Clarke/Peacock) 30 Jan.; Mi, 1 (unnamed) 6 Feb.; Mo, Ni,
7 (unnamed) 6 Feb.; No, 3 (unnamed) 6 Feb.;
1 (unnamed) 20 Feb.; Oo, Po, 2 (unnamed) 20
Feb.; Pi, Qi, 7 (unnamed) 20 Feb.; Qo, 3
(unnamed) 6 Mar.; Ri, 2 (unnamed) 6 Mar.; Ro, Si,
7 (unnamed) 6 Mar.; So, To, 3 (unnamed) 6 Mar.; Ti, 2
(unnamed) 6 Mar.; Ui, Uo, 1 (Diggle/Mazemore) 20 Mar.;
3 (Collyer/Franklin) 20 Mar.; Xo, 7
(Farmer/Peacock) 20 Mar.; Yo, 2 (unnamed) 3 Apr.; Yi, Zi,
7 (unnamed) 3 Apr.; Zo, 3 (unnamed) 3 Apr.;
7 (Farmer/Peacock) 17 Apr.; 2Ao, 3
(Franklin/Reynolds) 17 Apr.; 2Bo, 3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 1
May; 2Bi, 2Ci, 7 (Farmer/Peacock) 1 May; 2D, A
- vol. 2: Qi, 1 (Diggle/Mazemore) 1 May; Qo, Ri,
3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 1 May; Ro, 1
(Diggle/Mazemore) 1 May; So, Ti, 3 (unnamed) 15 May; To,
1 (unnamed) 15 May; Uo, 3 (unnamed) 15
May; Ui,
Xi, Yi, Zi, 7 (unnamed) 15 May; Xo, Yo, Zo,
(unnamed) 29 May; 2Ai, 2 (unnamed) 29 May; 2Ao,
3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 29 May; 2B (unrecorded); 2Co,
1 (unnamed) 29 May; 2Ci, 2 (unnamed) 29
2Di, 3 (Franklin/Reynolds) 26 June; 2Do, 7
(Farmer/Peacock) 26 June; 'A3' and titles to vols 1, 2 and 3 also claimed
by Diggle alone at press 1.
- Figures: vol. 1: 1 — A7, B7, C7, D8, K7, L8v, M1v,
R7, T1v, U6, U7
- 2 — C7v, I6v, K5v, O8v, R8, X7v, Y8v,
- 3 — F7, G7, H7, I8, O8, Q7, S5, Z8v, 2A7
- 7 — F5v, G5v, L7v, M5, N7v, P2v, Q8, S5v, T7, X8v,
Z3v, 2A7v, 2B1v, 2C7v
- vol. 2: 1 — Q1v, R2v, T2v, Z1v, 2C8v
- 2 — U7v, Y7v, 2A6, 2C6
- 3 — U7, 2D5v
- 7 — S3v, X3v, Y5, 2B1v, 2B2v
(a) Edition Sizes of Part Issues of Astley's A New General
of Voyages and Travels (1743-47)
(Printed by Charles Ackers)
Part Nos.
Total Edition
I |
1 |
sig. B |
1750 |
+ |
350 + |
1000 |
3100 |
sig. C |
2000 |
+ |
1100 |
3100 |
sig. D |
2000 |
+ |
1100 |
3100 |
2 |
2000 |
+ |
1000 |
3000 |
3 |
2000 |
+ |
1000 |
3000 |
4 - 33 |
2500 |
II |
34 - 79 |
2250 |
80 - 85 |
2250 |
86 - 103 |
1750 |
104 - 117 |
1500 |
VI |
118 - 164 |
1500 |
Note: Ackers also printed 35,000 Proposals for this
(b) Edition Sizes of The London Magazine
1732 — 1747
(Printed by Charles Ackers)
Monthly Numbers
1st Edition
Apr. 1732 - Dec. 1732 |
[2500] |
1500 |
[4000] |
Jan. 1733 - May 1733 |
4000 |
1250 |
5250 |
Jun. 1733 - Jul. 1733 |
4000 |
1500 |
5500 |
Aug. 1733 |
4500 |
1250 |
5750 |
Sep. 1733 - Oct. 1733 |
5000 |
1250 |
6250 |
Nov. 1733 |
5000 |
1000 |
6000 |
Dec. 1733 - May 1734 |
6000 |
6000 |
Jun. 1734 - Dec. 1734 |
6250 |
6250 |
Jan. 1735 - Dec. 1736 |
7000 |
7000 |
Jan. 1737 - May 1737 |
6000 |
6000 |
Jun. 1737 - Jul. 1737 |
6000 |
1000 |
7000 |
Aug. 1737 |
6000 |
6000 |
Sep. 1737 |
6500 |
6500 |
Oct. 1737 - Jul. 1739 |
7000 |
7000 |
Aug. 1739 - Dec. 1740 |
8000 |
8000 |
Jan. 1741 - Dec. 1741 |
7500 |
7500 |
Jan. 1742 |
7000 |
1000 |
8000 |
Feb. 1742 - Jul. 1743 |
8000 |
8000 |
Aug. 1743 - Dec. 1743 |
7500 |
7500 |
Jan. 1744 - Jan. 1747 |
7000 |
7000 |
Feb. 1747 - Dec. 1747 |
7500 |
7500 |
(c) Edition Sizes of T. Dyche's A Guide to the English
(Printed by Charles Ackers)
4 Dec. 1733 |
19th ed. |
10,000 |
4 Nov. 1734 |
20th ed. |
10,000 |
5 May 1735 |
21st ed. |
10,000 |
11 Oct. 1735 |
22nd ed. |
10,000 |
23 Sep. 1736 |
23rd ed. |
10,000 |
11 May 1737 |
24th ed. |
10,000 |
28 Jan. 1738 |
24th ed. [sic] |
15,000 |
19 Jul. 1738 |
'a new Edition' |
10,000 |
26 Jan. 1739 |
'a new Edition' |
10,000 |
17 Jul. 1739 |
'a new Edition' |
5,000 |
25 Oct. 1739 |
'a new Edition' |
10,000 |
3 Oct. 1740 |
'a new Edition' |
20,000 |
17 Jun. 1741 |
'a new Edition' |
20,000 |
3 May 1742 |
'a new Edition' |
20,000 |
14 May 1743 |
'a new Edition' |
5,000 |
18 Aug. 1743 |
'a new Edition' |
10,000 |
6 Jan. 1744 |
'a new Edition' |
5,000 |
12 May 1744 |
30th ed. |
5,000 |
9 Aug. 1744 |
'a new Edition' |
5,000 |
23 Oct. 1744 |
'a new Edit' |
5,000 |
10 Jan. 1745 |
'a new Edition' |
5,000 |
16 Mar. 1745 |
'a new Edition' |
5,000 |
7 Jun. 1745 |
'a new Edit.' |
5,000 |
10 Sep. 1745 |
'a new Edit.' |
5,000 |
14 Dec. 1745 |
'a new Edition' |
5,000 |
12 Apr. 1746 |
'a new Edit.' |
5,000 |
4 Jul. 1746 |
'a new Edit.' |
5,000 |
13 Oct. 1746 |
'a new Edit.' |
10,000 |
13 Feb. 1747 |
35th ed. |
5,000 |
27 Apr. 1747 |
'a new Edition' |
5,000 |
29 Jul. 1747 |
'a new Edition' |
5,000 |
2 Nov. 1747 |
'a new Edition' |
5,000 |
1 Feb. 1748 |
'a new Edition' |
5,000 |