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Part II. THE LATER RENAISSANCE to the PRESENT by Howell J. Heaney
1. Bibliographies, Check Lists, Enumerations
A English and General
- ALJURE-CHALELA, SIMON, Jose Eusebio Caro: Bibliografía , Charlottes-ville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 82 p.[2225]
- ANDERSON, A. J., John Cowper Powys: A Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:73-78, 94.[2226]
- BARNES, WARNER, The Browning Collection at the University of Texas , Univ. of Texas, Humanities Research Center, 1967. 120 p.(Bibl. Ser. 3.)[2227]
- BAUGHMAN, ROLAND, The Centenary of Arthur Rackham's Birth, September 19, 1867. An Appreciation of His Genius and a Catalogue of His Original Sketches, Drawings and Paintings in the Berol Collection , Columbia Univ. Libraries, 1967. 48 p. 8 p. colored plates.[2228]
- CARTER, JOHN, and MUIR, P. H., Printing and the Mind of Man , London, Cassell & Co., 1967. xxxiii, 280 p.[2229]
- COHEN, E. H., A Comprehensive Hopkins Bibliography, 1863-1918, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:79-81.[2230]
- DAVIS, HERBERT, Review of Herman Teerink's Bibliography of the Writings of Jonathan Swift , 2d ed., edited by Arthur H. Scouten, Univ. of Pa. Press, 1963, Library, 5th ser., 22:75-79.[2231]
- DOYLE, P. A., A Liam O'Flaherty Checklist, Twentieth Century Lit. , 13:49-51.[2232]
- FLEEMAN, J. D., A Preliminary Handlist of Documents & Manuscripts of Samuel Johnson , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1967. iv, 51 p.(Occasional Publns. 2.)[2233]
- GEMMETT, R. J., An Annotated Checklist of the Works of William Beckford, PBSA . 61:243-58.[2234]
- GOLLIN, R. M., HOUGHTON, W. E., and TIMKO, MICHAEL, Arthur Hugh Clough: A Descriptive Catalogue , New York Public Libr., 1967. 117 p.(Repr. of B2364 and C1808, with addns. and corrs.)[2235]
- GORDAN, J. D., Letters to an Editor [Edward Howard Marsh]: Georgian Poetry, 1912-1922. An Exhibition from the Berg Collection, BNYPL , 71:277-305, and separately in 36 p.[2236]
- HAGELMAN, C. W., Jr., and BARNES, R. J., A Concordance to Byron's Don Juan, Cornell Univ. Pr., 1967. xii, 981 p.[2237]
- HENRY, W. H., Jr., A French Bibliography of W. Somerset Maugham , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 133 p.[2238]
- HUSS, R. E., A Chronological List of Type-setting Machines and Ancillary Equipment, 1822-1925, Jour. of Typographic Research , 1:245-74.[2239]
- JOHN FELL , 1625-1686, Bishop, Printer & Typefounder. Catalogue [of an Exhibition], Oxford Univ. Press, 1967. 24 p.[2240]
- KABLE, W. S., The Ewelme Collection of Robert Bridges: A Catalogue , Columbia, Univ. of South Carolina. 1967. 35 p.(Dept of English, Bibl. Ser., 2.)[2241]
- KIRKPATRICK, B. J., A Bibliography of Virginia Woolf , rev. ed., London, Rupert Hart-Davis, 1967. 212 p.(Soho Bibliographies, 9.) (Revision of B737.)[2242]
- LANGRIDGE, DEREK, John Cowper Powys: A Record of Achievement , London, The Libr. Assn., 1966. xvi, 256 p.[2243]
- MALAWSKY, B. Y., T. S. Eliot: A Check-List: 1952-1964 , Bull. of Bibl. , 25:59-61, 69.(Supplements A1508.)[2244]
- MISH, C. E., English Prose Fiction, 1600-1700: A Chronological Checklist , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 110 p.[2245]
- MORRIS, B. R., John Cleveland (1613-1658): A Bibliography of His Poems , London, Bibl. Soc., 1967. 54 p.[2246]
- O'NEILL, P. H., Tobacco: A Catalogue of Books, Manuscripts, Engravings Acquired Since 1942 in the Arents Tobacco Collection , Part VIII, 1673-1687, New York Public Libr., 1967. Pp. 385-475, pl. 177-200.[2247]
- PARKER, JOHN, and URNESS, CAROL, The James Ford Bell Collection: A List of Additions, 1960-1964 , Univ. of Minnesota Press, 1967. 208 p.[2248]
- PAYNE, J. R., An Annotated List of Works on Fine Bindings, Amer. Book Collector , 18:1:11-22.[2249]
- RILEY, PETER, A Bibliography of T. F. Powys , Hastings, R. A. Brimmell, 1967. 72 p.[2250]
- ROGAL, S. J., A Checklist of Works by and about Isaac Watts (1674-1748), BNYPL , 71:207-15.[2251]
- SMITH, T. d'A., Listing of some additions, in “Introduction,” to reprint of Stuart Mason's Bibliography of Oscar Wilde , London, Bertram Roat, [1914] 1967. 605 p.[2252]
- STAGG, L. C., Index to the Figurative Language of Ben Jonson's Tragedies , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 47 p.[2253]
- STAGG, L. C., An Index to the Figurative Language of John Webster's Tragedies , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 58 p.[2254]
- STAGG, L. C., An Index to the Figurative Language of Thomas Heywood's Tragedies , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 54 p.[2255]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Bibliographical Society's News Sheet, 1894-1920, Gutenb.-Jahrb. , 1967:297-307.[2256]
- TENNYSON, CHARLES, and FALL, CHRISTINE, Alfred Tennyson: An Annotated Bibliography , Athens, Univ. of Georgia Press, 1967. viii, 126 p.[2257]
- TOLLEY, A. T., The Early Published Poems of Stephen Spender: A Chronology , Ottawa, Carleton Univ., 1967. 36 p.[2258]
- VanDEVANTER, WILLIS, A Checklist of Books Illustrated by Henry Alken, in Homage to a Bookman , ed. by Hellmut Lehamann-Haupt, Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 245-61.[2259]
- WILLIAMS, F. B., Jr., Photo-Facsimiles of STC Books: A Cautionary Check List, SB , 21:109-130.[2260]
- WILLIAMS, R. C., A Concordance to the Collected Poems of Dylan Thomas , Lincoln, Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1967. xiii, 579 p.[2261]


B. United States
- BAIRD, J. A., Jr., California's Pictorial Letter Sheets, 1849-1869 , San Francisco, David Magee Book Shop, 1967. 171 p.[2262]
- BARBER, EDWIN, and PAGE, VIRGINIA, A Description of Old Harper and Brothers Publishing Records Recently Come to Light, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:1-6, 29-34, 39-40.[2263]
- BLANCK, JACOB, BAL Addenda, Ralph Waldo Emerson — Entry No. 5272, PBSA , 61:124-26.[2264]
- BLANCK, JACOB, BAL Addemdum, Joel Chandler Harris — Entry No. 7115, PBSA , 61:266.[2265]
- BRANCH, E. M., Bibliography of James T. Farrell: A Supplement, Amer. Book Collector , 17:9:9-19.(Supplements B1821.)[2266]
- BRISTOL, R. P., [Supplements to Charles Evans' American Bibliography], Secretary's News Sheet , Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., No. 52 (August 1966), 32 p., No. 53 (December, 1967), [24] p.(Supplement C254A.)[2267]
- BROADFOOT, WINSTON, Checklist of Confederate Imprints in the Duke University Library, Library Notes [Duke Univ. Libr.], No. 40 (1966):1-85.[2268]
- BUCHAN, VIVIAN, Sara Teasdale (1884-1933), Bull. of Bibl. , 25:94-97.[2269]
- BUSH, A. L., Literary Landmarks of Princeton, PULC , 72:1-90.[2270]
- CARY, RICHARD, A Bibliography of Richard Matthews Hallet, Colby Libr. Quart. , 7:453-63.[2271]
- CARY, RICHARD, A Bibliography of Robert P. Tristram Coffin, Colby Libr. Quart. , 7:355-82.(Concludes C1849.)[2272]
- DAMERON, J. L., Edgar Allan Poe: A Checklist of Criticism, 1942-1960 , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1966. 159 p.[2273]
- de BRUYN, BERNARD, Not in Semmes. I. J. C. Myers — Sketches on a Tour . . . 1849, Maryland Historical Mag. , 61(1966):369-70, corrections, 62:210, 355.(Supplements Raphael Semmes' Baltimore as Seen by Visitors, 1783-1860, Baltimore, Maryland Historical Soc., 1953.)[2274]
- de BRUYN, BERNARD, Not in Semmes II. J. Valentin Hecke — Reise durch die Vereinigten Staaten . . . 2 vols., 1820-1821, Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:207-209.[2275]
- de BRUYN, BERNARD, Not in Semmes III. Adlard Welby — A Visit to North America . . . 1821, Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:352-54.[2276]
- DICKINSON, D. C., A Bio-bibliography of Langston Hughes, 1902-1967 , Hamden, Conn., Archon, 1967. xiii, 267 p.[2277]
- FREIS, SUSAN, Emily Dickinson: A Check List of Criticism, 1930-1966, PBSA , 61:359-85.[2278]
- HANNEMAN, ANDRE, Ernest Hemingway: A Comprehensive Bibliography , Princeton Univ. Press, 1967. xi, 568 p.[2279]
- HARWELL, RICHARD, Confederate Imprints in the University of Georgia Libraries , Athens, Univ. of Georgia Press, 1964. xi, 49 p.(Univ. of Georgia Librs., Misc. Publns., 5.)[2280]
- HAYASHI, TETSUMARO, Arthur Miller, the Dimension of His Art: A Checklist of His Published Works, Serif , 4:2:26-32.[2281]
- HAYASHI, TETSUMARO, John Steinbeck: A Concise Bibliography, 1930-1965 , Metuchen, N. J., Scarecrow Press, 1967. xxi, 164 p.[2282]
- HENDRICK, GEORGE, American Literary Manuscripts in Continental Libraries, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:49-58.[2283]
- HOWARD, E. G., The Constitution of a Baltimore Negro Benevolent Society [1834], Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:351-52.[2284]
- HOWARD, E. G., An Unrecorded Baltimore Imprint, Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:209-210.(Spiritual Songs, Baltimore, 1811.)[2285]
- HOWARD, E. G., An Unrecorded Baltimore Imprint from Philadelphia, PBSA , 61:121-23.(Charlotte Smith's The Romance of Real Life, Baltimore, Cambell, Conrad & Co., 1799.)[2286]
- JONES, G. W., The Library of James Monroe (1758-1831), 5th President (1816-1824) of the United States , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 65 p.[2287]
- KATZ, JOSEPH, and BRUCCOLI, M. J., Toward a Descriptive Bibliography of Stephen Crane: “Spanish American War Songs,” PBSA , 61:267-69.[2288]
- LEON, STEPHANIE, and D'ANGELO, SUSAN, Dorothy Thompson: An Inventory of Her Papers in Syracuse University Library , Manuscript Collections, Syracuse Univ. Library, 1966. 143 p.(Manuscript Inventory Series, 9.)[2289]
- LOHF, K. A., The Literary Manuscripts of Hart Crane , Columbus, Ohio State Univ. Press, 1967. xx, 152 p.(Calendars of American Literary Manuscripts, 1.)[2290]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Additions to the Bibliography of Julian Hawthorne, Bull. of Bibl. , 25:64.(Supplements C1388.)[2291]
- O'CONNOR, R. B., BAL Addenda M. E. W. Freeman — Entry No. 6380, PBSA , 61:127.[2292]
- PALUKA, FRANK, Iowa Authors: A Bio-bibliography of Sixty Native Writers . Iowa City, Friends of the Univ. of Iowa Librs., 1967. xi, 243 p.[2293]
- PEROTTI, V. A., Important Firsts in Missouri Imprints, 1808-1858 . Revised, and with Additions by R. F. Perotti. Edited with an Introduction by T. N. Luther, Kansas City, Missouri, R. F. Perotti, 1967. 8 leaves, 51 p. 21 pl.[2294]
- REINHART, V. S., John Dos Passos, 1950-1966: Bibliography, Twentieth Century Lit. , 13:167-78.[2295]
- SEABURG, ALAN, John Holmes: A Bibliography, BNYPL , 71:306-35.[2296]
- TANSELLE, G. T., An Unrecorded Chicago Ante-Fire Imprint: Whipple's “Ethzelda,” PBSA , 61:123-24.[2297]
- TUTWILER, C. C., Jr., Ellen Glasgow's Library , Charlottesville, Bibl. Soc. Univ. of Va., 1967. 31 p.[2298]
- VOSS, T. H., William Cullen Bryant: An Annotated Checklist of the Exhibit Held in the Mullen Library of the Catholic University of America , Washington, 1967. 18 p.[2299]
- WELCH, d'A. A., A Bibliography of American Children's Books Printed Prior to 1821, P-R and S-Z, Proc. , Amer. Antiquarian Soc., 77:44-190, 281-535.[2300]


2. Printing, Publishing, Bibliography and Textual Scholarship
A. English and General
- ADAMS, R. M., Jonathan Swift, Thomas Swift, and the Authorship of A Tale of a Tub , MP , 64:198-232.[2301]
- ALDERMAN, W. E., English Editions of Shaftesbury's Characteristics , PBSA , 61:315-34.[2302]
- ALLOTT, T. J. D., Jean Bertaut and the French Anthologies about 1600, Library , 5th ser., 22:136-42.[2303]
- ASTOR, S. L., The Laureate as Huckster: Nahum Tate and an Early Eighteenth Century Example of Publisher's Advertising, SB , 21:261-66.[2304]
- ATKINS, STUART, The First Draft of Heine's Newsletter from Paris, May 30, 1840, HLB , 25:353-67.[2305]
- AUGUST, E. R., The Growth of “The Windover,” PMLA , 82:465-68.[2306]
- AVIS, F. C., Edward Philip Prince: Type Punchcutter , London, The Author, 1967. 104 p.[2307]
- BARBER, GILES, An Example of Eighteenth-Century Swiss Printer's Copy: Euler on the Calculus of Variations, Library , 5th ser., 22:147-49.[2308]
- BARBER, GILES, French Royal Decrees concerning the Book Trade, 1700-1789, Australian Jour. of French Studies , 3(1966):312-30.[2309]
- BENNETT, J. W., Benson's Alleged Piracy of Shake-speares Sonnets and of Some of Jonson's Works, SB , 21:235-48.[2310]
- BENTLEY, C. F., New Information about an Exeter Bookseller: An Addition and Correction to Plomer, N & Q , n.s., 14:102.(James Cowsey [i.e. Cowse], Exeter, 1682; Boston, 1684, perhaps the same man.)[2311]
- BENTLEY, G. E., Jr., The Printing of Blake's America , Studies in Romanticism , 6:46-57.[2312]
- BERNARD, F. V., Johnson and the Authorship of Four Debates, PMLA , 82:408-19.[2313]
- BERRY, L. E., Richard Hakluyt and Tuberville's Poems on Russia, PBSA , 61:350-51.[2314]
- BERRY, W. T., and POOLE, H. E., Annals of Printing: A Chronological Encyclopaedia from the Earliest Times to 1950 , London, Blandford, 1966. 315 p.[2315]
- BISHOP, MORCHARD, A Terrible Tangle, TLS , October 19, 1967, p. 989.(Matthew Gregory Lewis and Tales of Terror, London, 1801.)[2316]
- BOWERS, FREDSON, “Textual Introduction,” pp. xxxix-xlvii of Joseph Andrews by Henry Fielding, ed. by Martin C. Battestin, Middletown, Conn., Wesleyan Univ. Press, 1967.[2317]
- BROOKS, R. L., Matthew Arnold's “Joseph de Maistre on Russia,” HLQ , 30:185-88.[2318]
- BROWN, R. D., The Bodley Head Press: Some Bibliographical Extrapolations, PBSA , 61:39-50.[2319]
- CAGLE, W. R., The Publication of Joseph Conrad's Chance , Book Collector , 16:305-322.[2320]
- CARTER, JOHN, and POLLARD, GRAHAM, The Forgeries of Tennyson's Plays , Oxford Blackwell, 1967. 21 p.(Working Paper No. 2.)[2321]
- CARTER, JOHN, and POLLARD, GRAHAM, Precis of Paden or The Sources of “The New Timon,” Oxford, Blackwell, 1967. 24 p. (Working Paper No. 1.)(Summarizes and supplements C1070.)[2322]
- CLANCY, T. A., The Beacon Controversy, 1652-1657, Recusant History , 9:63-74.[2323]
- COLLINS, JOHN, Nature Printing [by Thomas Hopkirk], Library , 5th ser., 22:355-56.[2324]
- COOK, D. F., “Register of Books,” 1732, Book Collector , 16:374-75.(A supplement to listing from the Monthly Chronicle for January to March, 1732.)[2325]
- COOLIDGE, A. C., Charles Dickens as Serial Novelist , Ames, Iowa State Univ. Press, 1967. 256 p.[2326]
- CRADDOCK, P. B., Gibbon's Revision of the Decline and Fall , SB , 21:191-204.[2327]
- CRAWFORD, JANE, Hamlet, III.ii.46, R.E.S. , n.s., 18:40-45.[2328]
- DAISH, A. N., Printers' Pride: The House of Yelf at Newport, Isle of Wight, 1816-1966 , Newport, Yelf Brothers, 1967. 92 p.[2329]
- DALTON, J. P., A Note on D. H. Lawrence, PBSA , 61:269.(Corrects a point in C1495.)[2330]
- DONALDSON, ROBERT, William Ged and the Invention of Stereotype: A Second Postscript, Library , 5th ser., 22:352-54.(Postscript to B2516 and B3177.)[2331]
- DOUGHTY, D. W., The Tullis Press, Cupar, 1803-1849 , Dundee, Abertay Historical Soc., 1967. vi, 74 p.. 7 pl.(Publication No. 12.)[2332]
- EBEL, J. G., A Numerical Survey of Elizabethan Translations, Library , 5th ser., 22:104-127.[2333]
- EDGES Ancient and Modern, TLS , June 29, 1967, p. 588.(Review, with corrections, of Carl J. Weber's Fore-Edge Painting, C2058.)[2334]
- EDITING, Dickens, TLS , April 6, 1967, p. 285.(A review of works recently edited.)[2335]
- ELLIS, J. B., Mrs. Gaskell on the Continent, N & Q , n.s., 14:372-73.(The Tauchnitz ed. of her Life of Charlotte Brontë, 1857.)[2336]
- EWING, D. C., The Three-Volume Novel [and Its Binding], PBSA , 61:201-207.[2337]
- FIRTH, JOHN, James Pinker to James Joyce, 1915-1920, SB , 21:205-224.[2338]
- FLEEMAN, J. D., The Making of Johnson's Life of Savage , Library , 5th ser., 22:346-52.[2339]
- FREEMAN, ARTHUR, The fatal vesper and The doleful evensong: Claim-Jumping in 1623, Library , 5th ser., 22:128-35.(The first by W. C., STC 6015, the second by Thomas Goad, STC 11923.)[2340]
- FREEMAN, R. B., On the Origin of Species, 1859, Book Collector , 16:340-44.[2341]
- FRENCH, H. D., Cromek's Reliques of Robert Burns, a footnote to Egerer 112, Bibliotheck , 5:33-35.[2342]
- GARDNER, HELEN, ed., The Elegies and the Songs and Sonnets of John Donne , Clarendon Press, 1967. 272 p. Rev. TLS, April 6, 1967, p. 278-80; reply by Dame Helen Gardner, TLS , August 24, 1967, p. 772, with further comment by reviewer, p. 772.[2343]
- GARVEY, E. M., and WICK, P. A., The Art of the French Book, 1900-1965 , Dallas, Texas, Univ. Press, 1967. 120 p.[2344]
- GIBBS, A. M., A Davenant Imitation of Donne, R.E.S. , n.s., 18:45-48.[2345]
- GILL, ROMA, Collaboration and Revision in Massinger's A Very Woman , R.E.S. , n.s., 18:136-48.(Massinger's reworking of an old play on which he had collaborated with Fletcher.)[2346]
- GILLESPIE, R. A., The Parentage of Robert Urie, Printer in Glasgow, Biblotheck , 5:38-40.[2347]
- GLADISH, R. W., Mrs. Browning's Contributions to the New York Independent , BNYPL , 71:47-54.[2348]
- GODSHALK, W. L., Prior's Copy of Spencer's “Works” (1679), PBSA , 61:52-55.[2349]
- GRANT, D. J., Unpublished Additions to Smollett's Travels , N & Q , n.s., 14:187-89.[2350]
- GRASES, PEDRO, Historia de la Imprenta en Venezuela hasta el fin de la Primera Republica (1812) , Caracas, Ediciones de la Presidencia de la Republica, 1967. 247 p.[2351]
- GREG, W. W., Collected Papers , ed. by J. C. Maxwell, Clarendon Press, 1966. 449 p.[2352]
- GREG, W. W., A Companion to Arber: Being a Calendar of Documents in Edward Arber's Transcript of the Registers of the Company of Stationers of London, 1554-1640, with Text and Calendar of Supplementary Documents , ed. by Cyprian Blagden and I. G. Philip, Clarendon Press, 1967. vii, 451 p.[2353]
- HARRIS, W. V., The Curious Provenience of Clough's “The Longest Day,” N & Q , n.s., 14:379-80.[2354]
- HARTZOG, MARTHA, Nineteenth-Century Cloth Bindings, PBSA , 61:114-19.[2355]
- HERRING, P. D., Dickens' Monthly Number Plans for Little Dorrit , MP , 64(1965):22-63.[2356]
- HOFFR, PHILIP, The Yonghy Bonghy Bó: I. The Poem, HLB , 25:229-31.(By Edward Lear.)[2357]
- HOLTZ, WILLIAM, The Journey and the Picture: The Art of Sterne and Hogarth, BNYPL , 71:25-38.[2358]
- HONAN, PARK, The Texts of Fifteen Fugitives by Robert Browning, Victorian Poetry , 5:157-69.[2359]
- HONIGMANN, E. A. J., On the Indifferent and One-Way Variants in Shake-speare, Library , 5th ser., 22:189-204.[2360]
- HOSLEY, RICHARD, The Authorship of Fedele and Fortunio , HLQ , 30:315-30.(By Anthony Munday, not George Chapman or Stephen Gosson.)[2361]
- HUNTER, P. C., Jr., Textual Differences in the Drafts of Shelley's “Una Favola,” Studies in Romanticism , 6:58-64.[2362]
- ILLING, ROBERT, The Musical Antiquarian Society's Edition of Est's Metrical Psalter, N & Q , n.s., 14:458-60.[2363]
- JACKSON, W. A., Records of a Bibliographer: Selected Papers , ed. with an introduction and bibl. by William H. Bond, Cambridge, Belknap Press, 1967. xiv, 236 p.[2364]
- JASON, P. K., Samuel Jackson Pratt's Unpublished Comedy of “Joseph Andrews,” N & Q , n.s., 14:416-18.[2365]
- JONES, J. B., The Printing of The Grand Duke: Notes Toward a Gilbert Bibliography, PBSA , 61:335-42.[2366]
- JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Sidney's Arcadia, “London, 1599”: A Distinguished “Ghost,” Book Collector , 16:80.(Supplements B3596.)[2367]
- JUEL-JENSEN, BENT, Sir Philip Sidney's Arcadia, 1638: An Unrecorded Issue, Library , 5th ser., 12:67-69, 355.[2368]
- KABLE, W. S., Compositor B, the Pavier Quartos, and Copy Spellings, SB , 21:131-61.[2369]
- KAUFMAN, PAUL, The Loan Records of Shewsbury School Library [1737-1826], Library , 5th ser., 22:252-56.[2370]
- KELLEY, MAURICE, The Recovery, Printing and Reception of Milton's Christian Doctrine , HLQ , 31:35-41.[2371]
- KENNY, S. S., Eighteenth-Century Edition of Steele's Conscious Lovers , SB , 21:253-61.[2372]
- KINSLEY, WILLIAM, Meaning and Format: Mr. Spectator and His Folio Half-Sheets, ELH , 34:482-94.[2373]
- KLUKOFF, P. J., New Smollett Attributions in the Critical Review , N & Q , n.s., 14:418-19.[2374]
- KNOTT, D. H., Unpublished Second Volume of Edward Burrow's A New and Compleat Book of Rates, 1774, Book Collector , 16:375-77.[2375]
- LAUTERBACH, E. S., Victorian Advertising and Magazine Stripping, Victorian Studies , 10:4 (June 1967).[2376]
- LAVIN, J. A., Three “Owl” Blocks: 1590-1640, Library , 5th ser., 22:143-47.[2377]
- LAYTON, EVRO, Nikodemos Metaxas, the First Greek Printer in the Eastern World, HLB , 25:140-68.(Constantinople, 1627; half a tract there, earlier imprints in England, 1624-27.)[2378]
- LEIGH, R. A., D'Alembert's Copy of Rousseau's First Discours , Library , 5th ser., 22:243-44.[2379]
- LEVY, H. M., An Omission Unnoticed: Nickleby Forgotten, Dickensian , 63:41.[2380]
- LEWIS, J. N. C., The Twentieth Century Book, Its Illustration and Design , New York, Reinhold Publishing Co., 1967. 270 p.[2381]
- LINGENFELTER, R. E., Presses of the Pacific Islands, 1817-1867 , Los Angeles, The Plantin Press, 1967. ix, 129 p.[2382]
- LITZ, A. W., The Last Adventures of Ulysses , PULC , 28:63-75.[2383]
- LOHRLI, ANNE, Coventry Patmore in Household Words , Victorian Newsletter , No. 31:25-27.[2384]
- McDONALD, W. R., Scottish Seventeenth-Century Almanacs, Bibliotheck , 4:Nos. 7 & 8.[2385]
- McGANN, JEROME, The Composition, Revision, and Meaning of Childe Harold's Pilgrimage III, BNYPL , 71:415-30.[2386]
- McGINN, D. J., John Penry and the Marprelate Controversy , Rutgers Univ. Press, 1966. xiv, 274 p.(Argues he is the author of the Marprelate Tracts.)[2387]
- McLEAN, RUARI, ed., The Reminiscences of Edmund Evans , Clarendon Press, 1967. xx, 92 p.[2388]
- MASSEY, IRVING, The First Edition of Shelley's Poetical Works (1839): Some Manuscript Sources, Keats-Shelley Journal , 16:29-38.[2389]
- MITCHELL, BREON, A Note on the Status of the Authorized Translation, James Joyce Quart. , 4:202-205.[2390]
- MOLLOY, J., The Devotional Writings of Matthew Kellison, Recusant History , 9:159-62.[2391]
- MONTEIRO, GEORGE, Rudyard Kipling: Early Printings in American Periodicals, PBSA , 61:127-28.[2392]
- MORGAN, PAUL, English Provincial Imprints, Library , 5th ser., 22:70.(Supplements C1985.)[2393]
- MORGAN, PAUL, Some Bibliographical Aspects of the Scottish Prayer Book of 1637, Bibliotheck , 5:1-23.[2394]
- MORISON, STANLEY, First Principles of Typography , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1967. 24 p.(Includes a postscript hitherto unavailable in English.)[2395]
- MORISON, STANLEY, and CARTER, H. G., John Fell, the University Press and the “Fell” Types , Clarendon Press , 1967. xvii, 278 p., 22 p. of pl.(Incl. bibliographies by J. S. G. Simmons of Fell's published works and of early Oxford type specimens.)[2396]
- MUIR, KENNETH, The Texts of Wyatt's Penitential Psalms, N & Q , n.s., 14:442-44.[2397]
- MUNTER, R. LaV., The History of the Irish Newspaper, 1685-1760 , Cambridge Univ. Press, 1967. 217 p.[2398]
- MURRAY, B. M., The Authorship of Some Unidentified or Disputed Articles in Blackwood's Magazine , Studies in Scottish Lit. , 4:144-54.[2399]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding by the Centre-Rectangle Binder, Book Collector , 16:345.(English Bookbindings 62.)[2400]
- NIXON, H. M., A Binding for the Earl of Arundel, c. 1555, Book Collector , 16:54.(English Bookbindings 60.)[2401]
- NIXON, H. M., A Cambridge Binding by Ed. Moore, c. 1748, Book Collector , 16:481.(English Bookbindings 63.)[2402]
- NIXON, H. M., A London Binding for Jonas Hanway, 1783, Book Collector , 16:194.(English Bookbindings 61.)[2403]
- NORLAND, H. B., The Text of The Maid's Tragedy , PBSA , 61:173-200.[2404]
- NOWELL-SMITH, SIMON, The “Cheap-Edition” of Dickens's Works <First Series> 1847-1852, Library , 5th ser., 22:245-51.[2405]
- NOWELL-SMITH, SIMON, A Publisher and His Authors , London, Macmillan, 1967. 384 p.(A selection of letters addressed to successive members of the firm.)[2406]
- PACE, G. B., Speght's Chaucer and MS. GG.4.27, SB , 21:225-35.[2407]
- PEPPER, R. D., Francis Clement's Petie schole at the Vautrollier Press, 1587, Library , 5th ser., 22:1-12.[2408]
- PETERSON, C. T., The Writing of “Waverley,” Amer. Book Collector , 18:3:12-16.[2409]
- PETTI, A. G., Unknown Sonnets by Sir Toby Matthew, Recusant History , 9:123-58.[2410]
- PIERSON, R. C., The Revisions of Richardson's Sir Charles Grandison , SB , 21:163-89.[2411]
- PISENT, P. A., Plagiarism by Thomas Jordan, N & Q , n.s., 14:336-37.(His Divine Raptures, 1648, is John Day's A New Spring of Divine Poetrie, 1637.)[2412]
- PITTOCK, JOAN, Joseph Warton and His Second Volume of the Essay on Pope , R.E.S. , n.s., 18:264-73.[2413]
- PRICE, C. J. L., The Completion of The School for Scandal , TLS , December 28, 1967, p. 1265.[2414]
- PRICE, CECIL, The Second Crewe MS. of The School for Scandal , PBSA , 61:351-56.[2415]
- PRICE, G. R., The Early Edition of A trick to catch the old one , Library , 5th ser., 22:205-27.[2416]
- A RARE Find: Parts of Two Chapters of MS. [of Swinburne's Lesbia Brandon] Rediscovered, Amer. Book Collector , 17:7:6.[2417]
- RASKIN, JONAH, Heart of Darkness: The Manuscript Revisions, R.E.S. , n.s., 18: 30-39.[2418]
- REAL, H. J., A Lucretian Ghost Edition, N & Q , n.s., 14:452.(Supplements B3586.)[2419]
- RIDLER, ANNE, Traherne: Some Wrong Attributions, R.E.S. , n.s., 18:48-49.[2420]
- ROBERTS, R. J., The Greek Press at Constantinople in 1627 and Its Antecedents, Library , 5th ser., 22:13-43.[2421]
- ROCHE, T. P., Jr., The Spenser Collection of Charles Grosvenor Osgood, PULC , 72:91-101.[2422]
- ROY, G. R., Robert Burns and William Creech — A Reply, PBSA , 61:357-59.(Reply to C2003.)[2423]
- RYLEY, R. M., A Note on the Authenticity of Some Lines from Pope, PQ , 46:417-21.[2424]
- SAUNDERS, J. W., The Literary Profession in the Elizabethan Age by Phoebe Sheavyn, 2d ed., rev. by J. W. Saunders, Manchester Univ. Press, 1967. x, 248 p. Critical rev. by J. C. Maxwell, N & Q, n.s., 14:475-76.[2425]
- SCOTT, P. G., The Text and Structure of Clough's “The Last Decalogue,” N & Q , n.s., 14:378-79.[2426]
- SHAWCROSS, J. T., John Donne and Drummond's Manuscript, Amer. N & Q , 5:104-105.[2427]
- SHERBO, ARTHUR, Two Pieces Newly Ascribed to Christopher Smart, MLR , 62:214-20.[2428]
- SHIPLEY, J. B., A Note on the Authorship of The Whale , R.E.S. , n.s., 18:166-69.(Not by Swift but by Lord Chesterfield.)[2429]
- SHOEMAKER, R. H., Bibliography (General), in “Bibliography: Current State and Future Trends. Part I.” Library Trends , 15:340-46.[2430]
- SIMPSON, S. M., A Pleasant and Compendious History of the First Inventors — The 1685 Edition a “Ghost,” Book Collector , 16:224.[2431]
- SMITH, C. S., Two Copies of the First Book Published in Brazil at the New York Public Library, in Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Homage to a Bookman , Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 187-95.[2432]
- SMITH, CHARLES MANBY, The Working Man's Way in the World , Preface and Notes by Ellic Howe, London, Printing Historical Soc., 1967. xii, 347 p.(Publ. No. 3.)[2433]
- SMITH, G. A., Collating Machine, Poor Man's, Mark VII, PBSA , 61:110-13.[2434]
- SNYDER, H. L., The Reports of a Press Spy for Robert Harley: New Bibliographical Data for the Reign of Queen Anne, Library , 5th ser., 22:326-45.[2435]
- SOMMERLAD, M. J., Scottish “Wheel” and “Herring-bone” Bindings in the Bodleian Library: An Illustrated Handbook , Oxford Bibl. Soc., 1967. 10 p., 4 pl. (28 illus.). (Occasional Publns No. 1.) ,[2436]
- SPARROW, JOHN, A Note on A. E. Housman, TLS , November 16, 1967, p. 1088 (Corrects A 3295.) Reply by T. B. Haber, TLS, January 11, 1968, p. 45, and counter by Sparrow, ibid. [2437]
- STANWOOD, P. G., A Donne Discovery, TLS , October 19, 1967, p. 984.(Poem on the canonization of St. Ignatius Loyola.)[2438]
- STARR, H. W., and HENDRICKSON, J. R., Supplementary Note on Thomas Gray's “Gratia Magna,” N & Q , n.s., 14:412.[2439]
- STOKES, G. C., Thackeray as Historian: Two Newly Identified Contributions to Fraser's Magazine , Nineteenth-Century Fiction , 22:281-88.[2440]
- STONE, HARRY, Dickens and Composite Writing, Dickens Studies , 3:68-79.(In Household Words.)[2441]
- STONE, HARRY, Dickens and the Idea of a Periodical, Western Humanities Review , 21:237-56.[2442]
- STRAUSS, VICTOR, The Printing Industry , Washington, Printing Industries of America, 1967. 814 p.[2443]
- STURMAN, BERTA, A Date and a Printer for A Looking Glasse for London and England. Q 4 [R. Blower for T. Pavier, 1604-1605], SB , 21:248-53.[2444]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Identification of Type Faces in Bibliographical Description, Jour. of Typographic Research , 1:427-48.[2445]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Typographic Research and Bibliography, Jour. of Typographic Research , 1:157-63.[2446]
- TAYLOR, J. R., The Art Nouveau Book in Britain , Cambridge, Mass., M.I.T. Press, 1967. 176 p.[2447]
- THOMPSON, P. V., An Unpublished Letter from Swift [to Patrick Delany], Library , 5th ser., 22:57-66.[2448]
- THORPE, JAMES, Writers at Work: The Creative Process and Our View of Art, HLQ , 30:195-206.[2449]
- THWAITE, M. F., John Newbery — Publisher and Bookseller, 1713-1767, Private Library , 8:66-71.[2450]
- TOLLEY, A. T., The Printing of Auden's Poems (1928), and Spender's Nine Experiments , Library , 5th ser., 22:149-50.[2451]
- TURNER, R. K., Jr., The Text of Heywood's The fair maid of the West , Library , 5th ser., 22:299-325.[2452]
- VAUGHN, J. A., A D'Urfey Play Dated, PQ , 64:322-23.(A Fond Husband, 1677.)[2453]
- VERVLIET, H. D. L., The Sixteenth Century Type Designs of the Low Countries , Amsterdam, Menno Hertzberger, 1967. 356 p.[2454]
- WAKEMAN, GEOFFREY, The Design of Day's Saxon, Library , 5th ser., 22:283-98.[2455]
- WAKEMAN, GEOFFREY, Two Editions of “Cruikshank's Grimm,” Book Collector , 16:82-83.(His illus. to work by A. L. Grimm, not one of the brothers.)[2456]
- WAKEMAN, GEOFFREY, Nature Printing, Library , 5th ser., 22:355.(By R. C. Lucas.)[2457]
- WEBER, D. C., Bibliographical Blessings, PBSA , 61:307-14.[2458]
- WEEDON, MARGARET, An Uncancelled Copy of the First Collected Edition of Swift's Poems, Library , 5th ser., 22:44-56.[2459]
- WEINBROT, H. D., Dr. Johnson's Poems: A New Version of “Medea,” Lines 192-203, and a New Translation of the Epitaph on Goldsmith, N & Q , n.s., 14:410-11.[2460]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, A Shropshire Lad XLIII, 1, and LXII, 31, Serif , 4:3:31-32.[2461]
- WHITEHEAD, H. G., Pedro Simón Abril: Three Early Editions, BM Quart. , 31:67-71.(Including his Latin and Spanish Aesop of 1575.)[2462]
- WILLIAMSON, DEREK, Historical Bibliography , Hamden, Conn., Archon Books, 1967. 129 p.[2463]
- WILLIAMSON, HUGH, Methods of Book Design , 2d ed., Oxford Univ. Press, 1966. xvi, 434 p.[2464]
- WOLPE, BERTHOLD, ed., Vincent Figgins' Type Specimens, 1801 and 1815 , London, Printing Historical Soc., 1967. 44 p., and facsim of specimen book of 1815.(Publications No. 4.)[2465]
- WOODWARD, D. H., A Note on the Quarto Edition of Gondibert (1651), Library , 5th ser., 12:69-70.(Supplements C 1574.)[2466]
- WOODWARD, D. H., An unrecorded Oxford Quaestiones (1617), Book Collector , 16:81-82.[2467]
- WRIGHT, ANDREW, An Authoritative Text of The Horse's Mouth , PBSA , 61:100-109.[2468]
- WYATT, S. W., The English Romantic Novel and Austrian Reaction: A Study of Hapsburgh-Metternich Censorship , New York, Exposition Press, 1967. 176 p.[2469]
- ZALL, P. M., Coleridge's Unpublished Revisions to “Osorio,” BNYPL , 71:516-23.[2470]





B. United States
- ADNEY, J. R., Pioneer Journalism in Iowa, Annals of Iowa , 38:501-509, 612-25.[2471]
- ALDRIDGE, A. O., The First Published Memoir of Franklin, William and Mary Quart. , 24:625-28.[2472]
- BARBOUR, P. L., Two “Unknown” Poems by Captain John Smith, Virginia Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 75:157-58.[2473]
- BENNETT, SCOTT, A Concealed Printing in W. D. Howells, PBSA , 61:56-60.(A Traveler from Altruria.)[2474]
- BERKELEY, EDMUND, and BERKELEY, D. S., “The Piece Left Behind”: Monroe's Authorship of a Political Pamphlet Revealed, Virginia Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 75:174-80. (Monroe and John Beckley authors of a pamphlet credited to John Taylor of Caroline.)
- BLOOMFIELD, B. C., T. B. Mosher and the Guild of Women-Binders, Book Collector , 16:82.[2476]
- BRODERICK, J. C., An Unpublished Whitman Letter and Other Manuscripts, AL , 37(1965-66):475-78.[2477]
- BRONNER, E. B, Distributing the Printed Word: The Tract Association of Friends, 1816-1966 , Pa. Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 91:342-54.[2478]
- COHEN, HENNIG, Melville's Copy of Broughton's Popular Poetry of the Hindoos , PBSA , 61:266-67.(Supplements C1878.)[2479]
- CRAWFORD, R. L., A Note on Robert Aitken, Printer of the “Bible of the Revolution,” Bibliotheck , 5:36-37.[2480]
- DAVIS, O. L., Jr., Another Confederate Book: A Literary Ghost, But a Real Ghost from Texas, Serif , 4:4:28-29.(The Child's Scripture Question Book, 1865.)[2481]
- DeGRUSON, GENE, An Unlocated Bret Harte-Joaquin Miller Book, PBSA , 61:60.(Thompson's Prodigal and Other Sketches, BAL, III, 469.)[2482]
- DURNBAUGH, D. F., Henry Kurtz: Man of the Book, Ohio History , 76:114-31.(Includes an account of his printing for the Church of the Brethren.)[2483]
- EDDY, S. L., Jr., The Northern Monthly and New Jersey Magazine: May 1867-June 1868, Jour. Rutgers Univ. Libr. , 30:40-52.[2484]
- EMERSON, E. H., Captain John Smith as Editor: The Generall Historie , Virginia Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 75:143-56.[2485]
- FISH, CHARLES, Form and Revision: The Example of Watch and Ward , Nineteenth Century Fiction , 22:173-90.[2486]
- FRANKLIN, R. W., The Editing of Emily Dickinson, a Reconsideration , Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1967. xvii, 187 p.[2487]
- GUILDS, J. C., William Gilmore Simms and the Southern Literary Gazette , SB , 21:59-92.[2488]
- GUTHORN, P. J., American Maps and Map Makers of the Revolution , Monmouth Beach, N. J., Philip Freneau Press, 1966 [i.e. 1967]. 48 p.[2489]
- HARDING, WALTER, Emerson's Library , Charlottesville, Univ. Press of Va., 1967. xi, 338 p.[2490]
- HARLAN, R. D., David Hall and the Stamp Act, PBSA , 61:13-37.[2491]
- HARLOW, T. R., Thomas Robbins, Clergyman, Book Collector, and Librarian, PBSA , 61:1-11.[2492]
- HART, J. A., American Poetry of the First World War and the Book Trade, PBSA , 61:209-24.[2493]
- HAYFORD, HARRISON, and PARKER, HERSHEL, eds., Moby Dick , New York, Norton, 1967. xviii, 728 p.[2494]
- HOWARD E. G., Some Variations in Varle's Complete View of Baltimore (1833) Maryland Historical Mag. , 61 (1966):370-72, and correction 62:210.[2495]
- HOWARD E. G., The States of [Alfred] Vail's Description [1845], Maryland Historical Mag. , 62:355.[2496]
- KIRKHAM, E. B., The First English Editions of John Lawson's Voyage to Carolina: A Bibliographical Study, PBSA , 61:258-65.[2497]
- KYRISS, ERNST, New Yorker illustrierte Bücher des 19. Jahrhunderts mit signierten Einbänden, in Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Homage to a Bookman , Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 221-29.[2498]
- LADA-MOCARSKI, VALERIAN, Earliest Russian Printing in the United States, in Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Homage to a Bookman , Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 231-33.(At San Francisco at some time between October 4, 1867, and March 1, 1868.)[2499]
- LEHMANN-HAUPT, HELLMUT, FRENCH, H. D., and ROGERS, J. W., Bookbinding in America , New York, Bowker, 1967, 293 p.(repr. of ed. of 1941, with bibl. supplements to three essays covering literature of past twenty-five years.)[2500]
- LOSCHKY, HELEN, The Columbiad Tradition: Joel Barlow and Others, Books at Brown , 21(1966):197-206[2501]
- MABBOTT, T. O., Walt Whitman Edits the Sunday Times, July, 1842-June, 1843, AL , 39:99-102.[2502]
- McCORISON, M. A., A Daybook from the Office of The Rutland Herald Kept by Samuel Williams, 1798-1802, Proc. , Amer. Antiquarian Soc., 77:293-395.[2503]
- McLENDON, W. L., Misshelved Americana: The Post Boy [Cambridge (Mass.), 1850-1851], PBSA , 61:343-47.[2504]
- MADISON, C. A., Book Publishing in America , New York, McGraw-Hill, 1966. xiv, 628 p. Critical rev. by Rollo G. Silver, AL, 39:255-56.[2505]
- MAXWELL, J. C., The Revision of “Roderick Hudson,” English Studies , 45(1964): 239.(Correction of C1064.)[2506]
- MORISON, S. E., Commodore Perry's Japan Expedition Press and Shipboard Theatre, Proc. , Amer. Antiquarian Soc., 77:35-43.(Supplements B 1547.)[2507]
- PARKER, JOHN, Jonathan Carver's Map of His Travels, in Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt, Homage to a Bookman , Berlin, Gebr. Mann Verlag, 1967, pp. 197-208.[2508]
- PECK, R. E., Two Lost Bryant Poems: Evidence of Thomson's Influence, AL , 39:88-94.[2509]
- PECK, R. E., An Unpublished Poem by Washington Irving, AL , 39:204-207.[2510]
- PELADEAU, M. B., Some Additional Facts about Royall Tyler, Book Collector , 16:511-12.(Supplements C1882.)[2511]
- PRICE, C. E., John Israel: Printer and Politician on the Pennsylvania Frontier, 1798-1805, Pa. Mag. of Hist. and Biog. , 91:46-55.[2512]
- REINKE, E. C., A Classical Debate of the Charleston, South Carolina, Library Society, PBSA , 61:83-99.[2513]
- RICHARD, CLAUDE, Poe and “Young America,” SB , 21:25-58.[2514]
- SALZMAN, JACK, The Publication of Sister Carrie: Fact and Fiction, Libr. Chron. [Univ. of Pa.], 33:119-33.[2515]
- SILVER, R. G., The American Printer, 1787-1825 , Charlottesville, For the Bibl. Soc. by the Univ. Press of Va., 1967. xii, 189 p.[2516]
- SILVERMAN, KENNETH, Two Unpublished Colonial Verses, BNYPL , 71:61-63.(By Joseph Breintnall and Captain Martin.)[2517]
- STALLMAN, R. W., Stephen Crane: Some New Sketches, BNYPL , 71:554-62.(Introductory note and first publication of text.)[2518]
- TANSELLE, G. T., Author and Publisher in 1800: Letters of Royall Tyler and Joseph Nancrede, HLB , 25:129-39.[2519]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Descriptive Bibliography of American Authors, SB , 21:1-24.[2520]
- TANSELLE, G. T., The Laurence Gomme Imprint, PBSA , 61:225-40.[2521]
- TAYLOR, E. W., Analysis and Comparison of the 1855 and 1891 Versions of Whitman's “To Think of Time,” Walt Whitman Rev. , 13:107-122.[2522]
- VANDERSEE, CHARLES, James's “Pandora”: The Mixed Consequences of Revision, SB , 21:93-108.[2523]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Collected Hemingway: A Japanese Translation, Serif , 4:1:30-32.[2524]
- WHITE, WILLIAM, Robinson Jeffers' The Beginning and the End: Another Error, PBSA , 61:126.(Supplements C2075.)[2525]
- WILLIAMS, W. C., I Wanted to Write a Poem: Autobiography of the Works of a Poet , reported and ed. by Edith Heal, Boston, Beacon Press, 1967. 100 p.[2526]


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