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Variants in Reset Forme
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Variants in Reset Forme

    Inner sheet a (inner forme)

  • 2nd setting: BM2
  • 1st setting: BM1, Bd, AS, C, JR, W [this sheet is wanting in Bx]
  • a4 verso
  • 5 eutrapelia:] eutrapeliɐ
  • 5 ſupabūdancia] ſupabundācia
  • 18 tum comoditatē] tum comitatē
  • 22 copiā lingue] copiaȝ lingue
  • 23 Superabundācia inquit] Superabundancia īquit [in original setting the 'u' of 'īquit' is badly broken]
  • 24-25 ſcurrilitas . . . et qui illam] ſcurrilitas . . . et qui illam [in second setting the final 's' of 'ſcurrilitas' is a peculiar sort with tall, angular arms, sloping to the right]

    a5 recto

  • 1 ſcurca: qui autē] ſcurra' qui aute3 [in original the 'u' of 'aute3' is broken]
  • 5 abhoret] abhorret [in original the first 'r' of 'abhorret' is gothic, the second roman; in resetting the single 'r' is roman; the spelling is an example of a new error introduced by the compositor into the resetting]
  • 7 vidētur . . . in lingua] videntur . . . ī lingua
  • 18 cōtine] contine
  • 20-21 ſemp la/tine bonum] ſemp lati/ne bonum
  • 21 quidē:] quidem.
  • 22 tamē] tamen
  • 25 omne animal ſubſstancia ſit] ome animal ſubſtancia ſit.