University of Virginia Library


At the request of the President, Mr. Marvin B. Perry, Jr., Dean of Admissions, appeared before
the Board to discuss the outlook for undergraduate admissions for 1961-1962. He described the
changes which the President had made in 1960 which had resulted in the centralization in the
Office of the Dean of Admissions of the responsibility for undergraduate admissions to the
College of Arts and Sciences, School of Education, School of Engineering, and School of Architecture.
He pointed out that a Committee on Undergraduate Admissions advisory to the Dean had been
appointed by the President and that at least two and in most instances three members of this
Committee read all of the completed applications for admission to these four undergraduate schools.
Dean Perry also discussed the outlook for admissions for 1961-1962 and stated that there had been
a gratifying increase in the applications for all four undergraduate schools with the heaviest increase
occurring in the number of applications for admission to the College of Arts and Sciences.
A particularly gratifying increase, he stated, had been secured from Virginia public high schools.

Following Dean Perry's presentation, a general discussion ensued, at the conclusion of which
Dean Perry left the room.