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June 14-15, 1996

Election of the Executive Committee

Memorial Resolution for Glenn B. Updike, Jr.

Establishment of the Becton Dickinson Professorship in Health Care Worker Safety

Establishment of the Horace W. Goldsmith Distinguished Teaching Professorship in the Humanities

Approval to Increase the Number of Members of the Miller Center Council

Establishment of the Master of Science Degree in Biological and Physical Sciences

Approval to Accept Proposals Recommended for Funding Academic Enhancement

Approval to Allow the University of Virginia Foundation or its Subsidiaries to Provide Gift Annuities to Donors

Approval to Invest an Additional $2,500,000 on Behalf of the Medical Center in Blue Ridge Health Alliance, Inc., and to Amend Corporate Documents

Approval of Audit Schedule for Fiscal Year 1996-97

Approval of Summary of Audit Findings

Approval of the Architectual Design Guidelines for the Construction of the Health Sciences Center East Parking Garage

Approval of Preliminary Design for the Construction of the Emergency Operations Center

Approval of the Architect Selection for the Elson Student Health Center Addition

Approval of the Engineer Selection for the Carr's Hill Electric Upgrade

Approval of Permanent and Temporary Easements for the Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Inc., and Permanent Easement for Virginia Electric and Power Company Across University of Virginia Land Located at Blue Ridge Hospital

Approval of Permanent Easement for City of Charlottesville Gas Division Across University of Virginia Land Located at 2504 Stadium Road

Approval of Dedication to Public Use of a Strip of University Land and Permanent Easements for Sprint-Centel and the City of Charlottesville Gas Division on University Land in the Vicinity of Rugby Road

Approval of Contruction Easement for Virginia Oil Company Across University of Virginia Land at the Intersection of Millmont Street and Barracks Road

Approval of the Renaming of the Perry Foundation Courts

Approval of the Naming of the Counseling Center

Approval of the Naming of the New Residence Hall

Approval of the 1996-97 Budget for the Academic Division

Approval of the 1996-97 Budget for Clinch Valley College

Approval of the 1996-97 Budget for the University of Virginia Medical Center

Approval of the 1996-97 Budget of Funds From the Pratt Estate for the School of Medicine and Specific Departments in the College of Arts and Sciences

Approval of the Compensation Plan for Medical Center Employees

Approval of the Faculty Salary Schedule for the Academic Division and Clinch Valley College, 1996-97

Approval of the University of Virginia Policy Statement Governing Exercise of Post-appropriation Autonomy for Certain Non-General Fund Capital Projects

Approval of the University of Virginia Policy Statement Governing Exercise of Autonomy in Leases of Property

Approval of the University of Virginia Policy Statement Governing Exercise of Procurement Autonomy by the University on Behalf of the Medical Center

Approval of the University of Virginia Policy Statement Governing Exercise of Medical Center Personnel Autonomy

Thomas Jefferson Regional Economic Development Partnership, Inc.

Approval of the Assignment of the Upper Apartment, Pavilion VIII

Approval of the Assignment of the Lower Apartment, Pavilion VIII

Approval of a Revision of the Advisory Council By-Laws, Clinch Valley College

Faculty Personnel Actions:

Elections to Faculty

Election of Chairholders

Promotions of Chairholders

Changes of Title of Chairholders

Retirements of Chairholders


Changes of Title





Election of Professors Emeriti

Election of Associate Professor Emeritus

Change in the Election of Mr. Kim Abubakar Forde-Mazrui

Change in the Retirement of Mr. Bruce A. Chartres

Termination of Douglas B. Smith

Re-election of Mr. Robert D. Sweeney as Vice President for Development

Promotions, Clinch Valley College