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  • The following resolution was adopted:
    RESOLVED that the following persons be and they are hereby elected to the faculty:
  • Mr. Reda Bensmaia as Associate Professor of French, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Mr. Robert L. Blackburn as Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, for three academic years, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Mr. George F. Bland as Visiting Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Mr. R. Anton Braun as Acting Assistant Professor of Economics, for one academic year, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Mr. Sergio Conetti as Professor of Physics, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Mr. Richard R. Curnish as Research Assistant Professor of Physiology, for three years, effective September 1, 1988.
  • Mr. Alan T. Dorsey as Assistant Professor of Physics, for four academic years, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Ms. Rita Dove as Professor of English, effective July 1, 1989.
  • Mr. Earl C. Dudley, Jr. as Associate Professor of Law, for five academic years, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Ms. Susan K. Erkenbrack as Instructor in Internal Medicine, General Medical Faculty, for the period February 1, 1989 through January 31, 1990.
  • Dr. Lawrence W. Gimple as Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1989.

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  • Mr. W. Dean Harman as Assistant Professor of Chemistry, for four academic years, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Mr. A. Ian Harrison as Assistant Professor of Chemistry, for four academic years, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Dr. Robert R. Heider as Assistant Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, for three years, effective July 1, 1989.
  • Mr. David F. Hult as Associate Professor of French, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Ms. Jacqueline S. Johnson as Assistant Professor of Psychology, for four academic years, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Dr. Douglas C. Russell as Professor of Internal Medicine, Salem Program, for the period February 16, 1989 through June 30, 1991.
  • Dr. Robert A. Schwab as Assistant Professor of Internal Medicine, for three years, effective July 1, 1989.
  • Mr. Herman M. Schwartz as Assistant Professor of Government and Foreign Affairs, for four academic years, effective September 1, 1989.
  • Mr. John C. Silcox as Research Instructor in Physiology, for one year, effective March 1, 1989.
  • Mr. Gregory G. Simoncini as Lecturer, General Faculty, for three years, effective May 1, 1989.
  • Dr. Perry S. Westerman as Assistant Professor of Behavioral Medicine and Psychiatry, for three years, effective July 1, 1989.