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Aetius, Tetrabiblos, Latin Leyden, 1249 
Avicenna's Works, Latin. Vnic, 1608 
Baglivi Works, Latin, Leyden, 1710 
Blane, Sir G. Select Dissertations on Medical Science,
London, 1822
Blane, Sir G. Elements of Medical Logic, London, 1825 
Boerhaave, Method of Teaching Medicine, Latin, Leyden,
Cardan's Works, Latin, Leyden, 1663  10 
Clark's Medical Notes on Climate &c. of. France, Italy
and Switzerland, London, 1820
Derenzy, Enchiridion or Hand for the one Handed,
London, 1822
Forestus Works, Latin, Rouen, 1653 
Fothergill, Dr. John, Works by Lettsom, London, 1784 
Freind's Works, Latin, Leyden, 1650 
Galen's Works, Gr. & Lat. Leipsic  10 
Harvey's Works, Latin Leyden. 1737 
Hippocrates, Works, Gr. & Lat. Geneva, 1657 
Hippocrates, Vander-Linden, Gr. & Lat. Leyd. 1765 
Hoffman's Works, Latin. Geneva. 1748 
Hooper. Examinations in Anatomy, Physiology &c. London
Hosack, Dr. D Medical Essays, New-York, 1824 
Leeuenhoek, `Arcana Naturæ" See Nat. Hist. 
Legallois' Works, by Pariset, Fr. Paris, 1824 
Liæus, Amœnitates Academicæ. See Nat. Hist. 
Malpighi, Posthumous Works, Lat. Amsterdam, 1700 
Mead, Medical Works. Edinburgh, 1765 
Morgagni's Works Latin, Bassano, 1765 
Morton's Works, Latin, Geneva, 1727 
Paracelsus's Work, Latin, Geneva 
Ploucquet, Medical Literature Lat. Tubingen, 1808 
Pouteau, Posthumous Works Fr. Lyons, 1783 
Rufus Ephesius, Works, Lat. London, 1737 
Sennertus's Works, Latin, Leyden, 1650 
Sutleffe, Mr. Medical and Surgical Cases, London,
Sydenham's Works by Rush, Philadelphia, 1809 
Vicq d'Azyr's Works, by Moreau, Fr. Paris, 1805 
Vogel's Prælectiones Academicæ, Lat Lausannè, 1788 
Young, Dr. Introduction to Medical Literature. London,


Memoirs of the Royal Academy of Surgery, French,
Paris, 1819
Prizes of the Royal Academy of Surgery, Fr. Paris, 1819 
Memoirs of the Medical Society of Emulation, Paris, 
Memoirs and Prizes of the Society of Medicine Paris, 
Transactions of the Associated Apothecaries of England,
and Wales, London, 1823
Transactions of the Medical Society of Lyons, reported
by Gilibert, French
Dictionary of Medical Sciences, Fr. Paris,  60 
Castelli, Medical Lexicon, Lat. Geneva, 1766 
Cooper's Surgical Dictionary, London, 1822 
Hooper's Medical Dictionary, London, 1820 
Nysten's Medical Dictionary, by Bricheteau, French,
Paris, 1824
Par's Medical Dictionary, London, 1809 
Anderson's Journal of the Medical Sciences, London,
since 1824
Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal, Edinburgh,
since 1824
Johnson's Medico-Chirurgical Journal and Review,
London, since 1824
London Medical Intelligencer, for 1823, edited by Dr
London Medical and Physical Journal, since 1824 
London Medical Repository, from the commencement. 
American Medical Recorder Philadelphia, since 1824 
Philadelphia Journal of the Medical Sciences, 1824 
North American Medical & Surgical Journal, 1824 
New-York Medical & Physical Journal, New-York 
Review, (Medical) Fr. Paris, since 1824 
Journal of Physiology, by Magendie. Fr. Paris, since 1824 
Bulletin of the Medical Sciences, (Ferussac's) since 1824