University of Virginia Library

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Vols.  Size. 
Blumenbach's Manuel of Natural History, translated by
Artand; French, Metz, 1803
Bonnet's Works French,  10 
Buffon's Natural History, Fr. Paris,  127 
Buffon's Natural Abridged London, 1792 
Catesby, Natural History of Carolina. Florida &c. Eng
and French, London, 1771
Domestic Portable Dictionary Fr. Paris, 1792 
Dumeril's Natural History, Fr. Paris, 1807 
Fourcroy's Elements of Natural History and Chemistry,
French, Paris 1795
Gilibert's System of Nature French, Lyons, 1802 
Horrebow's Natural History of Iceland, London, 165 
Humbolt's Picture of Nature, Fr. Paris, 1808 
Leeuwenhock's Secrets of Nature, Latin, Leyden, 1708 
Linnaeus, System of Nature, Latin Leipsic. 1788 
Linnaeus, System of Nature, by Turton. London, 1806 
Linnaeus, Amtates Academicae, Latin, Stockholm,
Memoirs of the Linnæan Society 
Pallas, Travels in Russia, See Miscell. 
Piso on the Ntural and Medical productions of both the
Indies, Latin, Amsterdam 1658
Plinius, Natural History, Latin, Paris, 1727, 
Plinius, Natural History, Latin, Leipsic, 1778  10 
Redi's Works, Italian Naples, 1791 
Saussure, Voyage in the Alps, French, 1803 
Shaw's Naturalist's Miscellany, London,  24 
Smellie's Philosophy of Natural History, by Ware, Boston,
Spectacle of Nature Fr. Paris, 1782 
Swammerdam's Book of Nature, or History of Insects,
Leyden. 1737
Valmont de Bomar, Dictionary of Natural History, Fr.
Lyons, 1800
Willich's Domestic Encyclopædia, French, Philadelphia,