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Vols.  Size 
Adams's Dictionary of Religions, Boston, 1817 
Addison's Evidences. by Purdy, London, 1807 
Aeneas & Zacharias. on the Immortality of the Soul,
Greek and Latin, Leipsic. 1655
Ammonius Consonance of the Evangelists, Latin, Constance,
Aquinas. (Thomas) Latin, Anerp, 1612  12 
Athanasius's Works, Latin, 1617 
Bæda, Ecesiastial History, Latin and Saxon, Cambridge,
Ba &c. 1644 
Barclay's Apology, London, 1825 
Barnabas & Hermas. Epistles, Latin, Oxford, 1685  12 
Baronius, Eeclesiastical Annals, Oxford, 160  12 
Baronius, continued, by Raynald, Oxford, 1693 
Baronius, continuation, by Spondanus, Lat. Leyden, 
Basilius, Works Complete, Latin, Paris, 1638 
Bate's Hebrew & English Dictionary, London, 1767 
Bible, by Thompson, Philadelphia, 1808 
Bible, Hebrw 1720 
Bible, Hungaric, 1765 
Bible, Latin, 1703 
Bible, "Sacra Vulgata" Vienna, 1813 
Bible, in a Language of the American Indians, translated
by Eliot
Bible, (Finnisch) 
Bible, (Sclavonisch) 
Bible, by Stt Boston, 
Bible, Latin, Hamburg, 1723 
Bible, Latin, 1663 
Bibliotheca of the Polish Brethren. Latin. See Socinus,
Blackbourne's Works, Cambridge, 1804 
Blair's Sermons. London, 1802 
ts Funeral Sermons. French, Paris, 1762  12 
rdles Sermons, French, Paris, 1726  12 
rdles Sermons, Aent, French, Paris, 16  12 
rdles Sermons, Retreat, French, Paris, 1747  12 
rdles Sermons, Mysteries, French, Paris, 1726  12 
rdles Sermons, t, French, Paris, 176  12 
rdles Sermons, Festivals of the Saints, Fr. Paris,
rdles Sermons, hations, Saints, Fr. Paris, 17  12 
rdles Sermons, Thoughts, Saints, Fr. Paris, 1774  12 
Boyse's Pantheon, Cooke, London, 1787  12 
Brenius, Annotations upon the Old and New Testament,
Latin, Amsterdam 1664,
Bochart Sacred Geography, Latin, 1651 
Broughton's Dictionary of all Religions, London, 1745 
Brown's Dictionary of the Bible, London, 1820 
Burnet's Exposition of the 39 Articles. London, 1819 
Calmet's Dictionary of the Bible, Fr Geneva, 1730 
Calvin's Christian Institution, Geneva, 1818. 
Cave's Lives of the Fathers. London, 1683 
Chillingsworth's Works, London, 1742 
Chrysostom's Works complete, Lat. fort, 1679 
Clarke's Sermons London, 1732  10 
Clarke's 17 Sermons. London, 1724 
Clarke's on the Attributes of God, Glasgow, 1823 
Clement's Works, Latin, 1629 
Concordia Evangelica, Latin. Paris. 1660  18 
Cotelerius, Apostolic Fathers, Latin, Amsterdam, 1724 
Crellius, Works complete. Latin, 656 
Crellius, Works Lat. 656 
Cruden's Concordance, Brick, 1817 
Cyrill's Sermons, Latin, Anrp, 1618 
Cyprianus, See Athanasus. 
Dll. concerning the right use of the Fathers, Latin,
Geneva, 1655
Davanzati, Schism of England, Italian. Milan. 1807 
Demoustier's Letters on Mythology, Fr. Paris, 1816  18 
Duns Scotus, Works, Latin, Leyden, 1639  15 
Dupuis, origin of all the modes of Worship, and Atlas,
Paris, 1795
Dupuis, Analysis of, by Tracy, Fr. Paris, 1804 
Dwight's Conquest of Canaan, Hartford, 1785 
Eichhorn, Introduction to the Old Testament, German,
Gottingen, 1823
Eichhorn, Introduction to the Apocryphal writings of
the Old Testament, Ger. Leipsic, 1795
Eichhorn, Introduction to the New Testament, German,
Leipsic, 1810
Eichhorn, History of the origin of the World, German,
Nuremburg, 1790
Ellys, on Spiritual & Temporal Liberty. London, 1765 
Eusebius. Thesaurus Temporum. Lat. Amsterdam, 1658 
Eusebius. History of the Church, by Cousin, French
Paris, 1686
Evagrius, See Theodoretus, 
Fathers, See Sacred Fathers, 
Foster's Sermons, London, 1745  12 
Fox's Acts & Monuinents, London, 1684 
Gesenius, Hebrew and English Lexicon, by Gibbs, Andover,
Grabe's Seint, Oxford, 1707 
Gregory's Works complete, Latin, Paris, 1705 
Grotius, on the truth of the Christian Religion Clericus,
Latin, Boston, 1809
Hermann's Pantheon, German, 1811 
History of the X English Writers S. Monachus, J. Prior,
R. Prior, A. Abbas, R. de Diceto, J. Brompton,
G. Monachus, Th, Stubbs, W. Thorn, and H.
Knighton, Latin, London, 1652
Hodius, on the Texts of the Bible, Lat. Oxford. 1705 
Hone's Ancient Mysteries, London, 1823 
Hone's Apocryphal. Testament, London, 1821, 2 copies, 
Hottinger, Bibliothecarius Quadripartitus, Latin, 16 
Huss, John and Jerome, of Prague, their history &c. Lat.
Nuremburg 1715
Ignatius, Epistles, Latin, Geneva, 1623 
Ignatius and Barnabas, Epistles, Vossius, Latin, Amsterdam,
Jones, Canon of the New Testament, London 1726 
ious Pelusiota. G. and Lat. Paris, 1638 
Junius and Mareschallus, four Evangelists, Gotc and
Kennicott's Old Testament, Hebrew, Oxford, 1776 
Leibnitz, Tentamina Theodicæae, Latin, Francfort,
Leo the Great, Works of, Latin, Venice, 1753 
Lightfoot's Works London,  
Lowth's Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews, Latin, Gtti-
Martin Luther, Works of, Latin. Witenburg, 1545 
Massillon's Works, French, Paris, 1820 
Moiners, History of different Religions, German, ao-
aso, Rev. Wm. See Miscell. 
Minue Philosopher, London, 1732 
Mhei Ecclesiastical History, Maclaine, Charleston,
Necker, on Religions Opinions, London, 1788 
Newcomb's Harmony, Greek Andover, 1814 
Newcomb's Harmony, Philadelphia, 1809 
Newman's Concordance, London, 1658 
Nicephorus Callistius, Ecclesiastical History, Latin,
Paris, 1630
Origen, Hexapla, Hebrew, Greek and Latin, Montfaucon.
Origen, Hexapla, Bard &c. Hebrew, Leipsic, 1769 
Paley's Evidences of Christianity, Boston, 1810 
Pamphilius Ecclesiastical History, 1779 
Pascal's thoughts on Religion &c. Fr. Paris, 1820  12 
Pearson, on the Creed, London,
Philo Judaeus, Works, Latin & Greek, Pfeiffer, Erlangen.
Pilostatus, Gr. and Lat. Olearus, Leipsic, 1719 
Priestley's Harmony, London, 1777 
Priestley's Corruptions of Christianity, Boston. 1797 
Priestley's Institutes of Natural and Revealed Religion,
Priestley's History of early opinions concerning Christ,
Birmingham, 1786
Priestley's Camparison, Northumband, 1804 
Prideaux's Connexion, Charleston, 1815 
Pazipcovius. Sacred Cogitations. Latin 1692 
Psalms of David, Gr. & Lat nterp 1543  12 
Sacred Fathers Works of, Lat. Wurzburg, 1780  13 
Sacred Fathers Gr. & Lat. Wurzburg, 1793  21 
Sale's Koran, London, 1821 
Schlevsnerus, Lexicon to the New Testament, Leipsic,
Scott's Bible, See Bible 
Scotus, See Duns Scotus, 
Sherlock, (W) on Divine Providence, Edinburgh, 1776  12 
on Judgment, London, 1713 
Sherlock's (Th.) Discourses, London, 50 
Sike, Eanem nfan, Lat. ht, 1697  12 
Sigonius, on the Republic of the Hebrews, Lat. lm-
Shtinis, Posthumous Commentaries on the New
Testament, Latin 1656
Sos's Works, See Biblioth of the Polish Brethren 
Ste and Sozomen, Ecclesiastical History, Greek &
Latin by Valesius, 1677
kouse's History of the Bible, London, 1742 
Sterne's Sermons London 12 
lligt's Origines Sacrae, Cambridge, 1702 
Sbaus. Greek and Latin, 1549 
Strype's Annals of the Reformation, Oxford, 1824 
art's Hebrew Grammar, Andover, 1823 
Taylor's (Jeremy) Works, Heber, London, 1822  15 
Taylor, (John) on Original Sin, London,
Taylor's Hebrew Goncordance, London, 17 
Testament New, Coptic and Latin, Oxford. 1716 
Testament New, Beza, Gr. & Lat. 16 
Testament New, Fabricius. Lat. Hamburgh, 1743 
Testament New, Greek, 1710 
Testament New, Latin, all, 1776 
Testament New, Gr and Lat. Montanus, Anrp. 1583 
Testament New, Latin, Erasmus. tbrg, 1661 
Testament New, Tartaric, 
Testament New, Islandic, 
Testament New, Syriac, Lewsden & Shaef. ydn, 1717 
Testament New, Greek, Matthæus, Wirtemburg, 1803 
Testament New, Calmuck, 
Testament New, Mongol 
Testament New, Arabic, 
Testament New, an improved Version of, Boston,
Testament New, Apochryphal Code of Fabricius, Gr. &
Latin, Hamburg, 1719
Theodoretus & Evagrius, Ecclesiastical History, Latin,
Theodoretus, Words complete, Greek and Latin, Shulze,
alle, 1769
Thompson's Four Gospels, Philadelphia, 1815 
Thompson's Bible, See Bible, 
Tillemont's Ecclesiastical History Fr. Paris,  16 
Tillotson's Works, London, 1728 
Tooke's Pantheon Baltimore, 1823 
Trimmer's Scripture Catechism, London. 1818  12 
Trimmer's Abridgement of Scrip Hist. London, 1811  12 
Trommius, Greek Concordance, Gr. 1718 
Ulfila, translation of the Evangelists in Gothic, with parallel
versions in Islandic, Suethic and Latin, Stockholm,
Van Dale, Dissertation upon Aristeas, Latin, Amsterdam
Warburton's Legation of Moses, London, 1755 
Wesley, on Original Sin. Bristol. 177 
Wharton's `Anglia Sacra" Latin London, 1691 
Whiston's Primitive Christianity, London, 1711 
Whitby on the five points, London, 1817 
Winer's Greek Grammar of the New Testament, by Stuart
and Robinson Andover, 1825
Wolzogenius, Works. Latin. 1646 
Wollaston Wm. Religion of Nature delineated, London,