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Alibert, Outlines of Diseases of the Skin, French, Paris,
Alpinus (Proer,) on Prognosis, Lat. Leyden, 1738 
Andral Junr. Clinical Medicine, Fr. Paris, 1823 
Annesley, Sketches of the Diseases of India, London,
Aretæus, on the causes and signs of Diseases, Latin, Vienna,
Armstrong, on Typhus and other Febrile Diseases, London,
Armstrong, on Scarlet Fever, Measles &c. London, 1818 
Astruc, on Venereal Diseases. London, 1754 
Badeley, Case of Cure, by Prince Hohenlohe, London, 1823 
Bally, Francois and Pariset, on the Yellow Fever of
Spain, French, Paris, 1823
Barlow, on Pathology &c. Bath. 1822 
Bayle, on Chronic Arachnitis, Fr. Paris, 1822 
Begin, Pathological Physiology, Fr. Paris, 1821 
Begin, Physiological Doctrine, applied to Surgery, Fr.
Paris, 1823
Bell. Treatise-on the Cow-Pox, Edinburgh, 1807  12 
Boerhaave, See Van Swieten. 
Boerhaave, Letters to Bassand, Lat. Vienna, 1778 
Boerhaave, Lectures on Lues Venre Latin, Frankfort,
Boerhaave, on the Institutes of Medicine, edited by Haller,
Latin, Leyden, 1758
Boerhaave, Practice of Physic, Lat. Urcht, 1745 
Boerhaave, Medical Institutes, Lat. Leyden, 1746 
Boerhaave, Aphorisms for knowing and curing Diseases,
Latin, Leyden, 1758
Boerhaave, on Lues Venerea, Latin, Leyden, 1751 
Boerhaave, Lectures on Diseases of the Nerves, Latin,
Leyden, 1761
Booth, on Hydrophobia, London, 1824 
Boyer, on Surgical Diseases, Fr Paris, 1822  10 
Boyle, on the Diseases of hot and cold Climates, London,
Brown's Elements of Medicine, by Beddoes, London,
Caffin, Physiological, Pathological, and Therapeutical
Deductions, French, Paris, 1822
Campbell, on Epidemic Purpral Fever, Edinburgh,
Capuron, Treatise on the diseases of Children, French,
Paris, 1820
Capuron, on the diseases of Women, Fr. Paris, 1817 
Celsus, on Medical Subjects, Lat. Paris, 1529 
Celsus, Translated by Greive. Edinburgh, 1814 
Chomel, Elements of General Pathology, French, Paris,
Clericus, on the Tape Worm, Lat. Genera, 1715 
Cooke, on Epilepsy, London, 1823 
Cooke, Mr. W. Translation of Morgagni, See Morgagni,
Cooke, Mr. W. on Hydrocephalus actus London, 1819
Cooper, Sir A. Lectures on Surgery, London, 1824 
Corvisart, Essay on diseases of the Heart, French, Paris,
Crichton, Sir A. on Pulmonary Consumption, London,
Cullen's Practice of Physic, by Rotheram, New-York,
Cullen's Methodical Synopsis of Diseases, Latin, Edinburgh,
Delpech, on Surgical Diseases, Fr. Paris, 1816 
Delpech, Clinical Surgery of Montpellier, Fr. Paris, 1823 
Desportes, Treatise on Angina Pectoris, Fr. Paris, 181 
Desault, Surgical Works, by Bichat, Fr. Paris, 83 
Deveze, Treatise on the Yellow Fever, Fr. Paris, 1820 
Dsruelles, Treatise on the Croup. Fr. Paris, 1824 
Dorsey's Elements of Surgery, Philadelphia, 1823 
Double, General Semeiology, Fr. Paris, 1811 
Dunglison, on Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels of
Children, London, 1824
Dunglison, Edition of Hooper's Surgeon's Vade mecum,
See Hooper
Falret, on Hypochondriasis & Suicide, Fr. Paris, 1822 
Fodre, Treatise on Goitre & Cretinism, Fr. Paris, 1800 
Foot, on Lus Venerea; London, 1820 
Fothergill, Dr. S. on Ti Douloureux, London, 1804  12 
Fouquet, Essay on the Pulse, French, Montpellier, 1818 
Frank, on the cure of Diseases, Lat. Paris, 1807-13 
Gaubius, Pathological Institutes. Lat. Leyden, 1763 
Georget, on Insanity, French, Paris, 1820 
Good, Study of Medicine, London, 1822 
Gregory, Dr. G. Elements of the Theory and Practice of
Physic, London, 1823
Hamilton, on the Diseases of Children, Edinburgh 
Henke on Nervous Mastodynia, Lat. Berlin, 
Hevin, Course of Surgical Pathology & French Paris,
Hooper, Physician's Vade mecum, London, 1823  12 
Hooper, Surgeon's Vade mecum, London, 1824  12 
Hutchinson, (Mr. B.) Cases of Neuralgia Spasmodica,
London, 1822
Itard, Treatise on Diseases of the Ear, Fr. Paris, 1821 
Jackson, Discourse on Fever, Boston, 1818 
Jackson, Syllabus of Lectures on Practice of Physic,
Jackson, Text Book of Lectures on Theory of Medicine,
Boston, 1826
Janin, Memoirs on the Eye, French, Lyon and París,
Johnson, on Tropical Diseases, London, 1818 
Labonnardiere, on Hydrophobia, Fr. Paris, 1820 
Lalouette, on Hydrophobia, Fr. Paris, 1812 
Landr-Beauvais, Semeiology, Fr. Paris, 1818 
Larrey, Military Surgery, Fr. Paris, 1812 
Larrey, Surgical Memoirs, Fr. Paris, 
Laire, Treatise on the Teeth, Fr. Paris, 1822 
Lassus, Surgical Pathology, Fr. Paris, 1809 
Lommius, Medical Observations, Latin, Amsterdam,
Le Dran, Consultations in Surgery, Fr Paris, 1745 
Louis, Surgical Works, Fr Paris, 1788 
Macmichael, new view of the Infection of Scarlet Fever,
London, 1822
Macilwain, on Stricture of the Urethra, London, 1824 
Magendie, Researches on the Gravel, Fr. Paris, 1818 
Martinet, Treatise on Chronic Diseases, Fr. Paris, 1808 
Morgagni, on the seats aud causes of Diseases, abridged
by Cooke, London, 1822
Newman, on Hydropic Diseases, Winchester 1822 
Ollivier, Treatise on Traumatic Typhus, French, Paris,
Olombel, on verminous Diseases, Fr. Paris, 1816 
Ozanam, on Epidemic Diseases, French, Paris, and Lyon, 
Palletta, Pathological Exercises, Lat. Milan, 1820 
Parent-Duchatelet and Martinet, on Arachnitis, French,
Paris, 1825
Pelletan, Clinical Surgery, Fr. Paris, 1810 
Petit, on Hereditary Diseases, Fr. Paris, 1817 
Petit, on Surgical Diseases, Fr. Paris, 1790 
Percy, Surgical Pyrotechny, Fr. Paris, 1811 
Philip, (Dr. A. P. W.) on Indigéstion, London, 1822 
Pinel, Junr. on Diseases of the Brain, Fr. Paris, 1821 
Pinel, Senr. on Mental Alienation, Fr. Paris, 1809 
Pinel, Senr. on Clinical Medicine, Fr. Paris, 1815 
Pinel, Senr. Philosophical Nosography, Fr. Paris, 1818 
Plumbe, on Diseases of the Skin, London, 1824 
Portal, on Dropsy, French, Paris, 1824 
Pott, Surgical Works, London, 1783 
Pring, Principles of Pathology, London, 1823 
Pouteau, Surgical Memoirs, French, Lyon, 1760 
Pringle, on Diseases of the Army, Philadelphia, 1810 
Prost; Medicine improved by experience, French, Paris,
Pujol, Works on practical Medicine, Fr. Paris, 1823 
Puzos, on Hæmorrhage, Fr. Paris, 1801 
Rasori, History of the Petechial Fever of Genoa, Fr. Paris,
Rayer, Memoir on Inflammation, Fr. Paris, 1821 
Rayer, Report on Yellow Fever, Fr. Paris, 1822 
Redi, ou Animals inhabiting the Human Body, See Natural
Richerand, Surgical Nosography, Fr. Paris, 1821 
Richerand, Case of cutting out a Rib, Fr. Paris, 1818 
Rochoux, Researches on Apoplexy, Fr. Paris, 1814 
Rochoux, Researches on Yellow Fever, French, Paris,
Rosen de Rosenstein, on the Diseases of Children, Fr.
Paris, 1778
Rostan, on softening of the Brain. Fr. Paris, 1823 
Rouppe, on the Diseases of Sailors, Lat. Leydn 1764 
Roux, Surgical Melanges, Fr. Paris, 1809 
Rouzet, Researches on Cancer, Fr. Paris, 1818 
Rudolphi, on Intestinal Worms &c. See Zoology. 
Rush, Medical Inquiries on Diseases of the Mind, Philadelphia,
Rush, Observations on Diseases of the Army, See Pringle,
Philadelphia, 1810
Rush, Medical Inquiries &c. Philadelphia, 1818 
Rush, Works of Sydenham, Philadelphia, 1809 
Sacco, on Vaccination, by Daquin, Fr. Paris, 1813 
Sahctoruis, on Medical Statics. Lat. Paris, 1775 
St. Martin, Essay on Hydrophobia, Fr. Paris, 1823 
Sauvages, Methodical Nosography, Latin, Amsterdam, 
Scarpa, on the principal Diseases of the Eyes, Italian,
Pavia, 1801
Scarpa, on the principal Diseases by Briggs, London, 1818 
Scarpa, on Aneism, by Wishdrt, Edinburgh; 1819 
Scarpa, on Heruia, by Wishdrt, Edinburgh; 1814 
Scarpa, on Scirrhus & Cancer, by Briggs, Lond. 1822 
Sharp, Critical enquiry into the present state of Surgery,
London, 1750
Shearman, on Chronic Debility, London, 1824 
Shearman, on Water in the Brain, London, 1825 
Stevenson, on Nature and symptoms of Cataract, London,
Stoll, Practice of Medicine, Lat. Paris, 1777 
Storck, Medico-practical precepts, Lat. Vienna, 1791 
Swediaur, on Syphilitic Diseases, Fr. Paris, 1817 
Tacheron, on Practical Medicine, Fr. Paris, 1823 
Troilliet, on Hydrophobia, Fr. Lyon & Paris, 1820 
Underwood, Diseases of Children, Paris, 1795 
Velpeau, on some affections of the Spinal Marrow, Fr.
Valentin, researches on Croup, Fr. Paris, 1812 
Valentin, Treatise on the Yellow Fever, Fr. Paris, 1803 
Van Swieten, Commentaries on Boerhaave's Aphoris,
Latin, Turin, 1744
Vaughan, Essay on Headache, London, 1825 
Venables, on Diabetes, London, 1825 
Vassal, on the Transmission of the Venereal virus, Fr.
Paais, 1807
Verney Du, Treatise on diseases of the Bnes, French,
Paris, 1751
Waterhouse, Essay on the Whooping Cough, Boston,
White, Doubts of Hydrophobia as a specific Disease,
London, 1826
Wilson, on the Blood &c. London, 181 
Yates, on Neuralgia, London, 1822