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At a great and generall Quarter Court held for Virginia in the Afternoone the 22 of May i622
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At a great and generall
Quarter Court held for Virginia
in the Afternoone the 22 of May





Right Honoble Lo: Cauendish. 
Lo: Padgett. 
Lo: Haughton. 
Sr Edw: Sackuill.  Sr ffrancis Goodwin. 
Sr ffra: Ley.  Sr ffran: Egiocke. 
Sr Io: Merricke.  Sr Io: Brooke. 
Sr Edwin Sandys.  Sr Tho: Wroth. 
Sr Phil: Carey.  Sr Walt: Earle. 
Sr Sam: Sandys.  Sr Edw: Lawley. 
Sr Io: Dauers. 
mr Io: ffarrar Dept̃.  mr Langley.  mr Groce. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Geo: Mole.  mr Elkin. 
mr Henry Rainsford.  mr ffoxton.  mr Cranmer. 
mr Io. Zouch.  mr Rugles.  mr Rich: Lambe. 
mr Ald: Hamersly.  mr Wm Iohnson.  mr Lawrence. 
mr Wrote.  mr Withers.  mr Baron. 
mr Nich: Hide.  mr Morden.  mr Iadwin. 
mr Christ: Earle.  mr Nich: ffarrar.  mr Widdowes. 
mr Geo: Wilmer.  mr Ro: Bateman.  mr Eldred. 
mr Bromefeild.  mr Leate.  mr Russell. 
mr Risly.  mr Binge.  mr Martin. 
mr Steward.  mr Bland.  mr Harrison. 
Dor Linsey.  mr Bull.  mr Mellinge. 
Dor Gulstone.  mr Barkham.  mr Geo: Smith. 
Dor Anthony.  mr Caninge.  mr Hackett. 
Dor Turner.  mr D'Lawne.  mr ffran: Waterhouse. 
mr Rob: Bell.  mr Caswell.  mr Truloue. 
mr Ro: Smith.  mr Berblocke.  mr Price. 
mr Io: Smith.  mr Barnard.  mr Challonr
mr Kightley.  mr Geo: Scott.  mr Newport. 
mr Tomlins.  mr Ditchfeild.  mr Robertℯ. 
Capt: Bargraue.  mr Palmer.  mr Woodall. 
Capt: Tucker.  mr Tho: Wiseman.  mr Hickford. 
Capt: Gifford.  mr Rich: Wiseman.  mr Steward. 
mr Rogers.  mr Edwardℯ.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Paulauacine.  mr Bennett.  mr Colethurst. 
mr Io: Porter.  mr ffelgate.  mr Stubbs. 
mr Edw: Gibbs.  mr Kirrell.  mr Browne. 
mr Chettell.  mr Swayne.  mr Nicholls. 
mr Wheat.  mr Io: Lambe.  mr Tho: Carter. 
mr Tho: Gibbs.  mr Boothby.  mr Tho Waterhowse. 
mr Tho: Shippard.  mr Swinhow.  mr Gold. 
mr Barber. 
mr Sparrowe. 
with diuers others. 

The former ∥Qr∥ Court beinge read forsomuch as it was ordered by
this morningℯ Quarter Court, that such matters as had bin nowe and
likewise in the Præparatiue Court proposed and referred to the con-
firmac̃on of this Afternoones great and generall Assembly should
first be ordered:


Accordingly mr Deputy first proposed the Contract made by the Com̃-
ittee with Samuell Each Captaine of the Abigall touchinge the build-
inge of a Blockhowse neare Blunt-pointe in Iames Riuer in Virginia
In wch place (beinge formerly veiwed by him) he hopeth to effect the
same ffor performance [9] whereof his demaundℯ also were so rea-
sonable, as although the worke should not proue feazeable, yet there
would arise no dam̃age to the Company but rather a benifitt by the
imployment of so stronge a Shippe for the safe transporte of their
people this present yeare as also the whole Colony would be much
secured duringe her stay there: The wch bargaine and Contract was
by the Court conceaued to be verie reasonable, and beinge put to the
question by a generall consent was ratified and confirmed.

And further whereas for the performance of this great worke there
was a matter of 200li to be disbursed in necessarie prouisions as namely
in Hatchettes Axes Shouellℯ Spadℯ and a stronge lighter (wch came to
the greatest charge beinge estimated at 50li) In all wch thingℯ they
beinge of so great vse vnto the Colony, there would be noe losse at
all, although this worke proceeded not, and besidℯ this 200li beinge
onely to aduance the buissines and to be repaide againe by the Colony
who are contented to be at all the charge vpon the vndertakinge of so
important a worke vnto them for these respectℯ, the Court hath
entreated mr Iohn ffarrar to take vp so much money and for his
Security, it is ordered that he shall not onely haue the Companies
Seale for repayment, but also such goodℯ and comodities as shall come
from Virginia to the Companies vse shalbe consigned vnto him vntill
vpon the sale he receaue full satisfacc̃on.

And forasmuch as it appeared by the Bookeepers Accounts that mr
Iohn ffarrar stand engaged in diuers great Som̃es of money vpon the
Companies buissines to the value of 1400li for wch it was thought fitt
by the morningℯ Court he should be secured vnder the Companies
Seale accordinge to a writinge then presented by the Auditors, the
same was nowe againe read and beinge put to the question was ratified
confirmed and ordered to be sealed The Coppie whereof dothe here


By a greate and Generall Quarter Courte held for Virginia
the 22 day of May 1622

Whereas[5] itt appeared to ye Auditors by ye testimoney and Accompts
of Iohn Cuffe Bookeeper, yt mr Iohn fferrar Deputy hath by warrant
from the Com̄ittees for the vrgent and necessary occasionℯ of the
Company for Virginia Disbursed to the Sum̄e of Six Hundred, Sixty
and Nine pounds And further that vppon the Voyadges and buisines
ordered, & vndertaken by ye generall Consent of the Company this
last yeare, the Company remayneth in Debt to the value of ffowerteen
Hundred pounds.

And wheras for the sattisfacc̃on and discharge of ye said engagements,
Itt was by a generall Court held the eight of May 1622. Ordered yt
the Tobacco lately sent from Virginia belonginge to the Colledge and
generall Company, should be sould by certaine Com̄ittees & the Pro-
ceed thereof be wholly delivered vnto mr Iohn fferrar; The said Order
is by this great and generall Quarter Court Confirmed and ratified,
and because yt ye said Tobacco is not likely to discharge butt a little
of ye said Debts; Itt is now further ordered yt what soever as well by
yt Tobacco yt is now com home as yt wch hereafter is to come, yt shall
proue due vnto ye generall Company vppon their Adventure of 800li:
in ye great Magazine, shall by the Treasuror of yt Magazine from time,
to time, be paid ouer vnto ye saide Iohn fferrar, and that the Acquit-
tance and release of ye said Iohn fferrar, shalbe a sufficient discharge
vnto ye said Treasuror; And further for ye full securitie, and sattisfac-
c̃on of ye said Iohn fferrar, Itt is ordered that itt shalbe lawfull for ye
said Iohn fferrar to receaue all such monneys & Debts as are due vnto
ye Company & hee can p̳cure and gett in, vntill such time as hee be
fully sattisfied discharged and secured, from ye Debts and engagements
wch hee hath duely, and for ye Companies buisines vndertaken to
gether wth all ye Interestℯ and damages yt shall arise thervppon. And
itt is Ordered & agreed yt ye Acquittances & releases of ye said Iohn
fferrar shalbe a sufficient discharge vnto such as shall pay him mon-
neys soe long as hee shall approue vnto ye Auditors of ye Company that


theris mony iustly due vnto him, and in confirmac̃on of ye promisses
ye Company haue caused their Legall Seall hervnto to be affixed. [10]

The shares passed in the Præparatiue Court beinge allowed by the
Auditors were nowe againe read and seuerally put to the question and
confirmed (vizt)

The younge Lord Lawarrs mother as Executrix of the last will and
testament of the Lord Lawarr deceased assigned ouer fiue Shares of
land in Virginia of the personall Shares vnto mr Iohn Parkhurst Cit-
tizen and Grocer of London.

Sr Henry Manwaringe Knight assigned ouer two shares beinge par-
cell of the shares passed vnto him from the Right Honoble the Ea: of
Dorset vnto his Brother mr Thomas Manwaringe of the Inner Temple
London Esquire.

Sr Samuell Sandys standinge cleare and not indebted assigned one
share of land to his Sonne Sr Edwin Sandys knight the younger.

William §Mr§ ffelgate Cittizen and Skinner of London assigned ouer
one share vnto Toby ffelgate of Ratcliffe Marriner his Brother.

Mr Phillip: Iacobson of London Marchant assigned ouer one share of
land in Virginia vnto his younger Brother mr Iames Iacobson of Lon-
don Marchant.

ffrauncis Carter passed ouer one share of land vnto mr Tho:
Addison of Lincolnes Inn in the Countie of Middlesex Esquire beinge parcell
of the later 40 shares assigned vnto him by the right Honoble the Lady

The Share likewise wch mr Roberts passed to his Sonne Elias in the
morninge was nowe confirmed.

Mr Roberts presented vnto the Court an East India box or Standish
wch he gaue as a testimony of his loue and respect to this Honoble:


The reward of 40li a yeare for the two yeares past graunted by the
morningℯ Court to mr Cuffe for his great labor and paynes in keepinge
the Companies bookℯ and Cash duringe the said time beinge nowe
put to the question was confirmed and ratified.

Certaine gentlemen ∥that∥ were nominated and chosen by the morn-
ingℯ Court to be of his Mats Counsell for Virginia were nowe againe
read, and seuerally put to the question and confirmed vizt:

  • The Lo: Bp of London.
  • mr Binge.
  • mr Iermyn.
  • mr Bernard ye elect Gouernor of the Sum̃er Ilands.

There was also then proposed and admitted to be free Brothers of
the Company these followinge

Deane of Paules.  mr Damport. 
Dor Sunnybanke.  mr Whitson Alder. of Bristoll. 
mr Leech.  Capt: Tho: Barwicke. 
mr Purcas.  mr Wm Clarke. 
who beinge seuerally put to the question were confirmed. [11]

The Aduenturors for the Maides sent the last Som̃er, hauinge moued
for a ratable proporc̃on of land to their Aduenture to be laid out
together, where they intend to build a Towne wch they desire may be
called by the name of Maydes Towne. The Court hath graunted their
request and approued of the name they haue giuen therevnto.

The Com̃ittee appointed by the ∥last∥ Præparatiue Court havinge
drawne vpp a short petic̃on in the name of the Companie to be pre-
ferred vnto his Matie in Answeare of Capt: Martins formerly exhib-
ited wch beinge read and approued by the morningℯ Court was nowe
againe taken into considerac̃on and being twice read was approued by
this great Court And the Lord Cauendish Lo: Padgett Lo: Haughton
were humblie entreated to present the same vnto his Matie with all
conveniency wch they were pleased to vndertake.


The Court did likewise entreat Sr Edward Sackuill and mr Wrote to
acquainte the Referrees namely the Ea: of Leicester and Lo: Carewe
with the proceedingℯ of the Company touchinge Capt: Martin and the
iust exceptions they had taken against his exorbitant Patent.

The[6] Lo: of Southamptons Accountℯ for the yeare past were brought
into the Court, havinge been presented to the morningℯ Court and
the State thereof declared by the Auditors (by whome they haue been
examined and approued) they are therefor nowe appointed to lye in
open Court between this and the next Quarter Court accordinge to the
orders of the Companie.

fforasmuch as Captaine Argall hath hetherto giuen no satisfacc̃on to
the Companie for the great losses they haue susteyned by his misim-
ploying their Tenantℯ, Corne, Cattle and other yearely proffittℯ in the
time of his Gouerment to his owne private endℯ and gayne (to the
great preiudice and almost ouerthrowe of the publique Stocke and
State of the Colony) for wch beinge questioned heretofore, he hath as
yet giuen noe satisfactory Answeare: It is therefore nowe agreed and
ordered, that he shalbe warned to exhibite his Accountℯ and required
to make a reall Answeare to what the Company can iustly charge him
withall and to this end the Court hath earnestly entreated

Sr Io: Dãuers.  mr Io Smith. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Tomlins. 
mr Binge.  mr Kightley. 
mr Wrote.  mr Meuerell. 
mr Nich: ffarrar.  mr Mellinge. 
mr Ro: Smith. 
or any three of them to meet at mr ffarrars howse the Satturday morn-
inge followinge.

Vpon moc̃on in reguard the Afternoone was farr spent, it was by a
generall consent agreed vnto that the Court should be continued after
6 of the Clocke till all buissinesses were ordered.


Im̃ediately after these buissinesses ∥things∥ were thus ordered, as the
Court were proceedinge after their accustomed manner to the elecc̃on
of their Treasuror Deputy and other Officers for this present yeare
accordinge to the direcc̃on of his Mats Letters Patentℯ, mr Alderman
Hamersly rose vpp and havinge first excused his seldome com̃inge to
Courtℯ by reason of the Officers negligent [12] warninge of him, he
said That himselfe and mr Bell were both com̃aunded by mr Secretary
Caluert to deliuer a Message in his Mats name vnto this Court, namely
to signifie, that although it was not his Mats desire to infringe their
liberty of free elecc̃on yet it would be pleasing vnto him, if they made
choise for Treasuror and Deputy any of those gentlemen (com̃ended
for their Sufficiency), whose names were menc̃oned in the paper nowe
presented in open Court wch were these that followe vizt

Sr Io: Wolstenholme. 
Sr Wm Russell. 
ffor Treasuror were named  mr Cletherow. 
mr Mawrice Abbott. 
mr Hamford. 
mr Leat. 
mr Ro: Oftly. 
ffor Deputy  mr Stiles. 
mr Abdy. 
mr Bateman. 

Mr Bell beinge also entreated to deliuer the Message he had receaved
from mr Secretary Caluert said, that he was not present when mr Sec-
retary Caluert imparted this Message to mr Alderman Hamersley but
that there came a Messenger to him ouer night to require him to
attend mr Secretary Caluert at his Chamber and beinge there mr Sec-
retary told him, that his Matie commaunded him to signifie his pleas-
ure that out of his good wishes (for the good of the Company and the
Plantation) he had recomended to this Court certaine Gentlemen
(named in the paper nowe presented) if the Company so thought
good: But it was not his meaning to infringe the liberty of their free
cho[ise]; And beinge desirous to have had this ∥his∥ Message in
writinge mr Secretary said it needed not for it was but short.


Both wch Messages agreeinge in substance, and beinge a full remon-
strance of his Mats well wishinge vnto the Plantation and of his gra-
ceous meaninge not to infringe the priuiledge of the Companie and
liberty of their free elecc̃on was receaued with great ioye and con-
tentment of the whole Court and therevpon proceedinge to the
elecc̃on of their Treasuror for wch onely three by the orders of the
Company could stand for it, It was generally agreed that out of the
fiue formerly proposed by his Matie for Treasuror, choise should be
made of two of them, to stand in elecc̃on with one that the Companie
should name: Wherevpon the former fiue beinge seuerally put to the
question, It appeared by erecc̃on of most handℯ that mr Clethero and
mr Hanford were to stand for it: Then the Companie named ∥the[7]
Lord of Southampton who beinge all three accordingly ballated, the
place fell to ∥the[7]∥ Lord of Southampton by havinge 117 balls, mr
Clethero 13 and mr Hamfort 7.

In like manner out of the fiue formerly named by his Matie for Dep-
uty, by erecc̃on of most handℯ mr Leat and mr Bateman were to stand
for it, vnto whome the Companie havinge added mr Nicholas ffarrar,
they were all three put to the Ballatinge Boxe, and therevpon choise
was made of mr Nicholas ffarrar by havinge 103, mr Bateman 10: and
mr Leate 5.

Wherevpon mr Deputy ∥tooke[8] ∥ his place, ∥and∥ gaue vnto the Court
humble thankℯ for their loue and honoble testimony, wch by electing
him to that place, they had giuen him: wherein he professed he
should all his life longe exceedingly glory and reioyce, if he could but
thinke himselfe worthie thereof: But knowinge well the waightines
of the place and his owne great inhabilities, he could not without
feare and tremblinge accept thereof: But since he knewe they would
not vpon [13] any entreaties of his, alter their choise he humblie sub-
mitted himselfe, promising not to faile to the vttermost of his power
to performe the charge they had laide vpon him, Humblie beseech-
inge the Honoble Lords and the worthie Officers with their
Counsellℯ to direct him and the whole Court in generall with their


presence to assist him for the well performinge of the Office they had
imposed vpon him, and in perticular besought them to request his
Brother mr Iohn ffarrar (in confidence of whose assistance, he well
knewe they had made choise of him) to continue the selfe same care
and paynes as he had formerly donn without wch he could not hope to
performe his place as he ought: Wherevpon mr Iohn ffarrar made
promise not to slacke any thinge of that zealous and diligent care
∥wth∥ wch himself had performed that office.

Next the Court proceeded to the elecc̃on of the Auditors confirminge
six of those of the last yeare namely

Sr Edwin Sandis.  mr Gibbs. 
Sr Io Dãuers.  mr Io ffarrar. 
mr Io: Wroth.  mr Kightley. 
and in respect mr Cranmer had remoued his dwellinge from London
whereby he could not attend the buissines mr Bennett was chosen in
his place who were all sworne.

After this the Court proceeded to the elecc̃on of the Com̃ittees, wch
was performed accordinge to the standinge order of the Companie
wch doth appointe one fourth parte to be newe elected and the rest by
erecc̃on of handℯ to be confirmed (vizt) of the last yeare were confirmed.

mr Berblocke.  mr Geo: Smith.  mr Boothby. 
mr Bull.  mr Wiseman.  mr Bennett. 
mr Caswell.  mr Darnelly.  mr Biddolph. 
mr Bland.  mr Mellinge.  mr Couell. 
vnto whome were nowe added.
mr Meuerell. 
mr Barbor
mr Wheatly. 
mr Seaward. 
who did all of them take their oath.


Edward Collingwood Sẽcre 
William Webbe Husband  were confirmed in their former places
and tooke their oath. 
ffrancis Carter Beadle 

Itt was moued to bestowe on mr Iohn Farrar the late Deputy some
proporc̃on of land, as a Testimonyall of the Companies thankfull
acknowledgmt and approbac̃on of the generall ∥greate and∥ faithfull
seruice performed by him in the place of Deputy the three last years,
and accordingly it beinge put to the question there were giuen vnto
him 20 shares of old Aduenture: And it was further ordered that
together with the Guift it selfe it should be entred in the Court booke,
that the Court conceaued his merrittℯ so great, as if their greater
liberality had not by their lawe bin bounded within the compasse of
20 shares, they would for him haue exceeded it with farr larger pro-
porc̃on. [14]

Itt beinge moued that there might be some presentac̃on of the Com-
panies humble thankfullnes vnto his Matie in respect of the graceous
Message formerly deliuered after some deliberac̃on had therevponn
the Court conceaued it fitt to be sett downe in these words (vizt)

That the Lord Cauendish the Lo: Padgett the Lo: Haughton are
humbly requested by the Court to present their most humble thankℯ
to his Matie for his graceous remembrance and good wishes to their
affaires out of wch he was graceously pleased to recomend certaine
persons for Treasuror and Deputy if they so thought fitt, but without
any infringement of their liberty of free elecc̃on; And they were
further humbly requested to signify and testifie vnto his Matie the
great respect and reverence wherewith his message was receaued and
howe in conformity therevnto, although they had formerly accordinge
to their custome in their Præparatiue Court nominated the Ea: of
Southampton for Treasuror, yet out of the persons recom̃ended by
his Matie they choose fower who had most voices and put them in
elecc̃on with two nominated by the Company vpon whome the places
were conferred by an vnanimous consent of the Company, havinge
founde the Plantation to prosper euery of these three last yeares, more
then in ten before, and found more to haue bin donn with Ten thou-
sand pounds, then formerly with fower score thousand: And they


conceaued also that in reguard the Staple Comodities of Iron, Silke,
Wyne, Salt, Cr are nowe in establishinge and perfectinge: As also
that the Gouerment of that Country is to be confirmed, that equall
sufficiency for direcc̃on would not so much aduance the Plantac̃on, as
the variablenes of Instrucc̃ons proceedinge from different conceptions
would preiudice the buissines.

The seuerall Patentℯ examined and approued of in the forenoone were
nowe put to the question and ordered to be sealed vizt.

To Sr Io: Brooke aɫs Cobham 
To mr Tho: Bulkly 
To mr ffran: Harwell  Aduenturers 
To mr Edmund Wynn 
To Capt: Dan: Tucker 
To Sr Bowyer Worsley 
To mr Ro: Moston  Planters 
To Capt Hen: Pelham 

Also priuate Patents for shares giuen by the Quarter Court (vizt)

To mr Io: Bonnall. 
To Capt Sam: Each. 
To mr Io: Balmford. 

It beinge moued that it might be free for Aduenturors and Planters
to take Duplicatℯ of their Patents vnder the Companies Seale, it was
generally held verie fittinge, and therevpon ordered that such as
desired duplicatℯ being engrossed and wittnessed by the Secretary
to be agreeable to their originall might haue the Seale therevnto
affixed. [15]

Whereas at a Court held the Thirteenth of ffebruary last The Com-
pany thought fitt to bestowe 2 shares of land old Aduenture in Vir-
ginia vpon Iohn Clarke in reward of the good seruice he had donn
the Company in transportinge of people and Cattle to Virginia wch
beinge referred to this Court for confirmac̃on, The same are nowe
accordingly ratified vnto him and ordered to passe vnder the Seale at
the next Quarter Court as vnto others.


The heading and initial word of this document are in the autograph of Nicholas Ferrar. From
this point in the manuscript the handwriting is that of Nicholas Ferrar's assistant, referred to as
Thomas Collett.


Written over "My" by the copyist.


Written over the word "my".


Changed from the word "takinge."