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At a Court held for Virginia on Thursday in the Afternoone the 5° of September i622
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At a Court held for Virginia on
Thursday in the Afternoone the

of September i622

Right Honoble

mr Iohn ffarrar.  mr Wiseman. 
mr Nich: ffarrar.  mr Bennett. 
∥mr Robertℯ.∥  mr Cuffe. 
mr Wrote.  mr Webbe. 
mr Wheatly.  mr Baynham. 
mr Caswell.  with diuers §many§ others. 
mr Nicholls. 
mr Geo: Smith. 


The Sum̃er Ilands Court held this Afternoone beinge dissolued, mr
Nicho: ffarrar the Deputy acquainted them, that whereas it pleased
his Matie out of his Princely care of the Plantation of Virginia, to


direct his graceous Letters vnto mr Treasuror and Company for Vir-
ginia to com̃aund a speedie course be taken for the settinge vpp of
Silkworks and plantinge of Vineyards throughout the whole Colony
in Virginia (for the orderinge whereof one mr Bonnell his Mats Serv-
ant had giuen verie good directions in his booke lately published)
Wherevpon his Mats Counsell for Virginia havinge taken it into their
considerac̃on thought fitt for the better Accomplishment of his High-
nes pleasure in a buissines of so great consequence vnto the Planta-
tion that a speaciall letter be writt by the Companie to the Counsell
of State in Virginia for the orderinge whereof one mr Bonnell his
Mats Servant had giuen verie good direec̃ons to require and charge a
strict performance of his Mats royall comandment in the premisses:
for wch purpose they had conceaued the forme of a letter wch beinge
nowe presented in Court was read and beinge well approued of, the
Court ordered and appointed the same to be printed and affixed to the
Silkworme booke of mr Bonnells ye ffrenchman.[33]

Mr Deputy further acquainted the Court that he had receaued a war-
rant signed by the said ∥sundry∥ Lords of his Mats Priuy Councell
directed to the Treasuror and Deputy of this Companie requiringe
one Dan: ffrancke (a malefactor lately repreiued) be sent to Virginia
(from whence he may not returne into any his Mats Dominions wthout
speaciall license obtained vnder six of the Counsellℯ handℯ) wch
ffrancke had contracted to serue in Virginia one Elianor Phillipps
that nowe goes ouer with him, in considerac̃on whereof the said
Phillipps offers to paye for his passage if the Companie please to per-
mitt the said ffrancke to goe: Wherevpon the Court ordered he should
be sent to Virginia accordinge to the Lords order, and should be put
abourd the Southampton and com̃itted to the charge of mr Iames
Chester Captaine of the said Shippe bound for Virginia, to deliuer
him in Virginia according to his Direcc̃ons.

Vpon the moc̃on and earnest request of the Society of Martins Hun-
dred that Tho: Nicholls might be released from of the Companies
Land and imployed in their Hundred for the better diuidinge of their


lands there (he beinge skillfull in the matter of Suruey) for whome
they haue promised to giue the Companie good satisfacc̃on. The
Court herevpon were contented to order that the said Nicholls should
be sett free and put vpon the imployment of Martins Hundred, and
withall should haue such bookℯ and Instrumentℯ as belonged to his
buissines of survey for the vse and seruice of that Hundred. [61]


This treatise, containing also the two letters, is referred to in List of Records, No. 347, Vol. I,
page 158, ante.