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A Generall Quarter Court held for Virginia in the forenoone the 22th of May 1622
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A Generall Quarter Court held for
Virginia in the forenoone the 22th of May


Sr Edwin Sandis.  mr Nich: ffarrar.  Capt: Bargraue. 
Sr Io: Dãuers.  mr Iohn Smith.  mr Caswell. 
Sr Io: Brooke.  Capt: Tucker.  mr Roberts. 
mr Deputy ffarrar.  mr Ro: Smith  mr Iadwin. 
mr Gibbs.  mr Winne.  Capt: Binge. 
mr Wrote.  mr Steward.  mr Cuffe. 
mr Tho: Bulkly.  mr Meuerell.  mr Mellinge. 
with diuers others. 

Mr Deputy signified that the Com̃ittee appointed by the former Court
having accordingly mett and taken into considerac̃on the matters
referred vnto them touchinge Capt: Martyns petic̃on exhibited to his
Matie against the Virginia Company and beinge directed to make a
double Answeare therevnto, the one vnto his Matie for clearinge the
Companie and some perticular persons that stand accused by his said
petic̃on, and to certifie that some of the Referrees named therein are
suspected to haue bin the cheife Abettors of Capt Martin in this buis-
sines: And the second Addresse to be vnto the Referrees themselues
as was required: Accordingly herevnto the said Com̃ittee had drawne
vp a shorte petic̃on wch beinge presented in Court and twice deliber-
atly read was well approued of and beinge put to the question was
ordered to be engrossed and that a Declarac̃on of this yeares Supplie
should be therevnto annexed: There was also another draft read con-
tayninge more ample declarac̃on of the perticular passage of this buis-
sines, wch was thought fitt to be referred to a Com̃ittee to be appointed
by the Afternoones Court to take it into considerac̃on and out of it to
drawe what they shall conceaue fitt to informe the Referrees.

Report was nowe made of the State of the Lord of Southamptons
Accountℯ for this last yeare past wch havinge bin examined and


approued of by the Auditors were nowe presented in Courte whereby
it appeared that his Lops receiptℯ consistinge of these fower heades,
namely by Lotteryes, aduentures, transportac̃on and fraight and by
the Magazine came to 6756li 2s 3d[2] And that his disbursementℯ (as
might also appeare by the perticulars) did fully ballance the other
Some, Wch Accountℯ accordinge to the orders of the Company are to
lye open in Court till the next Quarter Court.

And touchinge the State of the Cash (after report made what great
Som̃es of money had bin issued out for payment of auld Debtℯ in Sr
Thomas Smithes time,) The Auditors declared that whereas there was
graunted fower generall warrantℯ for payment of moneyes to mr
Deputy and the Com̃ittees for wch mr Deputy is to account; accord-
ingly he had exhibited his said accountℯ to be audited but by reason
of the shortnes of the time and the greatnes of their owne affaires the
Auditors could not attend to audite them, but desired it might be
respited till the next Quarter Court, wch was graunted.

But forasmuch as it appeared by mr Cuffe the Bookeeper his Accountℯ,
that mr Deputy is engaged in the Som̃e of 1400li more then he had
receaued, It was nowe thought fitt and ordered that he should be
secured vnder the Companies Seale according to the writinge wch was
nowe presented by the Auditors: Wch beinge read was well approued
of and the Seale ordered to be therevnto affixed.

Whereas Divers matters of Accounts, depend between Captaine Argall
and the Company, It was moued and thought fitt that this Quarter
Court, should thinke on some course to call him to account wch if he
shall refuse to doe then to proceed in a legall course against him. [7]

There were nominated for Counsellors to be chosen this Quarter Court

Lo: Bishop: of London. 
mr Binge. 
mr Iermyn. 
mr Bernard. 


There was also propounded to be made free of the Company vizt

Deane of Paules. 
Dor Sunnybanke. 
mr Leach. 
mr Purcas. 
mr Damport. 
mr Wm Clarke. 
mr Tho: Barwicke. 
mr Whitson Alderm: of Bristoll. 

Whereas mr Cuffe hath kept the Companies bookℯ and Cash these 2
yeares. It was thought fitt he should haue 40li a yeare for the 2 yeares
past onely. And vpon his longer continuance and further paines in
that buissines considerac̃on should be had thereof.

The seuerall Patentℯ appointed to be made readie against this morn-
ingℯ Court were read and examined and beinge found agreeable to the
lawes of the Company were put to the question and comended to the
Afternoones Court for further confirmac̃on, The Patentℯ were these

To Sr Io: Brooke aɫs Cobham 
To mr Tho: Bulkely 
To mr ffran: Harwell  ∥Aduenturers.∥ 
To mr Edm: Winne 
∥To Capt. Dan. Tucker∥ 
To Sr Bowyer Worsly[3]  
To mr Robt. Moston  ∥Planters∥ 
To: Capt: Hen: Pelham 

Also priuate Patents for shares giuen by the Quarter Court vizt.

To mr Io: Bonnall.[4]  
To Capt: Sam: Each. 
To mr Iames Balmford. 


It is also agreed and ordered that those thingℯ that haue bin proposed
nowe and in the Præparatiue Court be first ordered in the Afternoone
before the elecc̃on of Officers.

Mr Dor Turner presented a Bill of Aduenture of 25li vnder the Com-
panies Seale and signed by mr Atkinson, whereof but 12li 10 is
acknowledged in the printed booke, the rest to be charged vpon Sr
Thomas Smith. [8]


In the margin is written against this sum "viij 8."


This patent is mentioned in List of Records, No. 324, page 166, ante.


This patent is mentioned in List of Records, No. 325, page 166, ante.