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Hygiene. Morality. Conduct. Too late, perhaps!—
My mother and Jeanne—My health, for pity's, for
duty's sake!—The maladies of Jeanne. My mother's
infirmities and loneliness.

To do one's duty every day and trust in God for
the morrow.

The only method of earning money is to work in
a disinterested manner.

A summary of wisdom. Toilet. Prayer. Work.

Prayer: charity, wisdom and strength.

Without charity I am no more than a resounding

My humiliations have been the graces of God.

My phase of egoism—is it passed?

The faculty of being able to meet the need of the
moment; exactitude, in other words, must infallibly
obtain its reward.

Prolonged unhappiness has upon the soul the same
effect as old age upon the body: one cannot stir, one
takes to one's bed. . . .

Extreme youth, on the other hand, finds reasons for
procrastination; when there is plenty of time to spare,


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one is persuaded that years may be allowed to pass
before one need play one's part.