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A sonnet to be quoted in My Heart Laid Bare.
Quote also the poem on Roland:

I dreamt that night that Philis had returned
Fair as she was in the brightness of day,
And I desired once again to possess her as ghost
And, like Ixion, to embrace a cloud.
Her naked shadow stole into my bed,
Saying, `Dear Damon, see, I have come back;
Only grown fairer in my sad abode
Where fate has held me since my departure.
`I am come to kiss again the most beautiful of lovers;
I am come to die again within thine embrace.'
Then, when my idol had abused my flame,
She said, `Adieu. I must return to the dead.
As thou hast bragged of having — my body,
So also canst thou boast of having — my soul.'

Parnasse Satyrique

I believe that this sonnet is by Maynard.
Malassis pretends that it is by Théophile.