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General Scott's resignation—Mrs. A. Lincoln—Unofficial mission to
Europe—Uneasy feeling with regard to France—Ball given by
the United States cavalry—The United States army—Success
at Beaufort—Arrests—Dinner at Mr. Se ward's—News of Captain
Wilkes and the Trent—Messrs. Mason and Slidell—Discussion
as to Wilkes—Prince de Joinville—The American press
on the Trent affair—Absence of thieves in Washington—
"Thanksgiving Day"—Success thus far in favor of the North.

    November 1st.

  • Again stagnation; not the smallest intention
    of moving; General Scott's resignation, of which I was
    aware long ago, is publicly known, and he is about to go to
    Europe, and end his days probably in France. McClellan
    takes his place, minus the large salary. Riding back from
    camp, where I had some trouble with a drunken soldier, my
    horse came down in a dark hole, and threw me heavily, so
    that my hat was crushed in on my head, and my right thumb
    sprained, but I managed to get up and ride home; for the
    brute had fallen right on his own head, cut a piece out of his
    forehead between the eyes, and was stunned too much to run
    away. I found letters waiting from Mr. Seward and others,
    thanking me for the game, if canvas-backs come under the

  • November 2d.

  • A tremendous gale of wind and rain blew
    all day, and caused much uneasiness, at the Navy Department
    and elsewhere, for the safety of the Burnside expedition.
    The Secessionists are delighted, and those who can, say "Afflavit
    Deus et hostes dissipantur." There is a project to send
    secret non-official commissioners to Europe, to counteract the
    machinations of the Confederates. Mr. Everett, Mr. R. Kennedy,
    Bishop Hughes, and Bishop McIlwaine are designated
    for the office; much is expected from the expedition, not only
    at home but abroad.

  • November 3d.

  • For some reason or another, a certain set
    of papers have lately taken to flatter Mrs. Lincoln in the
    most noisome manner, whilst others deal in dark insinuations
    against her loyalty, Union principles, and honesty. The poor


    Page 567
    lady is loyal as steel to her family and to Lincoln the First;
    but she is accesssible to the influence of flattery, and has permitted
    her society to be infested by men who would not be
    received in any respectable private house in New York.
    The gentleman who furnishes fashionable paragraphs for the
    Washington paper has some charming little pieces of gossip
    about "the first Lady in the Land" this week; he is doubtless
    the same who, some weeks back, chronicled the details of
    a raid on the pigs in the streets by the police, and who concluded
    thus: "We cannot but congratulate Officer Smith on
    the very gentlemanly manner in which he performed his disagreeable
    but arduous duties; nor did it escape our notice,
    that Officer Washington Jones was likewise active and energetic
    in the discharge of his functions."

    The ladies in Washington delight to hear or to invent
    small scandals connected with the White House; thus it is
    reported that the Scotch gardener left by Mr. Buchanan has
    been made a lieutenant in the United States Army, and has
    been specially detached to do duty at the White House, where
    he superintends the cooking. Another person connected with
    the establishment was made Commissioner of Public Buildings,
    but was dismissed because he would not put down the
    expense of a certain state dinner to the public account, and
    charge it under the head of "Improvement to the Grounds."
    But many more better tales than these go round, and it is not
    surprising if a woman is now and then put under close arrest,
    or sent off to Fort McHenry for too much esprit and inventiveness.

  • November 4th.

  • General Frémont will certainly be recalled.
    There is not the smallest incident to note.

  • November 5th.

  • Small banquets, very simple and tolerably
    social, are the order of the day as winter closes around
    us; the country has become too deep in mud for pleasant excursions,
    and at times the weather is raw and cold. General
    McDowell, who dined with us to-day, maintains there will be
    no difficulty in advancing during bad weather, because the
    men are so expert in felling trees, they can make corduroy
    roads wherever they like. I own the arguments surprised
    but did not convince me, and I think the General will find
    out his mistake when the time comes. Mr. Everett, whom I
    had expected, was summoned away by the unexpected intelligence
    of his son's death, so I missed the opportunity of seeing
    one whom I much desired to have met, as the great


    Page 568
    Apostle of Washington worship, in addition to his claims to
    higher distinction. He has admitted that the only bond which
    can hold the Union together is the common belief in the
    greatness of the departed general.

  • November 6th.

  • Instead of Mr. Everett and Mr. Johnson,
    Mr. Thurlow Weed and Bishop Hughes will pay a visit to
    Europe in the Federal interests. Notwithstanding the adulation
    of everything French, from the Emperor down to a
    Zouave's gaiter, in the New York press, there is an uneasy
    feeling respecting the intentions of France, founded on the
    notion that the Emperor is not very friendly to the Federalists,
    and would be little disposed to expose his subjects to privation
    and suffering from the scarcity of cotton and tobacco if, by intervention,
    he could avert such misfortunes. The inactivity
    of McClellan, which is not understood by the people, has
    created an under-current of unpopularity, to which his enemies
    are giving every possible strength, and some people are beginning
    to think the youthful Napoleon is only a Brummagem

  • November 7th.

  • After such bad weather, the Indian summer,
    l'été de St. Martin, is coming gradually, lighting up the
    ruins of the autumn's foliage still clinging to the trees, giving
    us pure, bright, warm days, and sunsets of extraordinary loveliness.
    Drove out to Bladensburgh with Captain Haworth, and
    discovered that my wagon was intended to go on to Richmond
    and never to turn back or round, for no roads in this part of
    the country are wide enough for the purpose. Dined at the
    Legation, and in the evening went to a grand ball, given by
    the Sixth United States Cavalry in the Poor House near their
    camp, about two miles outside the city.

    The ball took place in a series of small whitewashed rooms
    off long passages and corridors; many supper tables were
    spread; whiskey, champagne, hot terrapin soup, and many luxuries
    graced the board, and although but two or three couple
    could dance in each room at a time, by judicious arrangement
    of the music several rooms were served at once. The Duke
    of Chartres, in the uniform of a United States Captain of
    Staff, was among the guests, and had to share the ordeal to
    which strangers were exposed by the hospitable entertainers,
    of drinking with them all. Some called him "Chatters"—
    others, "Captain Chatters;" but these were of the outside polloi,
    who cannot be kept out on such occasions, and who shake
    hands and are familiar with everybody.


    Page 569

    The Duke took it all exceedingly well, and laughed with
    the loudest in the company. Altogether the ball was a great
    success—somewhat marred indeed in my own case by the
    bad taste of one of the officers of the regiment which had
    invited me, in adopting an offensive manner when about to be
    introduced to me by one of his brother officers. Colonel
    Emory, the officer in command of the regiment, interfered,
    and, finding that Captain A—was not sober, ordered him
    to retire. Another small contretemps was caused by the master
    of the Work House, who had been indulging at least as
    freely as the captain, and at last began to fancy that the paupers
    had broken loose and were dancing about after hours below
    stairs. In vain he was led away and incarcerated in one
    room after another; his intimate knowledge of the architectural
    difficulties of the building enabled him to set all precautions
    at defiance, and he might be seen at intervals flying along
    the passages towards the music, pursued by the officers, until
    he was finally secured in a dungeon without a window, and
    with a bolted and locked door between him and the ballrooms.

  • November 8th.

  • Colonel Emory made us laugh this morning
    by an account of our Amphitryon of the night before, who
    came to him with a very red eye and curious expression of
    face to congratulate the regiment on the success of the ball.
    "The most beautiful thing of all was," said he, "Colonel, I
    did not see one gentleman or lady who had taken too much
    liquor; there was not a drunken man in the whole company."
    I consulted my friends at the Legation with respect to our inebriated
    officer, on whose behalf Colonel Emory tendered his
    own apologies; but they were of opinion I had done all that
    was right and becoming in the matter, and that I must take no
    more notice of it.

  • November 9th.

  • Colonel Wilmot, R. A., who has come down
    from Canada to see the army, spent the day with Captain
    Dahlgren at the Navy Yard, and returned with impressions
    favorable to the system. He agrees with Dahlgren, who is
    dead against breach-loading, but admits Armstrong has done
    the most that can be effected with the system. Colonel Wilmot
    avers the English press are responsible for the Armstrong
    guns. He has been much struck by the excellence of the
    great iron-works he has visited in the States, particularly that
    of Mr. Sellers, in Philadelphia.

  • November 10th.

  • Visiting Mr. Mure the other day, who


    Page 570
    was still an invalid at Washington, I met a gentleman named
    Maury, who had come to Washington to see after a portmanteau
    which had been taken from him on the Canadian frontier
    by the police. He was told to go to the State Department and
    claim his property, and on arriving there was arrested and confined
    with a number of prisoners, my horse-dealing friend,
    Sammy Wroe, among them. We walked down to inquire
    how he was; the soldier who was on duty gave a flourishing
    account of him—he had plenty of whiskey and food, "and,"
    said the man, "I quite feel for Maury, because he does business
    in my State." These State influences must be overcome,
    or no Union will ever hold together.

    Sir James Ferguson and Mr. Bourke were rather shocked
    when Mr. Seward opened the letters from persons in the South
    to friends in Europe, of which they had taken charge, and cut
    some passages out with a scissors; but a Minister who combines
    the functions of Chief-of-Police with those of Secretary
    of State must do such things now and then.

  • November llth.

  • The United States have now, according
    to the returns, 600,000 infantry, 600 pieces of artillery, 61,000
    cavalry in the field, and yet they are not only unable to crush
    the Confederates, but they cannot conquer the Secession ladies
    in their capital. The Southern people here trust in a breakdown
    in the North before the screw can be turned to the utmost;
    and assert that the South does not want corn, wheat,
    leather, or food. Georgia makes cloth enough for all—the
    only deficiency will be in metal and matériel of war. When
    the North comes to discuss the question whether the war is to
    be against slavery or for the Union leaving slavery to take
    care of itself, they think a split will be inevitable. Then the
    pressure of taxes will force on a solution, for the State taxes
    already amount to two to three per cent., and the people will
    not bear the addition. The North has set out with the principle
    of paying for everything, the South with the principle
    of paying for nothing; but this will be reversed in time. All
    the diplomatists, with one exception, are of opinion the Union
    is broken for ever, and the independence of the South virtually

  • November 12th.

  • An irruption of dirty little boys in the
    streets shouting out, "Glorious Union victory! Charleston
    taken!" The story is that Burnside has landed and reduced
    the forts defending Port Royal. I met Mr. Fox, Assistant
    Secretary to the Navy, and Mr. Hay, Secretary to Mr. Lincoln,


    Page 571
    in the Avenue. The former showed me Burnside's despatches
    from Beaufort, announcing reduction of the Confederate
    batteries by the ships and the establishment of the Federals
    on the skirts of Port Royal. Dined at Lord Lyons', where
    were Mr. Chase, Major Palmer, U. S. E., and his wife, Colonel
    and Mrs. Emory, Professor Henry and his daughter, Mr. Kennedy
    and his daughter, Colonel Wilmot and the Englishry of
    Washington. I had a long conversation with Mr. Chase, who
    is still sanguine that the war must speedily terminate. The
    success at Beaufort has made him radiant, and he told me that
    the Federal General Nelson[1] —who is no other than the
    enormous blustering, boasting lieutenant in the navy whom I met
    at Washington on my first arrival—has gained an immense
    victory in Kentucky, killing and capturing a whole army and
    its generals.

    A strong Government will be the end of the struggle, but
    before they come to it there must be a complete change of administration
    and internal economy. Indeed, the Secretary of
    the Treasury candidly admitted that the expenses of the war
    were enormous, and could not go on at the present rate very
    long. The men are paid too highly; every one is paid too
    much. The scale is adapted to a small army not very popular,
    in a country where labor is very well paid, and competition
    is necessary to obtain recruits at all. He has never disguised
    his belief the South might have been left to go at first, with a
    certainty of their return to the Union.

  • November 13th.

  • Mr. Charles Green, who was my host at
    Savannah, and Mr. Low, of the same city, have been arrested
    and sent to Fort Warren. Dining with Mr. Seward, I heard
    accidentally that Mrs. Low had also been arrested, but was now
    liberated. The sentiment of dislike towards England is increasing,
    because English subjects have assisted the South by
    smuggling and running the blockade. "It is strange," said
    Mr. Seward the other day, "that this great free and civilized
    Union should be supported by Germans, coming here semi-civilized
    or half-savage, who plunder and destroy as if they were
    living in the days of Agricola, whilst the English are the great
    smugglers who support our enemies in their rebellion." I reminded
    him that the United States flag had covered the smugglers
    who carried guns and matériel of war to Russia, although
    they were at peace with France and England. "Yes, but


    Page 572
    then," said he, "that was a legitimate contest between great
    established powers, and I admit, though I lament the fact, that
    the public sympathy in this country ran with Russia during
    that war," The British public have a right to their sympathies
    too, and the Government can scarcely help it if private individuals
    aid the South on their own responsibility. In future, British
    subjects will be indicted instead of sent to Fort La Fayette.
    Mr. Seward feels keenly the attacks in the "New York Tribune"
    on him for arbitrary arrests, and representations have
    been made to Mr. Greeley privately on the subject; nor is he
    indifferent to similar English criticisms.

    General McDowell asserts there is no nation in the world
    whose censure or praise the people of the United States care
    about except England, and with respect to her there is a morbid
    sensitiveness which can neither be explained nor justified.

    It is admitted, indeed, by Americans whose opinions are
    valuable, that the popular feeling was in favor of Russia
    during the Crimean war. Mr. Raymond attributes the circumstance
    to the influence of the large Irish element; but
    I am inclined to believe it is partly due at least to the feeling
    of rivalry and dislike to Great Britain, in which the mass of
    the American people are trained by their early education, and
    also in some measure to the notion that Russia was unequally
    matched in the contest.

  • November 14th.

  • Rode to cavalry camp, and sat in front
    of Colonel Emory's tent with General Stoneman, who is chief
    of the cavalry, and Captain Pleasanton; heard interesting
    anecdotes of the wild life on the frontiers, and of bushranging
    in California, of lassoing bulls and wild horses and buffaloes,
    and encounters with grizzly bears—interrupted by a one-armed
    man, who came to the Colonel for "leave to take away
    George." He spoke of his brother who had died in camp,
    and for whose body he had come, metallic coffin and all, to
    carry it back to his parents in Pennsylvania.

    I dined with Mr. Seward—Mr. Raymond, of New York,
    and two or three gentlemen, being the only guests. Mr.
    Lincoln came in whilst we were playing a rubber, and told
    some excellent West-country stories. "Here, Mr. President,
    we have got the two 'Times'—of New York and of London
    —if they would only do what is right and what we want,
    all will go well." "Yes," said Mr. Lincoln, "if the bad
    Times would go where we want them, good Times would be
    sure to follow." Talking over Bull Run, Mr. Seward remarked


    Page 573
    "that civilians sometimes displayed more courage
    than soldiers, but perhaps the courage was unprofessional.
    When we were cut off from Baltimore, and the United States
    troops at Annapolis were separated by a country swarming
    with malecontents, not a soldier could be found to undertake
    the journey and communicate with them. At last a civilian"
    —(I think he mentioned the name of Mr. Cassius Clay)—
    "volunteered and executed the business. So, after Bull Run,
    there was only one officer, General Sherman, who was doing
    anything to get the troops into order when the President and
    myself drove over to see what we could do on that terrible
    Tuesday evening." Mr. Teakle Wallis and others, after the
    Baltimore business, told him the people would carry his head
    on their pikes; and so he went to Auburn to see how matters
    stood, and a few words from his old friends there made him
    feel his head was quite right on his shoulders.

  • November 15th.

  • Horse-dealers are the same all the world
    over. To-day comes one with a beast for which he asked
    £50. "There was a Government agent looking after this
    horse for one of them French princes, I believe, just as I was
    talking to the Kentuck chap that had him. 'John,' says he,
    'that's the best-looking horse I've seen in Washington this
    many a day.' 'Yes,' says I, 'and you need not look at him
    any more.' 'Why?' says he. 'Because,' says I, 'it's one
    that I want for Lord John Russell, of the London" "Times,"'
    says I, 'and if ever there was a man suited for a horse, or a
    horse that was suited for a man, they're the pair, and I'll give
    every cent I can raise to buy my friend, Lord Russell, that
    horse.'" I could not do less than purchase, at a small reduction,
    a very good animal thus recommended.

  • November 16th.

  • A cold, raw day. As I was writing, a
    small friend of mine, who appears like a stormy petrel in
    moments of great storm, fluttered into my room, and having
    chirped out something about a "Jolly row,"—"Seizure of
    Mason and Slidell,"—"British flag insulted," and the like,
    vanished. Somewhat later, going down 17th Street, I met
    the French Minister, M. Mercier, wrapped in his cloak, coming
    from the British Legation. "Vous avez entendu quelque
    chose de nouveau?" "Mais non, excellence." And then, indeed,
    I learned there was no doubt about the fact that Captain
    Wilkes, of the U. S. steamer "San Jacinto," had forcibly
    boarded the "Trent," British mail steamer, off the Bahamas,
    and had taken Messrs. Mason, Slidell, Eustis, and McClernand


    Page 574
    from on board, by armed force, in defiance of the protests
    of the captain and naval officer in charge of the mails.
    This was indeed grave intelligence; and the French Minister
    considered the act a flagrant outrage, which could not for a
    moment be justified.

    I went to the Legation, and found the young diplomatists in
    the "Chancellerie" as demure and innocent as if nothing had
    happened, though perhaps they were a trifle more lively than
    usual. An hour later, and the whole affair was published in
    full in the evening papers. Extraordinary exultation prevailed
    in the hotels and bar-rooms. The State Department
    has made of course no communication respecting the matter.
    All the English are satisfied that Mason and his friends must
    be put on board an English mail packet from the "San Jacinto"
    under a salute.

    An officer of the United States navy—whose name I shall
    not mention here—came in to see the buccaneers, as the knot
    of English bachelors of Washington are termed, and talk over
    the matter. "Of course," he said, "we shall apologize, and
    give up poor Wilkes to vengeance, by dismissing him; but
    under no circumstances shall we ever give up Mason and
    Slidell. No, sir; not a man dare propose such a humiliation
    to our flag." He says that Wilkes acted on his own responsibility,
    and that the "San Jacinto" was coming home from the
    African station when she encountered the "Trent." Wilkes
    knew the rebel emissaries were on board, and thought he
    would cut a dash and get up a little sensation, being a bold
    and daring sort of a fellow, with a quarrelsome disposition and
    a great love of notoriety, but an excellent officer.

  • November 17th.

  • For my sins I went to see a dress parade
    of the 6th Regular Cavalry early this morning, and underwent
    a small purgatory from the cold, on a bare plain, whilst
    the men and officers, with red cheeks and blue noses, mounted
    on horses with staring coats, marched, trotted, and cantered
    past. The papers contain joyous articles on the "Trent"
    affair, and some have got up an immense amount of learning
    at a short notice; but I am glad to say we had no discussion
    in camp. There is scarcely more than one opinion among
    thinking people in Washington respecting the legality of the
    act, and the course Great Britain must pursue. All the Foreign
    Ministers, without exception, have called on Lord Lyons,
    —Russia, France, Italy, Prussia, Denmark. All are of
    accord. I am not sure whether the important diplomatist


    Page 575
    who represents the mighty interests of the Hanse Towns has
    not condescended to admit England has right on her side.

  • November 18th.

  • There is a storm of exultation sweeping
    over the land. Wilkes is the hero of the hour. I saw Mr.
    F. Seward at the State Department at ten o'clock; but, as at
    the British Legation the orders are not to speak of the transaction,
    so at the State Department a judicious reticence is
    equally observed. The lawyers are busy furnishing arguments
    to the newspapers. The officers who held their tongues
    at first, astonished at the audacity of the act, are delighted to
    find any arguments in its favor.

    I called at General McClellan's new head-quarters to get
    a pass, and on my way met the Duke of Chartres, who shook
    his young head very gravely, and regarded the occurrence
    with sorrow and apprehension. McClellan, I understand,
    advised the immediate surrender of the prisoners; but the
    authorities, supported by the sudden outburst of public approval,
    refused to take that step. I saw Lord Lyons, who
    appeared very much impressed by the magnitude of the crisis.
    Thence I visited the Navy Department, where Captain Dahlgren
    and Lieutenant Wise discussed the affair. The former,
    usually so calm, has too much sense not to perceive the course
    England must take, and, as an American officer, naturally
    feels regret at what appears to be the humiliation of his flag;
    but he speaks with passion, and vows that if England avails
    herself of the temporary weakness of the United States to
    get back the rebel commissioners by threats of force, every
    American should make his sons swear eternal hostility to
    Great Britain. Having done wrong, stick to it! Thus men's
    anger blinds them, and thus come wars.

    It is obvious that no Power could permit political offenders
    sailing as passengers in a mail-boat under its flag, from one
    neutral port to another, to be taken by a belligerent, though
    the recognition of such a right would be, perhaps, more advantageous
    to England than to any other Power. But, notwithstanding
    these discussions, our naval friends dined and
    spent the evening with us, in company with some other officers.

    I paid my respects to the Prince of Joinville, with whom I
    had a long and interesting conversation, in the course of
    which he gave me to understand he thought the seizure an
    untoward and unhappy event, which could not be justified on
    any grounds whatever, and that he had so expressed himself
    in the highest quarters. There are, comparatively, many


    Page 576
    English here at present,—Mr. Chaplin, Sir F. Johnstone,
    Mr. Weldon, Mr. Browne, and others,—and it may be readily
    imagined this affairs creates deep feeling and much discussion.

  • November 19th.

  • I rarely sat down to write under a sense
    of greater responsibility, for it is just possible my letter may
    contain the first account of the seizure of the Southern Commissioners
    which will reach England; and, having heard all
    opinions and looked at authorities, as far as I could, it appears
    to me that the conduct of the American officer, now sustained
    by his Government, is without excuse. I dined at Mr. Corcoran's,
    where the Ministers of Prussia, Brazil, and Chili,
    and the Secretary of the French Legation, were present;
    and, although we did not talk politics, enough was said to
    show there was no dissent from the opinion expressed by intelligent
    and uninterested foreigners.

  • November 20th.

  • To-day a grand review, the most remarkable
    feature of which was the able disposition made by
    General McDowell to march seventy infantry regiments, seventeen
    batteries, and seven cavalry regiments, into a very contracted
    space, from the adjoining camps. Of the display itself
    I wrote a long account, which is not worth repeating here.
    Among the 55,000 men present there were at least 20,000
    Germans and 12,000 Irish.

  • November 22nd.

  • All the American papers have agreed
    that the Trent business is quite according to law, custom, and
    international comity, and that England can do nothing. They
    cry out so loudly in this one key there is reason to suspect
    they have some inward doubts. General McClellan invited
    all the world, including myself, to see a performance given by
    Hermann, the conjurer, at his quarters, which will be aggravating
    news to the bloody-minded, serious people in New England.

    Day after day passes on, and finds our Micawbers in Washington
    waiting for something to turn up. The Trent affair, having
    been proved to be legal and right beyond yea or nay, has
    dropped out of the minds of all save those who are waiting for
    news from England; and on looking over my diary I can see
    nothing but memoranda relating to quiet rides, visits to camps,
    conversations with this one or the other, a fresh outburst of
    anonymous threatening letters, as if I had anything to do with
    the Trent affair, and notes of small social reunions at our own
    rooms and the Washington houses which were open to us.

  • 577

    Page 577

    November 25th.

  • I remarked the other evening that, with
    all the disorder in Washington, there are no thieves. Next
    night, as we were sitting in our little symposium, a thirsty soldier
    knocked at the door for a glass of water. He was brought
    in and civilly treated. Under the date of the 27th, accordingly,
    I find it duly entered that "the vagabond who came in for
    water must have had a confederate, who got into the hall
    whilst we were attending to his comrade, for yesterday there
    was a great lamentation over cloaks and great-coats missing
    from the hall, and as the day wore on the area of plunder was
    extended. Carl discovers he has been robbed of his best
    clothes, and Caroline has lost her watch and many petticoats."

Thanksgiving Day on the 28th was celebrated by enormous
drunkenness in the army. The weather varied between days
of delicious summer—soft, bright, balmy and beautiful beyond
expression—and days of wintry storm, with torrents of

Some excitement was caused at the end of the month by the
report I had received information from England that the law
officers of the Crown had given it as their opinion that a
United States man-of-war would be justified by Lord Stowell's
decisions in taking Mason and Slidell even in the British Channel,
if the Nashville transferred them to a British mail steamer.
This opinion was called for in consequence of the Tuscarora appearing
in Southampton Water; and, having heard of it, I repeated
it in strict confidence to some one else, till at last Baron
de Stoeckl came to ask me if it was true. Receiving passengers
from the Nashville, however, would have been an act of
direct intercourse with an enemy's ship. In the case of the
Trent the persons seized had come on board as lawful passengers
at a neutral port.

The tide of success runs strongly in favor of the North at
present, although they generally get the worst of it in the small
affairs in the front of Washington. The entrance to Savannah
has been occupied, and by degrees the fleets are biting into the
Confederate lines along the coast, and establishing positions
which will afford bases of operations to the Federals hereafter.
The President and Cabinet seem in better spirits, and the former
indulges in quaint speculations, which he transfers even
to State papers. He calculates, for instance, there are human
beings now alive who may ere they die behold the United
States peopled by 250 millions of souls. Talking of a high


Page 578
prairie, in Illinois, he remarked, "that if all the nations of the
earth were assembled there, a man standing on its top would
see them all, for that the whole human race would fit on a
space twelve miles square, which was about the extent of the


Since shot dead by the Federal General Jeff. C. Davis in a quarrel
at Nashville.