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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Dear Sir,—I have again the pleasure to begin
with acknowledging the receipt of a favor from you,
that of the first having come to hand yesterday.

On Thursday last, Congress was informed by General
Potts and Colonel Johnston, who came expresses
for the purpose, that a general mutiny had broken
out on the morning of the New Year's day, in the
Pennsylvania line, which was cantoned near Morristown,
apart from the rest of the army. Every effort
was made by the officers to stifle it in its infancy, but
without effect. Several of them fell victims to the
fury of the mutineers. The next information came
from General Wayne, who wrote from Princeton,
whither the troops had marched in regular order on
their way to Philadelphia, as they gave out, with a
determination not to lay down their arms, nor to return
to their obedience till a redress of grievances
should be obtained. They suffered none of their
officers to be among them except General Wayne and
Colonels Steuart and Butler, and these they kept
under close guard, but in every other respect treated
with the utmost decorum. The grievances complained
of were principally, the detention of many in
service beyond the term of enlistment, and the sufferings
of all from a deficient supply of clothing and
subsistence, and the long arrearage of pay. Several
propositions and replies, on the subject of redress,


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passed between a deputation of sergeants, in behalf
of the troops, and General Wayne, but without any
certain tendency to a favorable issue. The affair at
length began to take a very serious countenance, and
as a great proportion of that line are foreigners, and
not a few deserters from the British army, and as
they showed a disposition to continue at Princeton,
from whence a refuge with the enemy, who, it was
said, were coming out in force for the purpose, was at
any moment practicable, it was thought necessary,
notwithstanding the humiliation of the step, to depute
a committee of Congress with powers to employ
every expedient for putting a speedy end to the discontents.
The President of the State, with a number
of gentlemen from this place, went up to interpose
their influence. By a letter from the committee, who
had proceeded as far as Trenton, received the evening
before last, it appears that the President, who
was ahead, and had written to General Wayne, was
likely to have a confidential reception. The committee
write, that an emissary of Clinton, who had
appeared among the soldiers with a paper setting
forth the folly and danger of adhering to a cause
which had already brought so much misery upon
them, promising a protection under the British Government,
a body of troops to cover their escape, and
the payment of all arrears due from Congress, was
seized and given up to General Wayne, who handed
him with his guide over to the President of this State;
who placed them under the custody of his light-horse.
This circumstance not only presages a fortunate issue


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to the mutiny, but is such a proof of attachment to
the country in the most trying situation, as must
effectually repress the joy and encouragement which
the enemy had taken from this threatening event.
The late detachment from New York, which a letter
from Fredericksburg says is in the Chesapeake, is
about one thousand six hundred strong, and commanded
by Arnold.


From the Madison Papers (1840).