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Print Errata for SB51

Print Errata for SB51

p. 63 n. 1 five-line quotation misplaced between title and text

p. 65 n. 5 Speculum 17 (1942).] Speculum 17 (1942),

p. 65 n. 5 source of Uks'] source of Usk's

p. 65 n. 6 preparing the Usk ‸ for] preparing the Usk text for

p. 68 n. 7 Social Chanc] Social Change

p. 72 n. 13 marker of ‸ new] marker of a new

p. 75 n. 20 ‸Los Altos] (Los Altos

p. 83 n. 31 356v, vol.] 3356v, col.

p. 87 n. 34 For the former.] For the former,

p. 90 to define tthe] to define the

p. 97 In other words:] In other words,

p. 98 tropes for only] tropes for the only

p. 105 Charter-Lengths] Chapter-Lengths

p. 116 separating chapter‸] separating chapters

p. 132 recrurring] recurring

p. 133 helpful..] helpful.

p. 137 3 7 50 upside down and misaligned {reversed slug}

p. 138 M3/m 2] 4

p. 154 n. 3 134-173,] 134-173.

p. 170 n. 37 C.115/8408] C.115/M.35/8408

p. 171 n. 45 Editions ‸] Editions of

p. 175 n. 49 leaf‸] leaf--

p. 176 n. 51 l. 2 {incorrect line; repeats third line below}] Letter and three of the documents written between January 1609 and January 1615. P. Beal,

p. 181 copyists.‸66] copyists.'66

p. 181 n. 66 Text, 9] Text 9

p. 185 n. 7 interpretation;] interpretations;

p. 188 Whitehall Evening-Post on the 8 March.12 ] Whitehall Evening-Post on 8 March.12

p. 193 on Pope, An Epistle to a Nobleman ] on Pope, An Epistle from a Nobleman

p. 197 but he goes on the express perplexity ] but he goes on to express perplexity

p. 197 my Lord, 'tis only because‸ ] my Lord, 'tis only because,

p. 199 Verses lies in his book-trade contracts ] Verses lies in his book-trade contacts

p. 203 'Let him print if the ] 'Let him print if he

p. 234 conversation] conversion

p. 252 "Acknowledgements] "Acknowledgments

p. 263 n. 8 Fiction.'‸] Fictions.'"

p. 277 n. 24 Brian N. Gerard ] BRIAN N. GERARD