The following chart illustrates the distribution of paper stocks throughout the Jonson
Folio based on an examination of sixty copies.[16] I have listed individually the fourteen most
prevalent stocks of regular paper (1, 3-13, 15-16, and 33) along with the six most prevalent
stocks of large paper (M1-4 and D1-2). When a sheet contains reset text, and when a gathering
contains two distinct settings, the number of sheets bearing the first setting will be followed (in
parentheses) by the number of resettings. Those stocks that occur rarely or sporadically I have
combined under the headings "Misc. Regular" and "Misc. Large." The total occurrences are
displayed in columns labeled by gathering and sheet (outer, middle, inner). Finally, I have
indicated at the top of the chart where a new title commences (including the page in parentheses),
and hence where ownership may change.