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Accessible on the World Wide Web

The following publications are available without charge through the home page of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia,

Studies in Bibliography, vols. 1-49, with Cumulative Table of Contents.

de Montluzin, Emily Lorraine. Attributions of Authorship in the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731-1868: A Supplement to Kuist.

Evans, G. Blakemore, ed., Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the Seventeenth Century, vols. 1-8.

Distributed by the Society

The following publications are available from the office of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia, Alderman Library, Charlottesville, VA 22903. Members receive a 40 per cent discount from the list prices. Postage is additional.

New Publications

Faulkner, William, Mosquitoes: A Facsimile and Transcription of the University of Virginia Holograph Manuscript. Thomas L. McHaney and David L. Vander Meulen, eds. $75.00 ($45.00 to members).

Tanselle, G. Thomas, Literature and Artifacts. $60.00 ($36.00 to members).

Vander Meulen, David L., ed., The Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia: The First Fifty Years. $50.00 ($30.00 to members).

Currently in Print

Bristol, Roger P., Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography. $50.00 ($30.00 to members).

Bristol, Roger P., Index to Supplement to Evans' American Bibliography. $20.00.

Cauthen, Irby B., Jr., ed., Two Mementoes from the Poe-Ingram Collection: An Anniversary Keepsake for Members of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia 1946-1971. $10.00 ($6.00 to members).

Eddy, Donald D., and Fleeman, J. D., A Preliminary Handlist of Books to which Dr. Samuel Johnson Subscribed. Occasional Publication 2. $10.00 ($6.00 to members).

Evans, G. Blakemore, ed., Shakespearean Prompt-Books of the Seventeenth Century. Vol. V: Text of the Smock Alley Macbeth. $35.00 ($21.00 to members). Vol. VI: Text of the Smock Alley Othello $35.00 ($21.00 to members). Vol. VII: Text of the Smock Alley A Midsummer Night's Dream. $50.00 ($30.00 to members). Vol. VIII: King Lear, Henry VIII, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Twelfth Night, The Comedy of Errors, The Winter's Tale. $75.00 ($45.00 to members).

A Keepsake to Honor Fredson Bowers. $10.00 ($6.00 to members).

Ribble, Frederick G., and Ribble, Anne G., Fielding's Library: An Annotated Catalogue. $30.00 ($18.00 to members).


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Tanselle, G. Thomas, The Life and Work of Fredson Bowers. Occasional Publication 1. $30.00 ($18.00 to members).

Vander Meulen, David L., and Tanselle, G. Thomas, eds., Samuel Johnson's Translation of Sallust: A Facsimile and Transcription of the Hyde Manuscript. Occasional Publication 3. $25.00 ($15.00 to members).

Distributed by the University Press of Virginia

The following publications of the Society are available from the University Press of Virginia, Box 3608, University Station, Charlottesville, Virginia 22903. Members identifying themselves as such receive a 20 per cent discount on these publications. Postage is additional.

Blehl, Vincent Ferrer, S.J., John Henry Newman, A Bibliographical Catalogue of His Writings. $25.00.

Boughn, Michael, H. D.: A Bibliography, 1905-1990. $39.50.

Dameron, J. Lasley, and Cauthen, Irby B., Jr., Edgar Allan Poe: A Bibliography of Criticism 1827-1967. $40.00

Fry, Donald. Beowulf and The Fight at Finnsburh: A Bibliography. $25.00.

Grimshaw, James A., Robert Penn Warren: A Descriptive Bibliography, 1922-1979. $40.00.

Hodnett, Edward, Aesop in England. $20.00.

Pound, Ezra, A Quinzaine for this Yule. $10.00.

Ross, Charles L., The Composition of The Rainbow and Women in Love. $25.00.

Roth, Barry, An Annotated Bibliography of Jane Austen Studies, 1973-83. $35.00.

Studies in Bibliography, Volumes 1-51. $40.00 each. (Volumes 1, 2, 6, 10 and 48 out of print).

Tanselle, G. Thomas, Textual Criticism and Scholarly Editing. $40.00.

Tucker, Edward, The Shaping of Longfellow's John Endicott. A Textual History, Including Two Early Versions. $26.50.

Vander Meulen, David L., Pope's Dunciad of 1728: A History and Facsimile. $40.00.

Wiesenfarth, Joseph, George Eliot: A Writer's Notebook, 1854-1879 and Uncollected Writings. $35.00.

West, James L. W., III, A Sister Carrie Portfolio. $25.00.

Wright, Stuart and West, James L. W., III, Reynolds Price: A Bibliography, 1949-1984. $25.00.

Wright, Stuart, Peter Taylor: A Descriptive Bibliography, 1934-87. $40.00.