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B. United States

  • ADDENDA to Check List [of the Works of Ridgely Torrence], PULC , 13:160-61.(Addenda to no. 1063, “Check List for 1951.”)[1549]
  • ANDERSON, GREGG, see no. 1776.
  • BOWE, FORREST, List of Additions and Corrections to Early Catholic Americana; Contribution of French Translations (1724-1820) , N. Y., Franco-Americana, 1952. 101 p.(Basic work Wilfrid Parsons' Early Catholic Americana, N. Y., Macmillan, 1939.)[1550]
  • BRENNAN, J. P., H. P. Lovecraft, a Bibliography , Washington, Biblio Press, 1952. 13 p.(Rev. ed. of A Select Bibliography of H. P. Lovecraft, [New Haven, 1952].)[1551]
  • BROWN, H. T., JR., see Lyle, G. R.
  • CARLSON, E. W., Benedict Thielen, an Introduction and a Check List, PULC , 13:143-55.[1552]
  • CLARK, A. P., see Rice, H. C., Jr.
  • COLON, M. L., Impresos en Español publicados en Filadelfia durante los años 1800 á 1835 , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1951. 74 p.[1553]
  • COPELAND, G. E., James Weldon Johnson, a Bibliography , Pratt Institute. Thesis, 1951.[1554]
  • COWAN, R. E., A Bibliography of the History of California and the Pacific West, 1510-1906, with an Introduction by Henry R. Wagner and Additional Notes by Robert G. Cowan , Columbus, Ohio, Long's College Book Co., 1952. xxxvii, 279, [63] p.(Reprint of the edition published by the Book Club of California in 1914, with new introduction and additional notes.)[1555]
  • DENNIS, M. W., The Literary History of F. Scott Fitzgerald, an Annotated Bibliography , Carnegie Institute of Technology. Thesis, 1952.[1556]
  • DOYLE, JOSEPH, A Finding List of Manuscript Materials relating to George Edward Woodberry, PBSA , 46:165-68.[1557]
  • DYKES, J. C., Billy the Kid, the Bibliography of a Legend , Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1952. 186 p.[1558]
  • GASKILL, G. A., The Boston Book Trade, 1825-1835 . Manuscript, School of Library Science, Simmons College, Boston. [1559]
  • GATELY, CHARLES, Check-List of Plymouth, Massachusetts, Imprints, 1776-1876, with a Historical Introduction , Caholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1952.[1560]
  • HARDING, WALTER, A Preliminary Checklist of the Editions of Walden, Thoreau Soc. Bull. , 39:2-3.[1561]
  • HARWELL, R. B., Cornerstones of Confederate Collecting , Bibl. Soc. Univ. Virginia, 1952. 44 p. (bibliography, p. 35-42).(Mimeographed)[1562]
  • HATCH, B. L., A Preliminary Check List of Waterville, Maine, Imprints through 1850 , Waterville, Colby College Libr., 1952. 23 p.[1563]
  • HUDSON, JULIE, see Rice, H. C., Jr.
  • JEFFERSON, THOMAS, see Sowerby, E. M.
  • JOYAUX, G. J., French [Newspaper] Press in Michigan, a Bibliography, Michigan History , 36:260-78.[1564]

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  • LUCEY, W. L., Catholic Magazines, 1865-1880, Records of the American Catholic Historical Society of Philadelphia , 63:21-36.[1565]
  • LYLE, G. R., and BROWN, H. T., JR., A Bibliography of Christopher Morley , Washington, Scarecrow Press, 1952. 198 p.(Supplement to A. P. Lee's bibliography through 1934, N. Y., 1935.)[1566]
  • MACCURDY, R. R., A History and Bibliography of Spanish-Language Newspapers and Magazines in Louisiana, 1808-1949 , Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1951. 43 p.[1567]
  • MADDOCKS, G. L., Stephen Vincent Benét, a Bibliography, Bull. of Bibl. , 20:142-46, 158-60.[1568]
  • MILNAR, VIRGINIA, A Check-list of Philadelphia Imprints for 1801 and 1802, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1951. 321 p.[1569]
  • MORISON, STANLEY, American Copybooks, an Outline of Their History from Colonial to Modern Times , Philadelphia, Priv. Pr., 1951. 45 p.[1570]
  • MURPHY, R. B., A Check-List of Maryland Imprints from 1831 through 1834, with a Historical Introduction , Catholic Univ. of America. Thesis, 1952.[1571]
  • NEWMAN, R. G., A Selective Checklist of Sandburg's Writings, Jour. Illinois State Historical Soc. , 45:402-406.[1572]
  • PARRATT, E. M., Women Printers and Engravers in San Francisco, BNYPL , 56:43.[1573]
  • READ, E. L., A Union List of Calhoun, Ingham, Jackson, and Washtenaw County Newspapers, 1809-1951, Available in Michigan, with Notes concerning Papers not Located , Univ. of Michigan. Thesis, 1952.[1574]
  • RICE, H. C., JR., and others, Moby-Dick by Herman Melville: A Century of an American Classic, 1851-1951. Catalogue of an Exhibition, PULC , 13:63-118.[1575]
  • RICHEY, H. G., Memorandum on the German Editions of Jefferson's “Notes on Virginia,” Charlottesville, 1952. 4 p.[1576]
  • RUSH, N. O., Fifty Years of The Virginian , PBSA , 46:99-120.(Also issued separately by Univ. of Wyoming Libr.)[1577]
  • RUSSO, D. R., and SULLIVAN, T. L., Bibliographical Studies of Seven Authors of Crawfordsville, Indiana: Lew and Susan Wallace, Maurice and Will Thompson, Mary Hannah and Caroline Virginia Krout, and Meredith Nicholson , Indiana Historical Soc., 1952. 486 p.[1578]
  • SEALTS, M. M., JR., Melville's Reading: A Supplementary List of Books Owned and Borrowed, HLB , 6:239-47.(Supplements no. 323, “Check List for 1949,” and HLB, 4:98-109.)[1579]
  • SOWERBY, E. M., Catalogue of the Library of Thomas Jefferson , Vol. I, Washington, Libr. of Congress, 1952. xv, 562 p.[1580]
  • STACHIN, R. H., see no. 1823.
  • STREETER, T. W., Americana--Beginnings: A Selection from the Library of Thomas W. Streeter shown in honor of a visit of the Hroswitha Club on May 3, 1951 , Morristown, New Jersey, 1952. xix, 97 p. VIII pl.[1581]
  • SULLIVAN, T. L., see Russo, D. R.
  • TOTH, MARGARET, see no. 1826.
  • UNITED STATES. Library of Congress, see Sowerby, E. M.
  • VAIL, R. W. G., Certain Indian Captives of New England, Proceedings , Mass. Historical Soc., 68:113-31.[1582]
  • VERNER, COOLIE, Mr. Jefferson Distributes His Notes; A Preliminary Checklist of the First Edition , N. Y. Public Libr., 1952. 31 p.(Reprinted from BNYPL, 56:159-86.)[1583]
  • WAGNER, H. R., Edward Bosqui Imprints [San Francisco, 1864-1905], in Memoirs of Edward Bosqui (Oakland, Holmes Book Co., 1952), p. 175-81.[1584]
  • WAINWRIGHT, A. D., see Rice, H. C., Jr.
  • WALBRIDGE, E. F., “The Virginian” and Owen Wister, a Bibliography, PBSA , 46:117-20.(List of critical works; supplemental to no. 1577.)[1585]
  • WEBER, C. J., see nos. 1829-1830.
  • WROTH, L. C., see no. 1837.