Hayle! glorious lady and heuenly quene,
Crownyd & regnyng in þy blysfull cage,
Helpe vs pylgryms in erthely tene,
In worshyp of all þy pylgremage;
Thy holy concepcion was thy furst pylgremage
Cuius honore tu nobis faue,
And here we knelyng before thyne Image
Tibi concepte dicimus Aue.
Hayle! glemeryng sterre now in þy byrthe,
To all þis world thow spredyst þy lyght,
Thy ioyfull name yeueth vs myrthe.
Now blessyd be he þat Mary þe hyght,
For thorow all þe worlde þow yeuest þy lyght,
O maris stella domina pia,
With all oure hert and all oure might
Tibi clamamus Aue Maria.
Hayle! gloryous lady, as Gabriell seyde
When he came doune on hys message,
God was made man, hys modyr a mayde,
Lo, lady thys was thy swete mariage;
So full of grace vnbynde oure bondage,
Mater diuina virgo serena,
And thus shall we sey for oure homage
Aue Maria gracia plena.
Hayle! ioyfull lady in the byrthe of Cryste,
God is with the, kyng in thy lappe,
With ox and asse in a crybbe þou lyest,
With Ioseph, and Iesu sokyng thy pappe,
Well ys þe, lady, þat dydyst hym wrappe,
Ipsum exora que manes secum
That he wold yeue oure enemy a knappe,
Gracia plena dominus tecum.
Hayle! floure of clennes without corrupcion,
Thow beryst þe frute of all chastite,
And yet þow madyst þy purificacion,
To puryfy oure sowles for þy charyte.
Haue mynde, good lady of oure freelte,
Et vita nostra plena reatu,
Now pray þy son of hys benignite,
Dominus tecum benedicta tu.
Hayle! wofull lady in hys swete passion,
Scorgyd and naylyd, dying on the roode,
Sende vs thy comfort in oure tribulacion,
For þy sonnys loue þat shed hys bloode;
But ioyfull gladnes dyd change þy moode,
Cum surrexit sanis vulneribus,
And euer in þe feyþ, full trew þou stoode,
Benedicta tu in mulier[i]bus.
Hayle! blessyd lady in Crystes assensioun.
Bothe glad and heuy when he dyd sty,
Make in þy prayers for vs som mencion,
That we may folow when we shall dy.
Aftyr þy socoure we call and cry
Vt mereamur luce frui,
That we may deserue þe blessyd lyght to sty,
Et benedictus fructus ventris tui.
Hayle! blessyd lady in thyn assumpcion,
Next to þe Trinitie syttyng in trone,
And holde excusyd our gret presumpcion
To whom we make oure carefull mone,
Oure hertys ar dry & hard as a stone,
Funde lacrimarum nobis consolamen,
And he be oure comfort hens when we gone,
Fructus ventris tui Iesus Christus.