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A Collection of Emblemes

Ancient and Moderne: Quickened VVith Metricall Illvstrations, both Morall and Divine: And disposed into Lotteries, That Instruction, and Good Counsell, may bee furthered by an Honest and Pleasant Recreation. By George Wither

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Illvstr. XXXII.

[When, on this Child-like-figure, thou shalt looke]

Death's one long-Sleepe; and, Life's no more,
But one short-Watch, an houre before.

When, on this Child-like-figure, thou shalt looke,
Which, with his Light, his Houre-glasse, and his booke,
Sits, in a watching-posture, formed here;
And, when thou hast perus'd that Motto, there,
On which he layes his hand; thy selfe apply
To what it counselleth; and, learne to die,
While that Light burnes, and, that short-houre doth last,
Which, for this Lesson, thou obtained hast.
And, in this bus'nesse, use thou no delayes;
For, if the bigger Motto truely, sayes,
There is not left unto thee, one whole Watch,
Thy necessary labours, to dispatch.
It was no more, when first thy Life begunne;
And, many Glasses of that Watch be runne:
Which thou observing, shouldst be put in minde,
To husband well, the space that is behind.
Endeavour honestly, whil'st thou hast light:
Deferre thou not, thy Iourney, till the night;
Nor, sleepe away, in Vanities, the prime,
And flowre, of thy most acceptable time.
So watchfull, rather, and, so carefull be,
That, whensoere the Bridegroome summons thee;
And, when thy Lord returnes, unlookt for, home;
Thou mayst, a Partner, in their joyes, become.
And, oh my God! so warie, and so wise,
Let me be made; that, this, which I advise
To other men (and really have thought)
May, still, in practice, by my selfe, be brought:
And, helpe, and pardon me, when I transgresse,
Through humane frailtie, or, forgetfulnesse.