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The writings of James Madison,

comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed.

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Page 253


Dear Sir,

My last went via England, in the hands of a Swiss
gentleman who had married an American lady, and
was returning with her to his own Country. He
proposed to take Paris in his way. By that opportunity
I inclosed copies of the proceedings of this
State on the subject of the Constitution.

North Carolina was then in Convention, and it
was generally expected would in some form or other
have fallen into the general stream. The event has
disappointed us. It appears that a large majority
has decided against the Constitution as it stands,
and according to the information here received has
made the alterations proposed by Virginia the conditions
on which alone that State will unite with the
others. Whether this be the precise state of the
case I cannot say. It seems at least certain that
she has either rejected the Constitution, or annexed
conditions precedent to her ratification. It cannot
be doubted that this bold step is to be ascribed in
part to the influence of the minority in Virginia
which lies mostly in the Southern part of the State,
and to the management of its leader. It is in part
ascribed also by some to assurances transmitted
from leading individuals here, that New York would
set the example of rejection. The event, whatever
may have been its cause, with the tendency of the
circular letter from the Convention of N. York, has
somewhat changed the aspect of things and has given


Page 254
fresh hopes and exertions to those who opposed the
Constitution. The object with them now will be to
effect an early Convention composed of men who
will essentially mutilate the system, particularly in
the article of taxation, without which in my opinion
the System cannot answer the purposes for which it
was intended. An early Convention is in every view
to be dreaded in the present temper of America. A
very Short period of delay would produce the double
advantage of diminishing the heat and increasing the
light of all parties. A trial for one year will probably
suggest more real amendments than all the
antecedent speculations of our most sagacious

Congress have not yet decided on the arrangements
for inaugurating the new Government. The
place of its first meeting continues to divide the
Northern and Southern members, though with a few
exceptions to these general descriptions of the parties.
The departure of Rho. Island and the refusal
of N. Carolina in consequence of the late event there
to vote in the question, threatens a disagreeable
issue to the business, there being now an apparent
impossibility of obtaining seven States for any one
place. The three Eastern States & N. York, reinforced
by S. Carolina, and as yet by N. Jersey, give
a plurality of votes in favor of this City. The advocates
for a more central position however though
less numerous, seemed very determined not to yield
to what they call a shameful partiality to one extremity
of the Continent. It will be certainly of


Page 255
far more importance under the proposed than the
present system that regard should be had to centrality
whether we consider the number of members
belonging to the Government, the diffusive manner
in which they will be appointed, or the increased
resort of individuals having business with the Legislative,
Executive, & Judiciary departments.

If the Western Country be taken into view, as it
certainly ought the reasoning is still further corroborated.
There is good ground to believe that a very
jealous[82] eye will be kept in that quarter on inattention
to it, and particularly when involving a seeming
advantage to the eastern States
, which have been rendered
extremely suspicious
and obnoxious by the Mississippi
. There is even good ground to believe
that Spain is taking
advantage of this disgust in kentucky,
and is actually endeavoring to seduce them from
the union, holding out a darling object which will never
be obtained by them as part of the union
. This is a
fact as certain as it is important but which I hint in
strict confidence
, and with a request that no suspicion
may be excited of its being known, particularly thro
the channel of me
. I have this moment notice that
I must send off my letter instantly, or lose the conveyance.
I must consequently defer further communications
till another opportunity.

Along with this you will receive a copy of the report
you desired from Mr. Thomson, and a copy of
the Federalist, a publication mentioned in my last.


Italics for cypher.