The writings of James Madison, comprising his public papers and his private correspondence, including numerous letters and documents now for the first time printed. |
The writings of James Madison, | ||
New York Aug. 22 88.
My dear friend
I have your favor of the 13th. The effect of
Clinton's circular letter in Virga. does not surprise
It is a signal of concord and hope to the
fear prove extremely dangerous. Notwithstanding
your remarks on the subject I cannot but think that
an early convention will be an unavoided measure.
It will evidently be the offspring of party & passion,
and will probably for that reason alone be the parent
of error and public injury. It is pretty clear that a
majority of the people of the Union are in favor of
the Constitution as it stands, or at least are not dissatisfied
with it in pt. form; or if this be not the case
it is at least clear that a greater proportion unite in
that system than are likely to unite in any other
theory. Should radical alterations take place therefore
they will not result from the deliberate sense of
the people, but will be obtained by management, or
extorted by menaces, and will be a real sacrifice of
the public will as well as of the public good, to the
views of individuals & perhaps the ambition of the
State Legislature.
Congress have come to no final decision as to the
place for Convening the new Governt.. It is unfortunate
because a question now between N. & South,
and notwithstanding the palpable unreasonableness
of the thing, an adherence to N. York in preference
to any more central position seems to grow stronger
& stronger, and upon grounds which tend to keep
Congress here till a permanent seat be established.
In this point of view I own the business has a serious
aspect, considering the injustice & oppression to the
S. Western and Western parts of the Union.
Yr. afect.
The writings of James Madison, | ||