University of Virginia Library


Professor Buckmaster.

The Theory and Practice of Medicine is taught in a systematic course
of one hundred and fifty didactic lectures, which are supplemented by clinical
teaching twice a week. Ample material is furnished by the University
Dispensary, and the student is required to become familiar with the normal
organs. Clinical instruction in physical diagnosis will be given, and will
form part of the required course. The additions to our knowledge made by
the bacteriologist, when of use in diagnosis or in treatment, receive particular

Text-Books.—A Hand-Book of Physical Diagnosis, etc., by R. C. M. Page (J. H.
Vail & Co., New York); The Principles and Practice of Medicine, by William Osler (D.
Appleton & Co., New York); a Treatise on Mental and Nervous Diseases, by Landon
Carter Gray (Lea Bros. & Co., Philadelphia).