University of Virginia Library


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Societies of Students.

There are two Literary Societies of long standing—the Jefferson Society
and the Washington Society—connected with the University. They meet
weekly in their respective halls and hold public exhibitions at intervals during
the session and at its close. The two Societies jointly maintain the
University Magazine, and annually invite some distinguished orator to deliver
an address before them in the Public Hall at the close of the session.
In each Society medals are given—one to the best debater, another to the
best orator, and a third medal is awarded for the best original contribution
to the University Magazine by a member of either Society.



Jefferson Society Orator  Wm. Kinckle Allen, Va. 
Washington Society Orator  Aubrey E. Strode, S. C. 
Washington Society Debater  John R. Rew, Va. 
University Magazine Medalist  John Handy Hall, Va. 


This Society has its membership mainly among the Professors, Instructors,
and Post-graduate students of the University. It meets monthly for the
reading of papers of scientific and literary interest, the exhibition of experiments,
and discussion. All members of the University are eligible to membership.
There are no initiation fees or annual dues. The following is the
list of papers presented during the session 1894-'95:

N. K. Davis, on Law.

F. P. Dunnington, on A Method of Manufacturing Pure Ice.

M. W. Humphreys, Memorial of Prof. W. D. Whitney.

M. W. Humphreys, Annual Address: on Coincidence as a Source of Error.

Alexander Macfarlane, on the Foundations of Pure Science.

J. W. Mallet, on the Discovery of a New Element, Argon.

J. W. Mallet, on the Properties of Argon and Helium.

W. J. Martin, Contributions of Helmholtz to Physiology.

T. J. J. See, on the Orbits of Double Stars.

F. H. Smith, Memorial of Baron von Helmholtz.

J. P. C. Southall, Contributions of Helmholtz to Physics.

Ormond Stone, Recent Observations of Comets made at the Leander McCormick Observatory.


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The following publications are issued, either under the auspices of the
University or by professors or students of the school:

The Alumni Bulletin, a quarterly journal, published by a committee of
the Faculty, and designed to advance the interests of the University and its
Alumni and to form a permanent record of its history.

The Annals of Mathematics.—Editor-in-chief, Professor W. H. Echols.
A journal of pure and applied mathematics. Each annual volume contains
six numbers.

The University of Virglnia Magazine, designed to encourage literary
work among the students; published each month during the session by the
Literary Societies.

The College Topics, a weekly newspaper, published under the auspices
of the General Athletic Association, devoted to the interests of Athletics and
the University at large.

The Y. M. C. A. Hand-book, an annual pocket-book of useful, though
not official, information concerning the University, published for gratuitous
distribution by the Christian Association.