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Summer Class in Chemistry.

I propose to give private instruction in Chemistry—theoretical and practical—
during the coming summer vacation, beginning July 1st and ending September

The subject matter of the course will be selected in accordance with the special
wants of the individual students.

The following subjects are among those which have in past years rendered the
course useful.

1. Special training in particular departments of Practical Chemistry; e. g.,
the analysis of coal and coke, iron ores, iron and steel, the assaying of ores of
the precious metals, the examination of fertilizers and material for their manufacture,
toxicological and sanitary chemistry for students or for practitioners of
medicine, etc.

2. Special preparation for the duties of teachers of Chemistry on the part of
those seeking positions as such, or of those who already hold appointments but
have no had the opportunity of gaining experience in lecture-room work
experiments of demonstration, etc.

3. Review of the general principles of Chemistry on the part of those who
have already studied the subject, as in the case of candidates for examination
before the Medical Boards of the United States Army and Navy, of the Marine
Hospital service, and of the several States.

4. Preparation for study in the regular classes of the University on the part
of those who intend coming here in the following session.

5. Training in the methods and reasoning of original research.

A certificate of work in this course done faithfully and well will be signed by
the Professor and given to any who may deserve and desire it.

This course is open, not only to men, but also to ladies, who, either as teachers
or otherwise, desire such serious study of Chemistry as is possible within the
designated time.

The fee for tuition will be $50.00, payable at the beginning of the course.
Laboratory material consumed, and apparatus broken, will be charged for at
their actual cost, the expense under these heads amounting usually to a few
dollars, say from $5 to $10.

Board can be obtained in the neighborhood at from $16 to $20 per month for
meals, furnished room and attendance.


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