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The complete works of Han Fei tzu

... a classic of Chinese political science.

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Chapter XXXI
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Chapter XXXI


Of the six minutiae, the first is said to be "authority left in
the hands of the inferior"; the second, "difference of
ministers in interest from the ruler and their consequent
dependence upon foreign support"; the third, "resort to
disguise and falsification"; the fourth, "antinomies in
matters of advantage and harm"; the fifth, "mutual confusions
in position and domestic dissentions for supremacy";
and the sixth, "manipulation of dismissal and appointment
of officials by enemy states." These six are what the
sovereign ought to consider carefully.

1. On Authority and Position[2]

Authority and position should not be lent to anybody else.
If the sovereign loses one, the minister would turn that into
one hundred. Thus, if the minister can borrow power and
position from the ruler, his strength would multiply. Should
his strength multiply, then men in and out of the court would
be utilized by him. If men in and out of the court are utilized
by him, then the lord of men would be deluded. The saying
is based in Lao Tan's discussion[3] on the loss of fish. For
further illustration, a man became wealthy[4] simply after one


evening's[5] talk with his influential friend, and an attendant
gained prestige because his master had given[6] him a hairbrush.
Its contrary is found in Hsü T`ong's remonstration
with Duke Li, in Chou Hou's unification of the attendants'
sayings, and in the Yen man's bathing in dung.


I remove the topic of each discussion from the end to the beginning.


v. Lao Tzŭ's Tao Tah Ching, Chap. XXXVI.


With Ku Kuang-ts`ê [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


With Yü Yüeh [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


With Kao Hêng [OMITTED] means [OMITTED].

2. On the Difference in Interest

Ruler and minister differ in interest. Therefore, ministers
are never loyal. As soon as the minister's[7] interest stands up,
the sovereign's interest goes to ruin. Thus wicked ministers
would exterminate their opponents at home by sending for
enemy troops and bewilder their lord by enumerating foreign
affairs. As long as their private interest is accomplished, they
never mind any disaster to the state. An instance is found in
the husband's and wife's prayer in Wei. For further illustration,
Tai Hsieh discussed the danger of allowing sons and
brothers to take up office in the courts of foreign states, the
Three Huan families attacked Duke Chao, Kung-shu
conspired secretly with the army of Ch`i, Chieh Huang sent
for troops from Han, Premier P`i persuaded High Official
Chung of his personal interest, Ta-ch`êng Wu[8] taught
Shên Pu-hai the way to their mutual advantage, Ssŭ-ma
Hsi divulged secret news to the King of Chao, Lü Ts`ang
induced Ch`in and Ch`u to invade his native soil; Sung
Shih wrote Wei Chün a personal letter; and Pai Kuei taught
Pao Ch`ien the way to their mutual advantage.


With Wang Hsien-shen [OMITTED] above [OMITTED] is superfluous.


With Lu Wên-shao [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


3. On Disguise and Falsification

Matters of falsification and disguise make the lord of men
miss what he ought to censure and make the ministers
accomplish their private interests. Thus, the gate-men
poured water but I-shê was censured; the Lord of Chi-yang
forged the King's order but his two enemies paid for the
crime; Ssŭ-ma Hsi killed Yuan Ch'ien but Chi Hsin was
censured; Chêng Hsiu said the new court ladies disliked the
bad smell of His Majesty's breath and the newcomers had
their noses cut off; Fei Wu-chi[9] told Ch`i Yüan to parade
weapons but the magistrate censured the latter; Ch`ên Hsü
killed Chang Shou but Hsi-shou[10] had to run into exile; and,
similarly, when the silo was burned, the King of Central Hills
held the innocent prince guilty, and when the old literatus
was killed, the Lord of Chi-yang rewarded the assassin.


With Wang Hsien-shen [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


[OMITTED] was originally the name of the post held by Kung-sun Yen, till
it almost became his pen-name.

4. On the Existence of Opposites

If any event happens and has any advantage at all, the
sovereign must master it. If it has any disadvantage, he must
discern the opposite. For this reason, the enlightened
sovereign, in estimating the welfare of the country, would
reflect on the advantage when the state has any disadvantage;
when the minister has any disadvantage, he would deliberate
upon its opposite. The saying is based on the appointment
of Ch`ên Hsü to premiership upon the arrival of the Ch`u
troops, and on the rise of the price of millet seed because
of the granary-keeper's dishonesty. Thus, Chao Hsi-hsü
arrested the reed-seller; Marquis Chao-hsi[11] blamed the


second cook; Duke Wên found hairs around the roast
meat; and Marquis Hsiang offered to proclaim the Ruler
of Ch`i Eastern Emperor.


With Ku Kuang-ts`ê [OMITTED] above [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].

5. On Mutual Confusions in Position

The situation of mutual confusions in position causes
disturbances. Therefore, the enlightened sovereign takes
precautions against it. For this reason, Li-chi of Chin killed
Shên-shêng; the Mistress of Chêng used poisonous drugs;
Chou Hsü of Wei murdered his Ruler, Yüan; Prince Kên
occupied Eastern Chou; Prince Chih enjoyed His Majesty's
exceeding favour, wherefore Shang-ch`ên actually caused a
disturbance; Yen Sui and Han K`uei rivalled each other,
wherefore Duke Ai encountered rebels; T`ien Ch`ang and
Kan Chih, Tai Huan and Huang Hsi, were enemies, wherefore
Duke Chien of Ch'i and the Ruler of Sung were
respectively murdered. The saying is based on Hu T`u's talk
on the two kinds of fondness on the part of the sovereign and
on Chêng Chao's reply that the heir apparent was not yet

6. On Dismissal and Appointment

What one state works after is to observe secretly the
on-going affairs in its enemy states and take advantage of
their weaknesses. If the lord of men is not alert, enemies
will dismiss or appoint his men. Thus King Wên financed
Fei Chung; the King of Ch`in worried over the envoy from
Ch`u; Li Chü got rid of Chung-ni; and Kan Hsiang
obstructed Kan Mu. For the same reason, Tzŭ-hsü spread
rumours wherefore Tzŭ-ch`ang was taken into service;
beauties were accepted, wherefore Yü and Kuo went to ruin;
a letter was falsified, wherefore Ch`ang Hung was executed;


and chicken and pig sacrifices were offered, wherefore all
able men of K`uai were exterminated.

Regarding matters of confusion and suspicion and of
dismissal and appointment, the enlightened sovereign exterminates
them at home but propagates them abroad. Financing
the poor and supporting the weak in the enemy states is
called "inter-palatial assaults".[12] If the system of three
units and basic fives[13] is adopted inside, while observations
and informations function outside, then what can the enemy
do? The saying is based on the Ch`in clown's secret report
to Ruler Hui-wên. For further illustration, Hsiang Tz`ŭ
foretold his master the enemies' stratagem to fall upon Yeh,
and Duke Ssŭ bestowed a new mat upon the prefect . . .[14]

So much above for the canons.




Under the system of Kuan Tzŭ the country was divided into three units
for military purposes and the basis of local organization was five families, and
two thousand five hundred families formed a county ruled by a magistrate.


The text has [OMITTED] in the next line as though it were topic of the preceding
paragraph. With Wang Hsien-shen this is absurd inasmuch as the work is
presupposed to enumerate six instead of seven minutise. Wang thought the
two characters continued from the preceding passage, which, however,
can hardly make any sense, either additional or separate.

Annotations to Canon I:

High authority is the pool of the lord of men. Ministers
are the fish swimming in high authority. Just as the fish
once lost outside the pool cannot be recovered, so can the
high authority of the lord of men once lost to the ministers
not be recovered. The ancient[15] found it difficult to say
explicitly, and therefore used the metaphor of the fish
swimming in the pool. Now, reward and punishment are
sharp weapons. By handling them the ruler controls ministers.


By appropriating them ministers delude the sovereign.
Therefore, if the ruler let ministers see any reward before he
bestows it upon anybody, ministers would sell it as a personal
favour; if the ruler let ministers see any punishment before
he inflicts it upon anybody, ministers would use it as a personal
threat. Hence the saying: "The weapons of the state should
not be shown to anybody."

The Lord of Ching-kuo, Premier of Ch`i, once talked
with an old acquaintance in an evening,[16] whereupon the old
acquaintance became wealthy. Another time he gave[17] one
of his attendants a hairbrush, wherefore the attendant gained
prestige. Indeed, having an evening's talk and making a
present[18] of a hairbrush constitute very little resources.
Nevertheless, they are sufficient to enrich men. How much
more can authority and position left in the hands of officials

At the time of Duke Li of Chin, the Six Nobles were very
powerful. Therefore, Hsü T`ong and Ch`ang Yü-ch`iao
remonstrated with him, saying: "When chief vassals are
powerful and influential, they rival the sovereign, cause
disputes in state affairs, and, by accepting bribes from foreign
powers, forming cliques at home, and violating the law of the
state, intimidate the sovereign, wherefore the state is always
endangered." "Right," said the Duke, and accordingly,
wiped out three Nobles. Again, Hsü T`ong and Ch`ang
Yü-chiao remonstrated with him, saying: "Indeed, to
punish certain and not all of the men guilty of the same crime
is to make the survivors resent and watch for a chance." In


response the Duke said: "In one morning I exterminated
three of the Six Nobles. I cannot bear exterminating all of
them." "Your Highness cannot bear exterminating them,
but they will bear causing Your Highness harm,"' said Ch`ang
Yü-ch`iao. To this the Duke would not listen. In the course
of three months, the remaining Nobles started a rebellion, and
finally killed Duke Li and partitioned his territory.

Chou Hou, Premier of Ching, was influential and dictated
to all state affairs. Suspecting him, the King of Ching asked
the attendants about his rampancy. In reply all of them said
"Nothing!" as though the reply came out from one mouth.

A man of Yen was easily bewildered and therefore would
bathe in dogs' dung. The wife of the man of Yen was intimate
with a bachelor. Once, when her husband came home early
from outside, the fellow happened to be going out from the
home. "Who is the visitor"? asked the husband. "No
visitor at all," replied the wife, Then he asked the servants,
who all said "None!" as though the reply came from one
mouth. "You certainly became insane." So saying, his wife
bathed him in dogs' dung.

According to a different source: A man of Yen, named
Li Chi, would go far away. His wife was intimate with a
bachelor. One day he suddenly came home while the fellow
was in. Over this his wife worried, so her woman servant
said to her: "Let the young gentleman go naked and with
his hairs dispersed rush straight out through the door. Then
all of us will pretend to have been nothing." Thereupon the
young fellow followed the plan and ran out fast through the
door. "Who is that man?" asked Chi. "Nobody," replied
everyone in the house. "Have I seen a ghost?" "Certainly."
"What shall I do then?" "Get the dung of the five


animals[19] and bathe in it." "All right," said Chi. So he bathed
in the dung. According to another different source he
bathed in hot orchid water.


Namely, Lao-tzŭ.


With Wang Hsien-shen [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED], and so throughout this


With Kao Hêng [OMITTED] in both cases means [OMITTED].


With Kao Hêng [OMITTED] in both cases means [OMITTED].


Namely, oxen, sheep, pigs, dogs, and fowls.

Annotations to Canon II:

Among the Weis, there were a man and his wife who once
during their prayer said as benediction, "Give us no misery
but one hundred rolls of cloth." "Why is the benediction so
simple?" wondered the husband. "What? If it be more
elaborate than this, then you might be thinking of buying
a concubine thereby," replied the wife.

The King of Ching wanted the various princes to take up
office in the courts of the neighbouring states. "It is impracticable,"
said Tai Hê. "Why? If I, the King, allow them to
take up official posts in the neighbouring states the neighbouring
states would certainly treat them well," said the King.
"The princes sent out are well received," remarked Tai Hê,
"However, when well treated, they become partisans of the
states that treat them well. If so, such a policy is simply to
induce the princes to the betrayal of their native land to
foreign powers, and therefore is disadvantageous to Your

The clans of Mêng Sun, Shu Sun, and Chi Sun, united their
strength and molested Duke Chao, till they usurped his state
and managed all public affairs at their pleasure. At first, when
the Three Huans[20] were bearing down upon the Duke,[21] Duke
Chao attacked the Chi Sun Clan. Therefore, the Mêng Sun
Clan and the Shu Sun Clan consulted with each other as to


whether they should rescue the would-be victim. The coachman
of the Shu Sun Clan said: "I am just a domestic servant.
How can I understand public affairs? Whether Chi Sun
remains in existence or goes into extinction, neither will
gain me anything." The rest said: "If Chi Sun is gone,
Shu Sun will certainly pass out too. Let us rescue them."
So they broke through the north-western corner and went in.
When the Mêng Sun Clan saw the flag of Shu Sun going in,
they also ran to the rescue. The Three Huans thus became
one. Duke Chao could not overcome them but sought refuge
in Chi`i[22] and died at Ch`ien-hou.

Kung-shu was Premier of Han and, furthermore,[23] was on
good terms[24] with Ch`i. Kung-chung was highly trusted by
the King. Kung-shu was afraid lest the King should appoint
Kung-chung premier. Therefore, he made Ch`i and Han form
an alliance for attacking Wey. And, by conspiring secretly
with the army of Ch`i inside the city of Chêng, capital of
Han, and thereby intimidating his master, he made his own
position secure and consolidated the alliance of the two states.

Chieh Huang was minister to the King of Wey but was
on good terms with Han. Accordingly, he sent for troops
from Han and made them attack Wey. Then he purposely
offered to sue for peace on behalf of His Majesty in order
thereby to elevate his own position.

The King of Yüeh attacked the King of Wu. The King
of Wu apologized and offered submission. When the King
of Yüeh was thinking of forgiving him, Fan Li and High


Official Chung said: "No, it is impracticable. Formerly
Heaven presented Yüeh to Wu but Wu refused the present.
Now if[25] we let Fu-ch`a go home, we will incur a similar
calamity from Heaven. As Heaven is now presenting Wu to
Yüeh, we ought to repeat bows and accept the present.
Never forgive him." Thereupon Premier P`i of Wu wrote
to High Official Chung, saying: "When wild hares are
exhausted, tame dogs would be cooked; when enemy states
are destroyed, state councillors would be ruined. High
Official, why would you not release Wu and keep Yüeh in
worry?" When High Official Chung received the letter,
he read it, heaved a deep sigh, and said, "Put the messenger
to death. The Yüeh State and my[26] life are the same."

Ta-ch`êng Wu[27] served Chao and said to Shên Pu-hai in
Han: "Sir, if you would elevate my position in Chao with
the influence of Han, I should elevate your position in Han
with the influence of Chao. In this way you will extend your
sphere of influence twice as large as Han while I will extend
mine twice as large as Chao."

Ssŭ-ma Hsi, minister to the ruler of Central Hills, was on
good terms with Chao and therefore always reported in
secret to the King of Chao the stratagems of Central Hills.

Lü Ts`ang, minister to the King of Wey, was on good terms
with Ch`in and Ching. Once he gave Ch`in and Ching a
secret hint and made them attack Wey. Then he offered to
sue for peace in order thereby to make his own position secure.

Sung Shih was a general of Wey: Wei Chün, a general of
Ching. When the two States took up arms against each other,


both were commanders of their respective armies. Then
Sung Shih wrote Wei Chün a personal letter, saying: "The
two armies are opposing each other. The two flags are facing
each other. Let there be no fighting. After fighting both will
certainly not remain in coexistence. The present crisis is a
personal feud between the two sovereigns. You and I have no
private hatred. Being good to each other, we should avoid
fighting each other."

Pai Kuei was Premier of Wey; Pao Ch`ien, Premier of Han.
The former said to the latter: "If you assist me in Wey with
the influence of Han while I support you in Han with the
influence of Wey, then I will always remain in power in
Wey while you in Han."


The three families descended from Duke Huan of Lu and therefore
were frequently called "Three Huans."


With Wang Hsien-shen [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


Wang Hsien-shen thought [OMITTED] above [OMITTED] was a mistake for [OMITTED] and
proposed the addition of [OMITTED] below [OMITTED].


With Yü Yüeh [OMITTED] reads [OMITTED].


With Yü [OMITTED] means [OMITTED].


With Wang Hsien-shen [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


With Wang [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


With Wang [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].

Annotation to Canon III:

One of the Middle Officers of Ch`i, named I-shê, once had
a drinking feast with the King. Greatly drunk, he went out
and leaned on the gate of the lobby. Thereupon the cut-footed[28]
gate-man asked, "Has Your Excellency not any intention
of giving the remaining drops of wine to thy humble
servant?" In reply I-shê scolded him, saying, "Get away!
How dare a penalized man ask for wine from his superior?"
The cut-footed man ran away. As soon as I-shê left the cut-footed
man purposely poured water below the eaves of the
lobby gate in the manner of urination. Next day, when the
King went out, he rebuked it and asked, "Who passed water
here?" In reply the cut-footed man said: "Thy servant has
seen nobody. However, yesterday Middle Officer I-shê stood
here. The King, therefore, blamed I-shê and killed him.


The King of Wey had two ministers who were not on
good terms with the Lord of Chi-yang. Once the Lord of
Chi-yang purposely made his men falsify the King's order
to scheme to attack himself. Thereupon the King sent out
men to ask the Lord of Chi-yang, "Who bears you a
grudge?" "Thy servant is not at feud with anybody,"
replied the Lord, "but he has not been on good terms with
two of your Majesty's ministers. Still that displeasure should
not have come to this!" The King then asked the attendants
about it, and all said, "Of course!" The King, accordingly,
censured the two ministers.

Chi Hsin and Yuan Ch`ien were at feud with each other.
Ssŭ-ma Hsi came recently to bad terms with Chi Hsin, and
so secretly ordered men to assassinate Yuan Ch`ien. The ruler
of Central Hills, thinking Chi Hsin was the contriver of the
murder, held him guilty.

The King of Ching had a favourite concubine named
Chêng Hsiu. As the King newly got a beautiful girl, Chêng
Hsiu purposely told her, "The King was very fond of seeing
people covering their mouths with hands. Be sure to cover
your mouth when[29] you go near to the King." When the
beautiful girl went in to have an audience with the King, she,
accordingly, covered her mouth. The King asked the reason
therefor. "She has already talked about the bad odour of
Your Majesty," replied Chêng Hsiu. One day, the King,
Chêng Hsiu, and the beautiful girl, all three took seats in
a carriage, Hsiu told the coachman to carry out the order
definitely and immediately as soon as the King said any word.
When the beautiful girl came up very near to the King, she


covered her mouth several times. Displeased, the King
became very angry, saying, "Cut off her nose!" when the
coachman drew out his sword and cut off the beautiful girl's

According to a different source: Once the King of Wey
presented the King of Ching a beauty. The King of Ching was
greatly pleased by her. His royal concubine, Chêng Hsiu,
knowing the King loved her with pleasure, also loved her
with pleasure even more than the King did, and among
clothes and ornaments selected whatever she wanted and
gave them to her. "Madame, knowing I love the new lady,
loves her with pleasure even more than I do," remarked the
King. "This is the way the dutiful son should support his
parents, and loyal subjects should serve the ruler." Knowing
the King never thought she was jealous, the royal concubine
purposely told the new lady, "The King loves you very much
but dislikes your nose. When you see the King, always cover
your nose with hands. Then the King will forever love you."
Thereafter the new lady followed the advice, and, every time
she saw the King, would cover her nose. So the King asked
his royal concubine, "Why does the new lady always cover
her nose every time she sees me?" "How can I know?"
said the royal concubine. The King kept asking her insistently.
"Just a while ago," said she in reply, "I heard her saying she
disliked to smell the odour of Your Majesty." "Cut off
her nose," said the King in anger. As the royal consort had
instructed the coachman to carry out any order definitely
as soon as the King said any word, the coachman, accordingly
drew out his sword and cut off the beauty's nose.

Fei Wu-chi was a courtier of the Magistrate of Ching.
Ch`i Yüan newly came to serve the magistrate. The magistrate


liked him very much. Therefore, Wu-chi said to the magistrate,
"Your Excellency likes Yüan so much. Why does
Your Excellency not hold a wine feast at his home sometime?'
"Good," said the magistrate, and ordered Wu-chi to prepare
a wine feast at the home of Ch`i Yüan. Then Wu-chi told
Yüan, "The Magistrate is very militant and fond of weapons.
You should be cautious and respectful and quickly parade
weapons beneath the hall and in the courtyard." So did Yüan
accordingly. When the Magistrate arrived, he was greatly
surprised, asking, "What is all this about?" "Your
Excellency, be sure[30] to leave here," replied Wu-chi, "as
we do not know what is going to happen." Enraged thereby,
the Magistrate took up arms, censured Ch`i Yüan, and
finally put him to death.

Hsi Shou and Chang Shou were at feud with each other.
Ch`ên Hsü newly came on bad terms with[31] Hsi Shou, and
so made men assassinate Chang Shou. The King of Wey,
thinking Hsi Shou was the contriver of the assassination,
censured[32] him.

There was in the Central Hills State a humble prince,
whose horse was very skinny and carriage terribly worn-out.
Some of the chamberlains who had a private hatred for him
made a request on his behalf to the King,[33] saying: "The
prince is very poor. His horse is very thin. Why does Your
Majesty not increase the food supplies for his horse?"


The King did not grant the request. The chamberlain,
therefore, secretly set fire to the silo at night. The King,
thinking the humble prince was the contriver of the arson,
censured him.

There was in Wey an old literatus who was not on good
terms with the Lord of Chi-yang. One of the guests of the
Lord had private hatred for the old literatus and so purposely
assaulted the old literatus and killed him. Considering it a
distinguished service to the Lord of Chi-yang, he said:
"Thy servant killed him because he had been at feud with
Your Excellency." Hearing this, the Lord of Chi-yang,
without investigating his motive, rewarded him.

According to a different source: The Lord of Chi-yang
had a petty official who was not noticed by his master but
wanted to win his special favour. Once upon a time, the
Ch`i State sent an old literatus out to dig herbs in the Horse
Pear Mountain. In order to render the master some meritorious
service, the petty official of Chi-yang went in to see the Lord
and said: "Ch`i sent an old literatus out to dig herbs in
the Horse Pear Mountain. In name he is digging herbs but in
fact he is spying the country of Your Highness. If Your
Highness does not[34] kill him, he will implicate the Lord of
Chi-yang in the plot against Ch`i. May thy servant then beg
to despatch him?" "You may do so," replied the Lord.
On the following day the petty official found the old literatus
on the shady side of the city-walls and pierced him. At last
the Lord admitted him into his confidence.[35]


With Wang [OMITTED] means [OMITTED]. Foot-cutting was a form of penalty.


With Wang [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED], and with Kao Hêng should be [OMITTED].


With Wang [OMITTED] above [OMITTED] means [OMITTED].


With Yü Yüeh [OMITTED] below [OMITTED] is superfluous.


Wang Hsien-shen suspected [OMITTED] "to censure" a mistake for [OMITTED] "to
banish" because Canon Three stated that Hsi Shou ran into exile. I disagree
with Wang inasmuch as Hsi Shou could run away from censure as well as
from banishment.


With Wang Hsien-shen [OMITTED] should be added above [OMITTED].


With Wang Hsien-ch`ien [OMITTED] should be supplied above [OMITTED].


With Wang [OMITTED] above [OMITTED] seems superfluous.


Annotations to Canon IV:

Ch`ên Hsü, minister to the King of Wey, was on good terms
with the King of Ching. Once he induced Ching to attack
Wey. Then he concluded the peace terms on behalf of the
King of Wey. He, accordingly, became Premier of Wey
through the influence of Ching.

At the time of Marquis Chao of Han seeds of millet continued
expensive and farmers scarcely had any of it. Therefore
Marquis Chao sent men to inspect the state granary. They
found the granary-keeper had been stealing millet seeds
and smuggling a big amount to foreign countries.

When Chao Hsi-hsü was in official service in Ching, once
someone set fire to the openings of the state storehouses and
silos but it was not known who he was. Thereupon Chao
Hsi-hsü ordered officials to arrest sellers of reeds and examine
them, and found out they were actually the incendiaries.

At the time of Marquis Chao-hsi, one day when the cook
brought in the meal, the soup had pieces of raw liver in it.
Therefore, the Marquis sent for the second cook, blamed him,
and asked, "Why did you put pieces of raw liver in the soup
for me?" Bowing his head to the ground, the cook admitted
his capital crime and confessed that he had thereby intended
to get rid of the chief cook.

According to a different source: Once when Marquis Hsi
was going to take a bath, the hot water had pebbles in it.
Marquis Hsi then asked the attendants if anybody would
take up the vacancy upon the dismissal of the bath-boy.
"Certainly," replied the attendants. "Bring him here,"
said Marquis Hsi. Then he questioned the man why he had
put pebbles in the hot water. In reply the man said: "If the
bath-boy is dismissed, thy servant will be able to take his


place. Therefore, thy servant put pebbles in the hot water."

At the time of Duke Wên, one day when the cook brought
in roast meat, it was twisted with hairs. So Duke Wên sent
for the cook and asked him: "Do you intend to choke me
to death? Why did you twist the roast meat with hairs?"
The cook bowed his head to the ground, repeated salutations,
begged for pardon, and said: "Thy servant has committed
three capital crimes: He held the grindstone and whetted
the knife till the knife became as sharp as the Kan-chiang
sword. In cutting the meat it tore the meat but the hairs
did not tear. This is the first crime of which thy servant
is guilty. Then he held the awl and pierced through the meat
chop but failed to see the hairs, which is the second crime.
Finally, he kept the charcoal burning in the cooking stove
so that all the meat became red and was roasted and well done,
but the hairs were not burned at all, which is the third crime.
Could there be nobody inside the hall who has been jealous[36]
of thy servant?" "You are right," the Duke said, and then
summoned all the subordinates inside and questioned them.
Among them he actually found out the true culprit, whom he
put to death.

According to a different source: Once upon a time,
when Duke P`ing entertained guests at a wine feast, a petty
official brought in roast meat which was twisted with hairs.
Duke P`ing sprang to his feet and was going to kill the cook
and allowed nobody to disobey his order. The cook cried
to heaven and said: "Alas! Thy servant has committed
three crimes, and how does he not know the death penalty
for them himself?" "What do you mean by saying that?"


asked Duke P`ing. In reply the cook said: "The knife of
thy servant is so sharp that bones can be cut just as grass is
blown down by winds, and yet hairs were not cut, which is
the first capital crime thy servant is guilty of. Roasted with
mulberry charcoal, the meat became red and then white but
the hairs were not burned, which is thy servant's second
capital crime. When the meat was roasted and well done, thy
servant repeated moving his eyelashes and looked at it
carefully, but the hairs twisting the roast meat were not seen,
which is thy servant's third capital crime. Does it seem that
there is somebody inside the hall who hates[37] thy servant?
If so, is it not too early to kill thy servant so abruptly?"

When Marquis Hsiang was Premier of Ch`in, Ch`i was
powerful. Marquis Hsiang wanted to proclaim the Ruler of
Ch`in emperor, which Ch`i refused to recognize. Then he
offered to proclaim the Ruler of Ch`i eastern emperor.
Thereby[38] he became able to proclaim the Ruler of Ch`in


With Wang [OMITTED] means [OMITTED].


With Wang Hsien-shen the Imperial Readings has no [OMITTED] above [OMITTED].


With Ku Kuang-ts`ê [OMITTED] above [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].

Annotations to Canon V:

At the same time of Duke Hsien of Chin, Li-chi enjoyed
the same privileges as the real duchess. She wanted her son,
Hsi-ch`i, to replace the heir apparent, Shên-shêng, and therefore
slandered[39] Shên-shêng before the Ruler and had him
put to death. Finally she succeeded in setting up Hsi-ch`i
as heir apparent.

The Ruler of Chêng had already installed an heir apparent,
whereas his beloved beautiful girl wanted him to take her


son for the heir apparent. Fearing this, his wife used poisonous
drugs, betrayed the Ruler, and put him to death.

Chou Hsü of Wei was influential in Wei and behaved like
the Ruler. The body of officials and the masses of people
were all afraid of his position and influence. Eventually Chou
Hsü murdered the Ruler and usurped the reins of government.

Prince Chao was heir apparent of Chou. His younger
brother, Prince Kên, was in special favour with the ruler.
Upon the death of the royal father, Kên occupied Eastern
Chou, rose in rebellion and partitioned the original territory
into two states.

King Ch`êng of Ch`u proclaimed Shang-ch`êng heir
apparent. Later, he wanted to take Prince Chih. Therefore,
Shang-ch`ên caused a disturbance, and finally attacked and
murdered King Ch`êng.

According to a different source: King Ch`êng proclaimed[40]
Shang-ch`ên heir apparent. Later, he wanted to set
up Prince Chih. Shang-ch`ên heard about this but was not
yet sure of it. So he said[41] to his tutor, P`an Chung, "How
can we be sure of the real situation?" "Invite Chiang Yü
to dinner and show him no respect," said Pan Chung. The
Crown Prince followed the advice. Provoked thereby,
Chiang Yü said: "You brute! No wonder your royal
father wants to set you down and set Chih up as heir apparent."
"It's true," said Shang-ch`ên. "Will you be able to serve
Chih?" asked P`an Chung. "No, not able." "Then will
you be able[42] to take shelter under the feudal lords?" "No,
not able," "Well, then are you able to start a rebellion?"


"Certainly able." Thereupon they raised all the armed soldiers
in the barracks around his court and attacked King Ch`êng.
King Ch`êng asked permission to eat a bear's paw and then
die. Refused permission, he finally committed suicide.

Han Kuei was Premier to Marquis Ai of Han. Yen Sui
was highly regarded by the Ruler. So the two abhorred each
other. One day, Yen Sui ordered men to assassinate Han
Kuei at the court. Han Kuei ran towards His Highness
and held him in his arms. At last the assassins pierced through
Han Kuei and also through Marquis Ai.

T`ien Hêng was Premier of Ch`i. Kan Chih was highly
regarded by Duke Chien. The two hated each other and were
about to kill each other. T`ien Hêng, by distributing private
favours among the masses of people, took over the country,
and finally killed Duke Chien and usurped the reins of

Tai Huan was Prime Minister of Sung. Huang Hsi was
highly regarded by the Ruler. The two disputed in affairs
and abhorred each other. In the long run Huang Hsi killed
the Ruler of Sung and usurped the reins of government.

Hu Tu once said: "If the ruler of a state has a favourite
inside,[43] the heir apparent is jeopardized; if he has a favourite
outside,[44] the premier is jeopardized."

The Ruler of Chêng once asked Chêng Chao, "How is the
Crown Prince?" "The Crown Prince is not yet born,"
was the reply. "The Crown Prince has already been set up,"
said the Ruler, "but you said, `He is not yet born.' Why?"
In reply Chêng Chao said: "Although the Crown Prince
has been set up, yet Your Highness loves women and never


stops. Supposing any of the beloved gave birth to a son,
Your Highness would love him, too. Should Your Highness
love him, Your Highness would certainly want to proclaim him
heir apparent. Thy servant, therefore, said, "The Crown
Prince is not yet born.' "


With Wang Hsien-shen [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


With Wang [OMITTED] should be added above [OMITTED].


With Wang [OMITTED] means [OMITTED].


With Yü Yüeh [OMITTED] below [OMITTED] is superfluous.


i.e. among concubines, court ladies, etc.


i.e. among subordinate officials, itinerant opportunists, etc.

Annotations of Canon VI:

King Wên financed Fei Chung, made him stay around
Chow, and told him to admonish Chow and disturb his mind.

The King of Ching once sent an envoy to Ch`in. The King
of Ch`in showed him great courtesies. Later, he said: "If
any enemy state has worthies it causes us worries. Now that
the envoy of the King of Ching is very worthy, I am worried
over it." Then the body of officials advised him, saying:
"Win the envoy of the King of Ching to our side with the
worthiness and saintliness of Your Majesty and with the
resources and generosity of our country. Why does Your
Majesty not cultivate deep friendship with him and pretend[45]
to keep him in Your Majesty's service? Then, if Ching
thinks he is rendering service to foreign states, they will
infallibly censure him."

When Chung-ni was governing the Lu State, no one would
pick up things dropped on the road. Over this Duke Ching
of Ch`i worried. Therefore, Li Chü said to Duke Ching:
"To get rid of Chung-ni is as easy as to blow off a hair.
Why does Your Highness not invite him to office with big
emolument and high position and present Duke Ai[46] girl
musicians so as to make him self-conceited and bewilder[47]


his ideas? When Duke Ai is rejoicing in new pleasures, he
will certainly neglect governmental affairs, and Chung-ni
will certainly remonstrate with him. If Chung-ni makes any
remonstrance at all, he will certainly be slighted in Lu."
"Good," said Duke Ching, and then ordered Li Chü to
present girl musicians, twice eight in number, to Duke Ai.
Enjoying their dance and music, Duke Ai actually neglected
governmental affairs. Chung-ni remonstrated with him,
but he would not listen. So Chung-ni left him and went to

The King of Ch`u said to Kan Hsiang: "I want to support
Kan Mu with Ch`u's influence and make him premier of Ch`i
Is this practicable?" "Impracticable," was the reply.
"Why impracticable?" asked the King. In reply Kan Hsiang
said: "Kan Mu when young studied under Master Shih Chü.
Shih Chü, while gate-man of Shang-ts`ai, neither served his
master well nor provided his family well, wherefore he was
known throughout All-under-Heaven to be offensive and
cruel. Nevertheless, Kan Mu served him with obedience.
King Hui is enlightened, Chang Yi is discriminating. Kan
Mu has served them and has been appointed to ten successive
offices but has committed no fault whatever. This shows Kan
Mu's worthiness." Then the King asked, "To find a worthy[48]
for the premiership of the enemy state is not practicable.
Why?" In reply Kan Hsiang said: "Formerly Your Majesty
sent out Shao Hua to Yüeh and in five years could ruin
Yüeh. The reason therefore was that Yüeh was then misgoverned
while Ch`u was well governed. In the past[49] Your


Majesty knew what to do with Yüeh but now forgets what
to do with Ch`in. Is he not very quick to forget things?"
"Well, if so, then what shall we do about it?" asked the
King. "We may as well make Kung Li Premier of Ch`in."
"Why is it practicable to make Kung Li Premier?" asked
the King. "Kung Li in his youth," replied Hsiang, "was
loved and favoured, and grew up to be a noble and an official.
Wearing beautiful clothes embroidered with precious stones,[50]
holding fragrant grass[51] in his mouth and keeping jade armlets
around his hands, he attends to his public duties at the court.
Furthermore, he thinks he can gain by a misgovernment of

Wu was invading Ching. Tzŭ-hsü then sent men out to
spread rumours in Ching that if Tzŭ-ch`i, were taken into
service by Ching, Wu would attack Ching, but if Tzŭ-ch`ang
were taken into service, she would leave them free. When
the Chings heard about these words, they took Tzŭ-ch`ang
into service and dismissed Tzŭ-ch`i from his office. The
Wus then fell upon them and triumphed over them.

Duke Hsien of Chin wanted to invade Yü and Kuo and
therefore made a present of the team of the Chü breed, the
jade of Ch`ui-chi, and girl musicians, twice eight in number,
in order thereby to bewilder[52] the ideas of their rulers and
disturb their governmental affairs.

When Shu Hsiang was slandering Ch`ang Hung, he falsified
a letter from Ch`ang Hung in which the latter said to
him: "Will you please on my behalf speak to the Ruler
of Chin that it is now time to carry out the agreement I made


with His Highness and ask him why he has not promptly
sent troops here?" Then he pretended to drop the letter at
the court of the Ruler of Chou and left immediately.[53] The
Ruler of Chou, regarding Ch`ang Hung as a betrayer of
Chou, censured him and put him to death.

When Duke Huan of Chêng was about to raid K`uai,
he asked about the able men, worthy ministers, eloquent,
intelligent scholars, and daring, gallant warriors, recorded[54] all
their names, selected the good fields of K`uai as bribes to
them, and wrote down the posts and ranks reserved for
them. He then constructed an altar compound outside the
city-walls, buried the written documents there, and smeared
the sacrificial vessels with the blood of chickens and piglings as
though there they had taken an oath together. The Ruler of
K`uai, regarding this as a civil disturbance, killed all his worthy
subjects. Meanwhile, Duke Huan raided K`uai all of a sudden
and took it.

A[55] certain clown at the Court of Ch`in was on good terms
with the King of Ching. Besides[56] he was secretly on good
terms with the attendants of the King of Ching and at home
was highly trusted by the Ruler Hui-wên. Whenever Ching
had any stratagem, the clown would hear about it before
anybody else did and reported it to the Ruler Hui-wên.

Hsiang Tzŭ, Magistrate of Yeh, was secretly on good terms
with the attendants of the King of Chao. Whenever the King
of Chao schemed to raid Yeh, Hsiang Tzŭ always heard about
it and forewarned the King of Wey. As the King of Wey


always took precautions against any sudden attack, Chao had
to stop[57] her expedition every time.

At the time of Duke Ssŭ[58] of Wei, detectives by his side
were ordered to watch the prefect. Once the prefect opened
up his mattress and found the mat seriously torn. That day,
when Duke Ssŭ went home, he ordered men to give the
prefect a new mat and said: "His Highness has heard you
just opened your mattress and found the mat seriously torn.
So he is bestowing upon you this new mat." Greatly
astonished thereby, the prefect thought the Duke was


With Wang Hsien-shen [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED] which means [OMITTED].


With Wang Duke Ai was Han Fei Tzŭ's mistake for Duke Ting.


With Wang Wei [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


With Wang [OMITTED] above [OMITTED] is superfluous.


With Kao Hêng [OMITTED] means [OMITTED].


With Yü Yüeh [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


It must have been something like a cigar.


With Wang Hsien-shen [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


With Wang [OMITTED] below [OMITTED] is superfluous.


With Yü Yüeh [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


With Wang Hsien-shen there should not be [OMITTED] at the head of this passage.


With Wang [OMITTED] reads [OMITTED].


With Wang Nien-sun [OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].


[OMITTED] should be [OMITTED].
