University of Virginia Library


Professor Buckmaster.

In Obstetrics instruction is given by lectures, and the mechanical principles
involved in the study are explained by the use of suitable preparations
and models. The systematic use of the manikin with the fœtus has made it
possible for the student to obtain a knowledge of obstetric manipulation
which he can acquire in no other way. Routine work with the manikin
is obligatory. The class is divided into sections of eight members, and each
student becomes practically familiar with the diagnosis and treatment of
normal and abnormal labor. The number of cases applying to the dispensary
for treatment at their homes during labor is steadily increasing.

Text-Book.—Outlines of Obstetrics, by Charles Jewett (W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia).
For Reference: The American Text-Book of Obstetrics for Practitioners and Students
(W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia).